Author Topic: Just finished Surgery with Dr. Fielding  (Read 3655 times)

Offline PW22

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This is my first time posting here, I just wanted to introduce myself and go through a bit of my experiece...

Anyways, i've had a problem with gyne since I was a kid, I was always very large and assumed it was just due to fat. Last year I decided to change my life for the better and dropped 110 pounds and hit 10% Body Fat, although at the end I still had a severely large chest, as well as loose skin around the abdomen.

I consulted with fielding and arranged for gyne surgery, as well as a mini abdominoplasty (both at the same time, to avoid longer recovery). He stated in my case the gland was rather severe, as well I also had some loose skin due to loss of fat on the gyne affected areas, so alot of problems overall to run into.

I had my surgery on the 1st, and everything went well (everyone was extremely friendly and reassuring), however I needed to stay the night due to low blood pressure. I was lucky and managed to catch Dr. Fielding walk by as I was recovering, and he said everything went quite well and that he had to remove a large amount of gland (I didn't get an exact amount). Other then that there isn't much pain, and I haven't had any leakage or fluid buildup (that I can see at least...)

Right now i'm just praying that everything will meet my expectations once the swelling goes down (i'll have high ones, I just hope i'm not expecting too much). I'm also slightly worried that I can't take off the wrap to see if there is any healing problems, however my post-op appointment is on tuesday to get the wrap removed, so I should see then.

I'll update my post with before pictures as well as after pictures once i'm healed  ;D

Offline Billy9994

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Hey PW22 !

Congrats on the surgery ! I actually had the surgery on the same day as you with Dr. Fielding so we must be at the same stage in our healing process.  I wasn't able to speak with Dr. Fielding post op to see how things went but I do have an appointment next Tuesday as I assume you also do, to take off the foam pads.  

You should just relax and let the healing take its course.  You are likely healing as predicted as long as you are not in pain, do not have a fever (i.e., infection) and so on.   I peaked underneath the tenson bandages (not the foam) and I have a MASSIVE purple bruise in the middle of my chest but I am sure it is quite normal to have this kind of bruising.  And of course the bandages and foam are quite itchy which is slightly annoying.

Anyway best advice is to relax and let things happen naturally.


Offline Billy9994

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Hey ! I just realized that you had answered my post on the other thread ! Thank you ! Ya my surgery was in the morning, first one up!  I don't think my condition was severe although no one has actually qualified it.   I normally take a natural multivitamin anyway so I have continued to do so and to eat healthy.   Did you mean to say "post-op" when you asked about the vest because you said "pre-op".  I will see what he says but most people out there recommend at least a tensor bandage for a couple more weeks if not the vest.


Offline PW22

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Did you mean to say "post-op" when you asked about the vest because you said "pre-op".  I will see what he says but most people out there recommend at least a tensor bandage for a couple more weeks if not the vest.


Oops, yep, I meant post-op. I guess I'll bug him again about what to wear afterwards on tuesday, i'd rather wear a compression vest then have something settle incorrectly.

Offline Billy9994

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Good idea ! I'm going to ask him about it also.  He must get subjected to our neuroses all the time lol he is very patient.  But i also feel he is sometimes too laid back about the whole thing; maybe it's just me being anal  ;D

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I also feel he is sometimes too laid back about the whole thing; maybe it's just me being anal  ;D


The reason Dr. Fielding is so 'laid back' about gyne recovery is because it is (most of the time) a simple process. We 'post-oppers', make a big deal of and often worry about the healing process. We think it's a big issue, however JCF knows better!  ;)

Just relax and let Mother Nature do her thing Dude!

« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 04:34:45 AM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Billy9994

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You are right. We worry and maybe we need to relax about the whole thing.  It just that everytime I go on the discussion boards belonging to the UK or US they all pretty much unanimously are being told by their surgeons to wear a compression vest - some for a whole month ! I'm just unclear about the contradiction in terms of the Canadian stand.

Anyway I am going tomorrow to see Dr. F to have the foam pads removed.  I can't wait, they are heavy and itchy !!!  


Offline toronto

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u know what, i completely agree, everyone gets so worked up, the healing process was very simple, no need for fancy vests...

Offline Allan7865

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I hear ya my Doctor says I dont even need anything Post-OP. But being the stubborn Bastard that I am, Ive taken it on myself to wear a tensor bandage. Seems evreyone on this site has gone vest crazy, which IMO would be very uncomfortable post-op.


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