Author Topic: Read my story and help me  (Read 2285 times)


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First of all , i am sorry , my english is really bad (my 3rd language) , so , this is my story :
I am not really fat
  I am 16 , and i am going to be 17 on the 2nd of JULY  (2-JULY) , it means 2 months left , so last summer i joined this forum , and i did read alot , and it helped me to talk with my parents , so first of all Thank you.
   My parents understood me , so we went to a surgeon and he asked for hormones test and ultrasound on both breasts  and yes he told us that i had gynecomastia and my hormones are fine , nothing wrong with them , and he said he will remove the gland only , he did not mention anything about liposuction , he told us the price and my father was ok .
   But the problem is my father doesn't trust surgeons at all , he says that the easiest thing for a surgeon to do a surgery andcut your body , he won't tell you the answer even if there is another solution :(.
  So my father , just to be sure , wanted to go to another surgeon , The 2nd one told him , that if i go to gym and play for a while the fat will go away , i told him it's only a gland , he told me no it is a gland with fat , and if i play gym i will be able to reduce it , i really hated this one , he seemed ignorant , he even told me dude it's so small , i did not even notice , he is against the idea before even checking the tests and checking me , and he told us that he can do it , he will remove fat and gland . So my father did really hold on with the gym thing , but i told him that i've been playing sport for 4 years and he knows that , he makes me crazy.
   Then my father went to a friend also , that told him there is not fat you just need to remove the gland, but e also told him to make me play gym for 1 month to make my chest flatter and see if that works to make it less visible and avoid surgery .
   These people made me crazy and i don't understand anything , HELP ME.

SO my question :

1- do all The surgeries need gland removal and liposuction ? can it be gland removal only ? if it is gland removal will it come back ?

2-Can it be a gland and fat , even if i am skinny ? Can it be a gland only ?

3-Will the Gym do anything ? it will only make muscles bigger and burn fat only right ?

Do you need me to upload photos for you , or a picture of the ultrasound ?

Offline xelnaga13

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SO my question :

1- do all The surgeries need gland removal and liposuction ? can it be gland removal only ?
In my opinion *not a doctor*-

if it is gland removal will it come back ?

It can be either gland or gland and lipo. It can always come back. I just had my 2nd surgery because my first one at age 14 came back. However, its unlikely yours will come back if your hormones are stable. Additionally, you will most likely notice pain/itchiness if its regrowing and then you can get your butt to an endo and stop any progress.

2-Can it be a gland and fat , even if i am skinny ? Can it be a gland only ?

Thats really up to the surgeon. Typically if your very thin they will only removed the gland. Some guys develop a gland and additional fat even if they have low bf. In that case its usually good to get lipo... because no matter how much fat you lose breast fat can be the most difficult to get rid of.

3-Will the Gym do anything ? it will only make muscles bigger and burn fat only right ?

The gym is great for many reasons. Lifting weights will increase your muscle size, which may actually make your gyno appear more pronounced.

I would try to get your dad to understand that the gym is not a solution to your gyno. Any experienced surgeon will explain this to your father. Don't let anyone tell you your condition is minimal or nothing to worry about. If its effecting your confidence it's not minimal.

I would suggest writing a letter to your father and really spell out how this condition is effecting your life. Be specific about the situations you find uncomfortable. He may not fully appreciate how difficult gyno can make a young mans life... Specially if he doesn't have it.


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Thank you alo man , for taking a time to read and answer my question , i appreciate it alot

so it may be a gland only and the surgery may be gland removal only , it is possible .
I mean do alot of people do gland removal only ? is it rare ?

About my father , my father knows how i feel , i told him befor , he is just worried like hell

Offline nomore-jiggles

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get the surgery bro.  If a doctor told you it is gynecomastia then it is gynecomastia. the other doctor probably doesnt understand it fully so gave your dad some ill advice.  you know what it is, and it ain't going away on it's own.  there are guys who have gone through boot camp in the US marines to try to get rid of it and it didn't work. Sounds like your dad just doesn't want to spend the money.

On the other hand.  You are only 17.  And I have seen, with my own eyes over the years, kids that had it in their early teens but were lucky enough to have it miraculously vanish in their late teens. It's crazy I know, but it has happened. Look, I first noticed mine when I was 15-16. It never went away. I waited almost 20 years to get it done.  I wouldn't advise waiting that long. Get it done so you can move on with your life. It was on my mind everyday until finally I couldn't take it anymore it had to be done. Good luck.


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NO it is not about money , because , i have the money of the surgery , it's just that my dad don't like surgeries , but he got to accept that it is the only solution .

so if i anyone knows an answer to my question please tell me : do alot of people do gland removal only ? is it rare ?

Offline puffynipsman

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so if i anyone knows an answer to my question please tell me : do alot of people do gland removal only ? is it rare ?

Most surgeons on this board will recommend a combination of gland removal and liposuction, even if the patient does not have very much fat on his chest. I had surgery for puffy nipples a week ago and, even though my chest was virtually fat free, my surgeon chose to do some liposuction. Why? Because if he removed the gland only, I wouldn't be left with a smooth contour of the chest--I would likely have indentations under my nipples from where the gland was removed. Doing liposuction as well keeps your chest contour smooth and even.

My advice is to find a surgeon who has performed many gynecomastia surgeries before and has an understanding of what is necessary to give you the look you want. If a surgeon wants to only perform lipo or gland removal, but not both, I would keep looking until you find someone who wants to do both.

Offline headheldhigh01

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your english is fine, welcome to the site. 

the second doctor is not competent.  all gyne is gland with different densities of fat content.  exercise will do nothing, women exercise all the time and their breasts do not change.  ignore the second doctor. 

you want excision, since you will not be happy with the results of lipo only.  as people have said, though, a little lipo for countouring - not as the primary tool - can help too.  but sometimes it's possible to contour the area even without lipo. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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