Author Topic: DR CLARK - revision enquiry  (Read 11731 times)

Offline CJC85

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Hi guys, some of you may remember I made a long thread about my gyno surgery in Poland with Dr Clark. I went into good detail and was pleased with the results. 18 months later my gyno has returned, it's like a long tail, starting In the middle of my pec running to my nipple and then curving up the side of my pec.

I have sent numerous emails to dr Clark/Jeremy asking for revision as at the time she said this would be free of charge, you just pay travel...surprise surprise Iv had not one reply in 3 months.

However I see they are still pretty active taking new clients. So to anyone looking to get surgery just beware if it returns don't expect them to care
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 02:42:05 PM by CJC85 »

Offline jeremyclarkmel

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Dear CJS,

We are sorry to hear that you have tried to contact us concerning return of gynecomastia. While this is a very rare event (around one in 200 patients) it is of course possible that gynecomastia can return with hormonal imbalance (or with steroid use) - even after the whole gland has been removed (which is the only type of operation done by us). With the very few patients who have returned we have either charged nothing at all, or half price to cover some costs, depending on individual circumstances (note a full charge is possible if steroids have been used after the operation).
   The inability to contact us is, however, a different matter. I have investigated previous email addresses and found that you sent to one of these (plus to mylooks - which also used the same old email address, but the correct telephone number). Please only use the email address that we contacted you with over the previous year of contact before your operation - this begins with my name (!) and is found on both of our websites, or telephone the Consultant Surgeon. We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,



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There you have it! I've read nothing but good here about Dr. Clark so now it's up to you to make your next move.

Good luck in finding happiness, but if infact you are or have done anything that does contribute to the cause of gynecomastia, then you have no one to blame but yourself!

Offline CJC85

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Ok I have indeed received a email from Jeremy Clark. I Have not used any steroids whatsoever, the only medication I have used is fluoxetine (Prozac) I have sent Jeremy pictures of my chest and will await his reply.

I have also Sent pictures to Dr Levick in the UK who said my chest is less than satisfactory, I will see if Jeremy offers a free revision surgery as I will already have to pay again for travel and hotel etc. if not I will pay to have  Dr levick re do my chest in the uk

Offline Big ste

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How did you get on

Offline Ty25

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Dr clarke was fantastic for me. Amazing job. Perfectionist with her work and would recommend everyone to go there.
Everybody is different and recovery is different t from person to person. I'm sorry to hear about your surgery and the return of your gyne.  I'm sure they can help you get it fixed.

Offline CJC85

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Dr levick said Dr Clarkes work was sound, and I pressed by lack of scars. Said  the re growth is simply bad luck and can happen every now and then. It's not behind the nipple like before but more to the edge of the chest but still causes that hanging boob like appearance :(  Jeremy has offered me half price surgery, I'm awaiting my work schedule for the upcoming weeks and will then book a date in March with Jeremy. Can't believe iv Gta go through it again tbh

Offline CJC85

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All booked, back to Poland on 1st March, surgery on 2nd. Not dreading the op at all, as long as its all as smooth as last time.  just the boredom of recovery is what I'm dreading. But anyway, Hopefully Dr Clark will once again get my chest sorted and nothing will return. All I'll add is if ur GP ever offers you various medications, make sure you check if they can stimulate gland regrowth. Will be staying away from any medication In future unless it's totally necessary.

Offline CJC85

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Right guys, I fly out to Poland on Sunday  to have my revision surgery with Dr Clarke on Monday. It been before so know what to expect! I will log it and take pictures etc to try and help fellow sufferers.

Slightly apprehensive as my gyno is weird now, is like lots of little bits of gland dotted around my chest buried in the fat,  it also swells up and down on a day to day basis, hopefully Dr Clarke will get me back to flat and lean.

By time I arrive at atrium hotel itl be midnight and next day will be surgery day so il will update, Tuesday from my hotel room with travel, surgery etc experiences.

Wish me luck part 2!

Offline CJC85

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Flew last night, arrived at at atrium at midnight.

Today had bloods done, waiting for Tomek to pick me up on an hour for ultrasound and then surgery.

Iv lucked out again cos met a bloke here my age, proper sound. Bin into town this morn to waste some time and looks like wont have to be bored for rest of the week.

I'll update in detail timoz afternoon post surgery. As we're going to the new facility.

Hopefully some people still interested in the details.
Phhysced to see Dr Clarke again. Want my gyno free pecs back

Offline CJC85

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Ok. Here's an update on my never ending gyno woes.
On the Monday went for an ultrasound, the nurse said she couldn't find any gland, I tried to show her it by moving it around in my fingers but she just shrugged. Therefore Dr Clark didn't perform a full gyno revision, just lipo. I was devastated inside. I know for a fact that there's gland there. She just done lipo. On the last day of being checked she gave me a ken along injection as I begged her that this huge lump needed removed.
It's now 7 weeks on and my gyno is just as bad. Those familiar pyramid pointy breasts pointing towards the ground. Iv played with my chest so much that I know where gland is, it's deep on the surface of the muscle causing it to pert rude. I'm really depressed over this. Iv cancelled my family holiday in August they are going without me. I can't bare to look at my chest anymore.
I will now save and find another surgeon for a proper 2nd gyno surgery. I read that Dr bermont said ultrasound doesn't always show up if the person isn't skilled, unfortunately on a foreign country it's hard to argue your case.

Anyway best of luck to everyone else


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I can't recall if you have posted any pictures, but from the things that I have read you may want to seek help from another type of doctor, and I'm writing this with no disrespect, but with much concern!

Offline CJC85

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I can't recall if you have posted any pictures, but from the things that I have read you may want to seek help from another type of doctor, and I'm writing this with no disrespect, but with much concern!

« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 04:27:50 PM by CJC85 »


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Now that you have posted those pictures I see that you have a LOT to be unhappy about! I wish that I had some good advice to give you at this time, but I dont!

I hope that one of our fine doctors may have some good advice to give you on what can be done to correct this mess that you are left with!

God bless and I wish you the best!

Offline CJC85

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Thanks bob. As you can see I wasn't over reacting, it's quite the mess! The lipo only revision was a pointless waste of money, time off work and travelling!
There is tissue above the nipple, below the nipple but not directly beneath which makes the crater even worse!
Honestly not sure what the best plan of action is anymore @dr.elliot.jacobs


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