Author Topic: 17 Year old male needs advice!  (Read 3500 times)

Offline Smokey

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Hi all,
Recently discovered that I had Gynecomastia as I have always thought it was just normal body fat that I could burn off by exercise etc.  Taking my shirt off before swimming or on the beach is a great ordeal.  I have been going to the gym 3/4 times a week for nearly 1 year now. Nothing has changed except I have a defined chest area with a mound of fat just hanging off my chest muscles.  I feel asif I have wasted a whole year as my confidence continues to eradicate.  I'm not keen on surgery as I prefer to sort out personal problems by myself.  There seems no other option but to have surgery, but I'm not sure how to go about it.  

Do the NHS offer this surgery or do I have to go private and pay an extortionate amount of money just to have the flat chest I've always wanted?  Or even better is there a way I can get rid of these man boobs by doing a specific excercise that will burn this fat away?

Sorry for being a drama queen, but I hope that some of you can understand, having bigger breasts  than most of the girls you meet certainly has an adverse affect on your morale.


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Best advice is to read previous threads on this forum, all of what you ask has been covered to death if you look.

NHS may do it, it really depends on the severity of the case, although i doubt they would do you at 17 as they would say it may still go away on its own yet.

I wouldnt say its extortionate amount to go private.  It all depends on how much you value your happiness.  It is expensive yes but for me personally it was more than worth it.  To others they would rather live with the gyne than pay that much.  Each to their own i guess

Proper gyne is not fat so it wont burn away. It is glandular tissue
Surgery performed by Mr Paul Levick, 17/02/05. I am here to help.

Offline irish_dude

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Sorry for being a drama queen, but I hope that some of you can understand, having bigger breasts  than most of the girls you meet certainly has an adverse affect on your morale. Thanks.
We've all been there mate, so don't worry, you're not alone.

However, if I were you, I wouldn't even consider any form of lipo or tissue extraction this side of 21. Your body is still growing and finding it's eventual 'shape'.

I'd suspect that if you had a gyne procedure done now that your chest might go 'concave' and/or your nipples might grow into a weird shape.

I know it's hard dude, but wait 'till 21. I was 35 when I got the op done. All those lost years really sadden me, but at least you'll have the option of doing something about it far earlier than most here have had.

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I agree, I went to see an Endicronologist when I was about 15/16 and was told that although they could refer me to a PS that "it" could go away by the time I was 22/23....

So although waiting a few years is going to be hard, it might be worth waiting to see what happens !

Offline bedders

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im 20 going on 21. Im telling you now, get rid of it at the age of 19. If/when you go to uni/start going out properly your not gonna want to be having man boobs when your looking to get layed. Ive got a consultation in 2 weeks, will be looking to get them done soon after. I'm at uni at the moment and really wish I didnt have them, it can be really awkward. I just think 22/23 is a little old when the best age is 19-23.

Offline Smokey

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Thanks for all the comments.   :)

I did read somewhere that it may go once I've finished puberty.  Unfortunately I'm an impatient bastid, and I personally don't fancy waiting 2 years for it to possibly go.  I guess I'll just have to stick it out, luckily I do have the advantage of being on the way to 'built like a brick sh1thouse', so I generally don't get that much 'sh1t' from others.  Just the occasional weird looks in the swimming pool etc.

Are there any drinks/foods I should try to avoid? I'm sure what we eat can cause the tissue there...  ???

Thanks again for your suppport and comments, been most helpful.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2005, 07:40:07 AM by Smokey »


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