Author Topic: DR CLARK - revision enquiry  (Read 11732 times)

Offline CJC85

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Had a few back and for the with Jeremy Clark who feels my chest looks good.
If anyone wants to PM I can send pics to show the crater, the excess tissue & bad scars.
I'll be starting a new thread over on the USA section when I fly over and try to get my issues inproved,
One piece of advise, never factor cost into your decision for surgery I will be spending around 10k in total once I'm done which totally negates my original reasons for choosing Poland, cheap price!

Choose the best surgeons, take your time read hundreds of reviews as you only get one body

Good lick

Hope it gets fixed bro.
I'm sorry you're having to go through this.
I appreciate your posts on here, definitely helped me choosing a surgeon.
I'm staying away from these guys cause you are not the only one that's had issues.

Thanks mate, it's hard to post on here cos my phone goes weird trying to post on the forum but I would definitely do your research, as I've been there twice I like to think I have a fairly good idea of what I'm talking about and I'm just not Gna lie I'm not impressed, I'm currently talking to a few docs in USA which it looks like is going to set me back 10k and it will by no means be perfect, I actually regrets ever having surgery. But who ever you choose best of luck and i hope their after care is better than some ;)

Offline CJC85

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Update, I sent pics to a guy who was interested off here, he can vouch.
Spoke to dr Massai in New York who done some bodybuilder a with good results however he said he doesn't feel like can 100% change my now I'm torn between Dr Delgado although not sure I can afford it or de lebowitz whose videos on YouTube look good but I've never seen an after just the actual before and surgery.


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