Author Topic: Surgery with Levick 7th May 14 (2 week photos added)  (Read 10747 times)

Offline troubleddoc

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Ppl please help me out .I m 23 m n professional cricketer. I m worried bout recovery. How much tym I can start my sport being 100% like.does surgery affect muscle???lastly wats levicks approach as in incision around nipple??
Operated by Dr hari Menon on 16 June 2014☺☺☺😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

Offline Donut

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troubleddoc - no doesn't affect muscle. Levick work from one small 10mm incision in each arm pit, so small doesn't even need a stitch! He will advise you on recovery time, but from my own experience I was back to normal lifting and shifting stuff with my work in I guess 10 weeks. I'm now 4.5 months post-op and don't feel any problems stretching or anything.

Consultation with Mr Levick is free, and he's widely acknowledged as the best and most experienced at this procedure in the UK - so go see him, he's the nicest guy you'll ever meet, zero pressure to go ahead with surgery (he doesn't need to beg for work!) so you've nothing to lose!

Just google Paul Levick - and get the ball rolling!

Offline Swils29

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I agree with donut, book a consultation with levick and he will explain it all with no pressure put on you.

I asked how long before I could get back to golf and he said I may be able to ease back into it after 3-4 weeks depending on my swing.  If it was a really long swing then be careful, but if I'm not over stretching then may be ok. I'm 3 weeks today, and will probably wait until next week as things still a little tender.

I guess cricket is a little different in that bowling and fielding require a good stretch of the chest area in what is quite a violent motion. You would probably be looking at 6 weeks plus I think, this seems to be the time frame quoted by numerous surgeons to resume normal activities.

There is a good article by doctor Dr. Silverman which I posted earlier in this thread on getting back into the gym. Have a read of that if you can!

Alternatively you could wait until the off season, and get done in time for Xmas? I thought about that and the golf season, but decided a few weeks off playing, but having the chance to enjoy summer was worth it!!!!

Offline Swils29

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I'm 5 weeks post op tomorrow. Can't believe how quickly time has gone. Still wearing design Veronique vest all day, switching to Macom compression tube on a night whilst that's drying. Tomorrow marks 4 weeks of wearing it, and will reduce to wearing day or night only after that.

I haven't been to the gym yet (Thursday is gonna be my first session) but I have played golf a few days back and managed ok!

I will get some photos uploaded over the next few days. Will be interesting to compare to previous photos I've put up! But to sum up I feel excellent, been fantastic going out in tshirts/tops I would never have worn before. 

When I put as above head I can see loads of lumps and bumps around the area where everything was removed. Guessing this is all normal.  Is now the time to start massaging (haven't done any yet)?

Hope everyone else's recovery is going well, and good luck to those about to go through it!


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