Author Topic: Workout three weeks post surgery  (Read 2517 times)

Offline Ventrue

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Dear forum members,

I‘d like to present some data regarding myself before posing my question: I‘m a 23-year-old law student, weighing approximately 103 kilograms at a body height of 170 centimeters and a body fat percentage of circa 10 %. I‘ve developed a rather minor case of gynecomastia during my puberty; basically just puffy nipples. I‘ve been using testosterone enanthate in varying dosages (250 mg – 800 mg per week) and other anabolic steroids (mainly non-aromatizing compounds such as masterone propionate/enenathate) for the past two years. However, it‘s interesting to note that even though I didn‘t use any aromatase inhibitor in the past, my gynecomastia hasn‘t worsened at all during that time.

Two weeks ago, I had the tissue removed through periareolar incision by a plastical surgeon here in Germany, who is well recognized in both male and female breast surgery. There was no need to do any liposuction, as my body fat percentage is quite low and my pectoralis muscles are already well shaped and visble (benching approximately 210 kilograms ;) ).

I‘ve only had minor pain during the first 24 hours after the surgery, comparable to the pain experienced after an intensive chest workout. Thus I didn‘t use any pain medications.

Interestingly though, the pain and any other discomfort subsided within 48 hours after the surgery completely (!). This surprised me.

There was no bruising on either side and almost no swelling on my right-hand side and only minor swelling on my left-hand side (however, there was some numbness, which subsided 12 days post surgery).

I‘ve had my 2nd post-surgery appointment 10 days post surgery; my surgeon was very pleased with the results and surprised by how quickly I seemed to heal. He knew about my steroid use and that I‘ve started using 4 IU HGH daily one week prior to the surgery and 0,5 mg Anastrozol every other day to control my estrogen levels (just as a preventive measure, as I didn‘t have any issues with that in the past). He said that my substance use – in particular HGH – might have improved my recovery. He also said that I may resume chest workouts in one week (i. e. three weeks post surgery).

My question is: Given that my case was rather mild and I didn‘t experience any brusing and only minor swelling, is it really safe to resume chest workouts three weeks post surgery? Of course, I‘d still wear the compression garment to avoid any recurrence of swelling.

Thanks in advance!
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 12:07:57 PM by Ventrue »

Offline Ventrue

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Well, I'll just give a brief update:

I've resumed working out my legs with moderate weights 14 days post surgery, my arms 15 days post surgery and my shoulders 16 days post surgery.

Although there wasn't any pain I avoided stressing my pectoralis muscles directly. For the most part I only did isolation exercises (e. g. leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises (seated)/biceps curls and triceps pushdowns and pulldowns (both unilateral)/front, lateral and anterior raises on the cable crossover and shrugs).

The workouts didn't result in any increase in swelling or other complications; I've no idea whether it's due to my young age, the mild case I've had, the use of anabolic medications in conjunction with proper nutrition and supplements (e. g. approx. 400 g of protein ed, 30 g of BCAAs ed, 30 g of Glutamine ed, 10 g of Omega 3 ed, 10 g of creatine ed, 1 g of Alpha Lipoic Acid ed, multivitamins  etc.), but I feel completely healed 2 1/2 weeks post surgery. There is virtually no swelling, no pain or discomfort (even when touched more firmly). Thus I'll resume working out my pectoralis three weeks post surgery and will report back.

Offline Zenxer

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Anabolic steroids are known to increase recovery of tissues very quickly, so I'm sure that's the reason why you've recovered so promptly. Not to mention your diet is on point, and the supplement use.

I'm sure your chest is able to be worked out right now, let alone 3 weeks post-op. But let us know how it goes.

Cheers & congrats on the surgery & quick recovery.
My surgery was done on Oct 20th, 2014 by Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario.

Offline Ventrue

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I just wanted to post another brief update:

Today, exactly 22 days post surgery, I had my first chest workout! Well, I didn't go all out yet, however I didn't experience any problems at all. I could easily bench press with moderate weights (I only went up to 400 lbs this time) and do some flies on the cable crossover. The scar tissue that has build up since surgery has noticeably loosened up.

I didn't notice any increase in swelling post workout; I assume that my minor to non-existent swelling is to be contributed to my low estradiol levels and therefore equally low water retention. Thanks anastrozole. :D

Well, that's about it; apparently my tissues have healed completely. I'm not certain whether the prompt recovery is due to the testosterone, as on the one hand testosterone increases protein synthesis and thus aids the repair of muscle tissue, but on the other hand impairs the synthesis of other connective tissues (the studies regarding this are conflicting). I presume it is to be contributed to the peptides that I've added to my cycle, i. e. Ipamorelin, Mod. GRF 1-29 and BPC157. While Ipamorelin and Mod. GRF 1-29 just stimulate the pituitary gland to release Growth Hormone (and block Somatostatin), BPC157 seems to greatly improve tissue repair of any kind. Now there's only some scar tissue on my left-hand side that has to be dealt with; however, it has already decreased quite a bit by just massaging it with moderate pressure.

Thanks for reading; I'll report back in a few weeks and post some pictures.

Kind regards


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