Author Topic: Planning My Surgery with Ostrowska-Clark  (Read 25493 times)

Offline wezzer

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I rmbr seeing pics of Jake's compression wrap, it seemed quite bulky. Would they not let you use the Macom vest as soon as you got back to the hotel or is the vest just not tight enough to wear straight away?

Offline zack42

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The wrap from the clinic is quite bulky - I think you could substitute for the Macom vest as soon as you get back to the hotel if you wanted but it might be worth checking with Katarzyna.

I just bought a shirt & zip-up top a size too big for me from a charity shop to wear during the first 10 days!

Offline Poland2012

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You can get pretty much get away with it in a dark polo. It won't really matter in Szcezin as you'll have several layers on. The only possible problem with the macom is that it may be difficult to dress the wound properly as it requires a fair bit of gauze. Kataryzna should be able to tell you.

Offline DamienUK

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Thanks Guys!

I have got a compression vest already but I will be using that they will provide for me for maximum recovery. As each day pass, I am really looking forward to my surgery. I am going to take a bit of cash with me for shopping etc. can I spend British pound in Poland? Or is it worth me getting my currency exchanged before I go?


Offline zack42

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No you can't spend GBP.  You need to get some Polish zlotys before you go.  I took £150 worth and had some money left over.

Once you get your date confirmed it all becomes very real!

Offline DamienUK

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No you can't spend GBP.  You need to get some Polish zlotys before you go.  I took £150 worth and had some money left over.

Once you get your date confirmed it all becomes very real!

Nice one, thanks Zack! Will be popping to Thomas Cook shortly.

Offline Poland2012

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I've just got back from lunch and I'd add a good pair of boots to your list. The snow is coming down thick and fast.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 12:47:17 PM by Poland2012 »

Offline DamienUK

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WOW! REALLY! Okay Poland will do. Man this is going to be fun. Love snow! Cheers Poland. How long are you staying in Poland for by the way? Seems like you been there forever? LOL!

Offline Poland2012

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Today is my last. 9 days have gone surprisingly quickly.

Offline Poland2012

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I'm waiting for my bus to take me to the airport. I had my last check up and Kataryzna aspirated about 60ml from the left side, showing me how to do so in future. I was given a couple of syringes and told what to ask for at the Chemist if I needed more. Apparently it can take up to 6 weeks for the capillaries to regrow, so I may have to do it periodically. I'll try to update regularly, especially for those about to have their own surgery. All in all, a great experience.

Offline DamienUK

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Sup Poland!

Awesome bro! Hope you have a nice flight back home. Kataryzna suggested you might have to drain yourself once more? Then again, it’s actually only nine days so you will be bruising a lot. Can I ask, when you drain, do you drain out water or a mixture of water and blood?

All the best mate and let us know how you getting on.


Offline wezzer

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Have a safe trip home mate, Im looking forward to hearing your in-depth report, lol.

Offline wezzer

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Just wanted to let you guys know that I've just paid my deposit and booked my flights!
I'll be having my surgery on the 10th June!

Offline zack42

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Congratulations wezzer - brilliant news and you won't regret it.  The time will fly by but in the meantime good luck with the money saving and just let us know if you have any questions about anything.

Poland - all flies by quickly doesn't it.  Can't believe I'm nearly 7 weeks post op - it only feels like yesterday that I was in Szczecin.  Keep us updated with your progress - this Europe section seems to have got busier lately and it would be good to know how you get on with your recovery now.

Offline wezzer

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Congratulations wezzer - brilliant news and you won't regret it.  The time will fly by but in the meantime good luck with the money saving and just let us know if you have any questions about anything.

Poland - all flies by quickly doesn't it.  Can't believe I'm nearly 7 weeks post op - it only feels like yesterday that I was in Szczecin.  Keep us updated with your progress - this Europe section seems to have got busier lately and it would be good to know how you get on with your recovery now.

Thankyou man!


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