Author Topic: Surgery finished  (Read 2332 times)

Offline M233V

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I started developing Gyno when I was 11, gained a lot of weight, and lost it when I was 14. Gyno was one of the things, beside stretch marks, that reminded me of my overweight period. The puffy nipples were obstructive and annoying, and did not allow me to wear thin shirts. A compressive garment was a great solution at first, but was too hot in warm weather. After toning up and losing some more weight, my doctor adviced me to have surgery, since my gyno was present for over 4 years and did not look like it would go away on its own.

I had the surgery 4 days ago and I haven´t experienced severe pains or discomfort. The compressive garment I must wear is very tight, but according to my surgeon, I only have to wear it for 2 weeks.

The surgery was gland excision only, no lipo. The bruising is minimal, and only on my right side. The left side still looks a bit bigger than the right side, but that might be swelling, I´m sure that the final result can not be worse than the way my chest looked pre-op. The only thing that's worse than my expectations, is the scarring on my nipples, which doesn't look very pleasant.

I encourage everyone who suffers from gynecomastia, even if you are still 15 or 16, as I am, to have surgery, if it blocks you from living your life as you want to.

Offline gemidude

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congratulations on the surgery!

Offline M233V

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Thanks. I'm now 3 weeks post op and I'm not experiencing any pain at all. I still wear the compressive garment and avoid intense exercise. The results are good, but not perfect. My nipples aren't dome shaped and puffy as before, but there is still something behind the nipple I think, because my chest is not entirely flat. Both nipples are a bit puffy end especially my left side is a swollen. It doesn't look great in some shirts, but with my shirt off it looks better, surprisingly. I am joining a gym next month and I will start a good cardio program soon, since my bodyfat is still about 18% or so, it will look much better when its about 10%. I will keep you updated about my progression and a possible revision.

The good thing is, I feel much more confident. I have better posture and I don't experience any shaking of my "moobs", which I sometimes had before. Really, i have no moobs anymore , if someone says I do, he is just ignorant ;D. I'm turning 16 soon, and I'm sure I can finally get some girls ;)

Offline M233V

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1 month post op now. I do not have to wear a compressive garment anymore, but it still feels better wearing one. My chest is still sensitive, and hurts at intense contact. The results are good, but not perfect. My right nipple is still very good looking, with slight puffyness. The left nipple looks really weird. The lower half, where the incision was made, looks normal, but the upper half is puffy. This still makes my chest look a bit feminine, which I obviously don't want. I took a short jog, and it was great, exercising is not a problem. I'll probably hit the gym in a few weeks!

Offline McGilli

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Hopefully everything settles down after a while and you get the results you want.

I know if you post pictures, sometimes a surgeon who frequents this site might offer an opinion or guidance if you have any concerns.

Good luck!

Offline M233V

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Thanks for the advice!I might do that. I'm almost six weeks post op and I have absolutely no regrets of having surgery. The left side is still significantly bigger, but it's just so much better than pre op. I'm still a bit scared by some stories about residual glands, or scar tissues. I'm happy with the results as they are now.


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