Author Topic: Gyno Surgery has ruined my sex life.  (Read 20101 times)

Offline Alchemist

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…mentally tormented… hopeless...?  In my opinion, Hammer was offering remedy for mental torment and hopelessness. The offer was not accepted.  So be it.

I'm "mentally tormented" because of the surgical results I have gotten, not because I don't believe in god....

I think Bob could suggest a more specialized organization, one that is about acceptance of your self and of others and doesn't require belief.  Join the AANR and a local nudist club.  Then go play, do all those forbidden things like taking your shirt off among people and swimming who will accept your body and teach by demonstration body acceptance.  You don't have to hide.  You don't have to fear.  You certainly believe something that has you terrified of your own body, before surgery and now after.   Some people are never satisfied by cosmetic surgery. even after 3 or 4 or 5 surgeries.   Whose beliefs are you expressing about your body shame and fear?  Who taught this kind of fear and shame about bodies.  Gynecomastia is had by 50% to 70% of men according to autopsy studies of the mammary gland growth. That makes the majority of men absolutely normal, by definition.  The flat as a pre-pubertal boy chest is rare, about 10% of mature men. That is 75,000,000 to 100,000,000 men in the USA alone than have mammary gland growth  Each year 0.01% to 0.02% of men with gynecomastia have surgery; 1% of the total over a lifetime.  99% don't ever get surgery.  Look all around you.  There they are. Good luck in finding happiness.


Offline George Pope, M.D.

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Guys, perhaps you should carry the religion argument to another forum. 
Regarding your situation with your chest result, you don't mention any discussion with your plastic surgeon about this.  What does he or she think about your result?  You say you don't have the money for correction.  Has your surgeon offered you additional surgery at no charge or reduced fee?  A reputable plastic surgeon will stand behind his work and certainly work with a patient to help achieve a reasonable or good result ("perfect result" should never be in the discussion - no one can guarantee a perfect result).
Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline Paa_Paw

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Grandpa Dan

Offline HairyKnockers

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In the discussion between Hammer and Nutella, I think Hammer finally pushed Nutella over the edge.   Quoting Nutella, “You're a Christian, be proud of that. I am an Atheist and will never be shook from my particular faith.”  Does this not strike anyone else as amusing?  Isn’t being an atheist the definition of not having faith?  How can you be “shook” from something that by your definition does not exist?  I find Nutella’s use of the word "faith" as interesting regarding his lack thereof.

In case anyone is upset with religious discussion, this was not a religious comment it is a comment on logic.


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What's really funny is this original thread was all started back in 2013! It's kinda funny how it has been reborn again, but I have faith that it will carry on!  No pun intended!

Offline Athena12@

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I agree with Dr. Pope.  No surgery is every s a sure thing but a reputable doctor will make good his/her mistakes.  If not that is what lawyers are for.  But just complaining about your situation is fruitless and stupid.  Stand up and do something.
If you got them flaunt them.  We all wear bras so wear what you like and to hell with the rest.

Offline Alchemist

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Onto spiritual alchemy.  In Hindu things Shiva, comes in 2 forms, the male manifestation and the Alchemist manifestation.  Shiva, after doing Alchemical Union has gained female breasts on the otherwise male body in the union of male and female parts of the soul or in his case Shiva and Shakti doing alchemical union.  More ordinary spiritual alchemists are also represented as a male with well grown breasts.  I prefer to hang with the nudists who have all kinds of beliefs and bodies and non of them matter.


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