Author Topic: Re: Surgery with Levick 21.11 pre and post-op pics !  (Read 8455 times)

Offline farao_101

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Got these from before and after from Levick on mail !

Offline Pez2

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Insightful updates and pictures, hope recovery is going well. You're very brave travelling from Norway.
Gyno free :)

Offline darkstar

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Right before i went to bed i felt like it was a little bit of fluid under my right nipple, and freaked out pretty bad. I tightened up the garments even more, took some painkillers and tried to sleep. Sure hope i didn't overreached with that fucking long journey :/

Great writeup farao, congrats on going through with it. Just to ease your mind, A day or two into my recovery I was lying trying to get to sleep and I was sure things were moving about under the bandages. I was worried I'd stretched too far earlier etc, but I woke up the next day and felt fine. The liquid moves around for a few days but soon leaves the area.

Interesting to see the bandages have changed (improved) since I had the op 3 months ago. Great that they can be tightened/loosened.

Hope the recovery goes well.

Offline farao_101

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Pez2: Thank you! It was a pretty big step traveling over to country i have never been before! But i think Levick's expertise gonna make it worth it in the end!  ;D

Darkstar: Thank you for your words. Calming to hear. I don't think that anything is moving now! What concerning me, is that i haven't got any swelling, and have had minimal since the surgery. I'm only 4 days post-op. What's your experience on that, will there be more swelling later on?? Think i gonna have another read through your thread :)

Offline darkstar

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How do you know how much swelling you have if you have the bandages on? My LHS was swollen above the bandages, but overall I has very little swelling. In fact, when I first took the bandages off, I was worried my chest was too flat! The best thing you can do it try to forget about it. I know it's difficult to do, but thing will be changing over the next few months. It may swell up later, but for now, be happy that it hasn't! :)

Offline farao_101

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Thanks for fast reply:)
I can feel it, and have peeked under a little bit from above.. Yeah, maybe you are right. I just have to think as little as possible on it!!! ;)

Offline improving

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I agree, i felt some movement in my chest which turned out to be nothing. When I felt like that i'd just go and lie down for a bit and it went.

I think your mind can play tricks on you a bit, best to just think back to your post op picture with the glands removed, and know its all gone and won't be coming back! 8)

Offline Pez2

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I know I'm going to be worrying post op. it's completely natural to be concerned though, after all you have just had a pretty major body transformation and you're anxious of its progress. I think one flaw with levicks technique is the fact you can't see your chest for a week after the op, Or is it a flaw? Perhaps Out of sight, out of mind is a good thing. You will feel better after the dressings can be taken off. Then just try to look at your chest once or twice a day and wear your compression garment for the rest of time, recoverys going to a slow but worthwhile process.

Offline farao_101

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You guys are probably right ;) i guess i gonna find out on Wednesday anyway:P

Offline farao_101

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Day 3 post-op:

Woke up 5 am with stomach problems... My bowels were so tight and hard. Hadn't pooped since Tuesday night, and i think its the painkillers that can do that.... My stomach felt so full, and i had no appetite.. I had decided the night before that i would buy something laxative to get rid of the problem....
The pharmacy didn't open before 9, so i took some painkillers and went to sleep again.

Then woke up 11.30, after almost 11 hours sleep( have no trouble sleeping at my back) ;D sent my girlfriend to the pharmacy, and she came back with a some pills working after 12 hours, and something like a serum you inject in your rectum, :-X the serum should be working from 5-15 minutes. Tried both, and went to the toilet around 5 minutes later.. Lots of gas, but still not what i hoped for...

The day went on, and i didn't eat much due to my stomach problem. Had pretty much pain. Nothing really on my breast area, but stomach was hurting like hell. Took my painkillers and the antibiotic throughout the day.

At midnight i still hadn't got anything out, and took more of the serum thing! Waited around 10 minutes, and FINALLY it came out!! :D

As for the fluid i felt the day before, i couldn't feel anything more...

