Author Topic: Puffy nipples one month after gyno surgery  (Read 1886 times)

Offline Zdew

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I'm a 22 year old male, and I'd been saving up money for a long time in order to get the operation. I found a plastic surgeon who seemed to be fairly well respected, so I went with him and had the operation done a month ago. I'm a slim / in shape guy, so my gyno was isolated and I figured the surgery seemed easy enough because of this.

He claimed he was going to do both surgery and lipo. I'm pretty sure he did, but the issue is that he took much more gland out of one side compared to the other. My right side looks great, there is still a little swelling possibly, and a little bit of gland left, but I'm perfectly happy with the results. The left side however, there is still a lot of gland left underneath, and as the swelling has gone down, it honestly looks even worse than it did before the surgery. There is no fat left, which I'm happy about, but now my nipple is extremely "puffed" out compared to the rest of my chest since there is still a large amount of gland underneath.

It really annoys the hell out of me, since it cost me a lot of money and time. I'm obviously going to have to get revision surgery, but I can't afford to pay for it again. I'm hoping my surgeon will do it for free, but I'm not sure. Any advice?


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First of all it is far to early to tell yet, what is going on! You may look different just due to more scare tissue on one side.

It is true that he may have taken more tissue out of one side due to the fact you had more on that side! You never have the exact amount on each side, much like one testicle is smaller then the other.

It will take more time before you can even tell if you would need revision surgery, months to totally heal before you would ever be able to go through it again.

Good luck.

Offline Zuffu92

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I am exactly as you are, 1 month post op, my nipples are puffy, my left side is puffier than my right side, just hoping is scar tissue and swelling and hoping time will heal them


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