Took my painkillers, and fell asleep 1am :)

Offline farao_101

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Day 4 post-op:

With an empty stomach, i woke up 12am . I have been sleeping a lot , and it really feels like the healing speeds up when you're sleeping !
Had a pretty big breakfast, and it was good to get something in my stomach again.
Realized that the tape going over my left shoulder had loosened, and it really wont stick again..At this point, i feel like the shoulder tape isn't doing anything important to compress my chest anyway... Maybe i will take a scissor and just cut it of..
I don't have any bruising that i can see, but obviously still a little sore under the garments. I removed the tape from both incisions, and the left one had healed perfectly. I shaved every hair i had on the upper body before the surgery, also removed everything in the armpits. (thanks to wingman, darkstar and a few others recommending it) so the procedure wasn't painful at all! The nurse told me to just leave the incisions without any patch if it had healed properly, so i left the left one without anything. The right one hadn't healed 100%, so i cleaned it with some pyrisept and put a new patch on it!
My mobility is maybe something like 60 % at this stage,and it's getting better everyday. Have no problem driving f.ex...
My biggest concern at this moment is that I'm getting really restless. I am not used to keep still for so long.... I usually train, at least one time every day, and i missing it sooooo much now. Just have to keep the long goal in sight i guess :-)

I will gladly answer any questions you've got ! so just fire at me if you want to know anything :)

Offline thetodd

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Looks great, very interesting write up and pictures!

Made me laugh hearing about your constipation, it is the painkillers i had a similar experience to you. For anyone reading this who doesnt want to go the chemist, if you have a bar of ivory soap (imperial leather type) it will clear you out just google the process :-X .

Looking forward to seeing the pics when you get the vest off, you look pretty cut so id expect a really impressive result. If your getting really restless you could go for a walk or something, but take it easy you dont want to rush back into the gym.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline farao_101

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constipation!!! That's word i've been looking for! Thank you todd :)

My biggest concern is that the nipples still will be a bit loose, since i had some really puffy ones, and a lot of gland was removed! Just cross my fingers the a shrinking under the garment and the vest! Will get some pictures up on Wednesday morning :o

Offline farao_101

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Ok! so let's skip right to today, day 6 post-op! I removed the compression garments...

After a bit of thinking i found out it was just as good, maybe even better to take the compression garments off today. A lot of the glue from the tape was loose, and i felt like the compression wasn't as good as the i thought the vest would be.(and i was right) ;D It sure was itching like hell too!!!! :-\

It was hell removing the tape, and i really felt like it had become a part of my skin  !!!!
Think i used something like 15 minutes to get everything off. I locked my self in to the bathroom only with my computer. Looked at the garment's in the mirror a minute or so,before i started taking it off. Started around back on my left side, and i was a nightmare! Before this i thought i had a hairless back, but now I'm not so sure anymore ... stopped pulling like 10 times before i got around to the shoulder! Felt like with all a girl with all my stupid grimaces!! :o :o :o

Got around the shoulder and new it wasn't long before i saw my left one! Took a 20 sec break, and continued too i could see my whole left breast, but nothing of the right. Stopped like a minute and stared at it.

I most honestly say i have glimpsed down the garments and looked at the left nipple one time already. So I new kind of what to expect. But a half a second glimpse from above is different than examine it from all kinds of angles... It was as i expected... Couldn't possible believe that all that leftover skin at the areola had shrunken so much in a week. It was still puffy, but much better than i were. The middle of it was a bit inverted, but i was something like 90 % satisfied with what i saw. Not concerned at all, only being 6 days post-op. The changes in only 6 days are quite amazing actually  :D

Removed the rest of the bandages revealing my entire chest. Didn't care to the rest around the shoulder for a couple of minutes. Started examine the right one, and found it very much alike the left. I would say the right one's a bit puffier. I find that a bit odd, since i always thought the left one was bigger pre-op.

Anyway. It's time for the vest to do it's part in this journey now! And i am confident it will live up to my expectation ;)

As bruising and swelling ; Minimal to nothing. I don't think its much swelling either. The chest is obviously sore.I don't have any feeling in the nipples as expected:)

It's Earlie yet, but i think Levick have done a amazing job!
The only thing keeping the results from being perfect after JUST 6 days, is what from will from now on call "the puffy nipple curse!!" Lets cross our fingers i got some elastic skin ready to shrink  ;D ;D

Some of you know that i'm pretty fond of the pictures. I think:

A picture says more than thousand words 8) 8)

Offline sjwsjw

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