Author Topic: DR CLARK - revision enquiry  (Read 11737 times)


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Yes, I hate to say this but even having the large breast that I have, I feel better having them, then you must feel about what you were left with after a surgery to get rid of breast enlargement.

I hope something can be done.
I'm sorry!

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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These photos are difficult to evaluate because you appear to be hunched over and flexing -- which could distort even a normal chest.

It would be best to show us photos (taken by another person) of your chest straight on with arms at your sides and then with your arms elevated over your head.  Perhaps then we could get a better idea of your problem.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline CJC85

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These photos are difficult to evaluate because you appear to be hunched over and flexing -- which could distort even a normal chest.

It would be best to show us photos (taken by another person) of your chest straight on with arms at your sides and then with your arms elevated over your head.  Perhaps then we could get a better idea of your problem.

Dr Jacobs

Thank you so much for the reply, here I have attached a front on and arm raised photo

Offline CJC85

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Little update, Paul Levick has agreed to see me on 30th September with Dr Vic Vijh to give his professional opinion after sending him my pics.
He replied to my email almost instantly and was Very understanding, he's retiring soon as we all know and had no duty to do this for me so I'm very grateful.
I'll update with what he said in a few weeks.

And here's a pic of me in the worst shape of my life, haven't trained for 8months. I'm skinny fat but you can see my weird chest at the bot time outer edges 


« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 04:28:33 PM by CJC85 »

Offline CJC85

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Massively low today. My daughter has a swimming bday party, all the patents involved aswell. I haven't gone, I feel deformed and weird looking. Starting to wear me down now. Anyone else going through the same? 


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Ya, I know what you mean, we talked about going to the state fair this year, but have to be in a wheelchair to get around is not very easy in real crowded places! I tried to go shopping on black Friday once and that was a bad mistake!

Father, daughter dance was kinda weird at first, but we decided the hell with it and I went on the dance floor with the wheelchair and danced anyway! My wife and I do that too now at other dance's too now like weddings.

I no longer swim and I was a diver in the Navy, but I still fish from the docks, had to sell my boat, and I hunt with the use of a ATV.

I try not to let my gynecomastia stop me from still enjoying life! I haven't had gyne surgery because I have needed a lot of other surgeries that I felt were much more important, and due to my health issues my breast have gotten very big and I would look like I was butchered after surgery!

My advice is, count your blessings, look at the good not the bad and life will begin to be much better for you!

I still do enjoy life as much as I can in the ways that I can, because that is all we have!

Good luck 

Offline CJC85

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Ya, I know what you mean, we talked about going to the state fair this year, but have to be in a wheelchair to get around is not very easy in real crowded places! I tried to go shopping on black Friday once and that was a bad mistake!

Father, daughter dance was kinda weird at first, but we decided the hell with it and I went on the dance floor with the wheelchair and danced anyway! My wife and I do that too now at other dance's too now like weddings.

I no longer swim and I was a diver in the Navy, but I still fish from the docks, had to sell my boat, and I hunt with the use of a ATV.

I try not to let my gynecomastia stop me from still enjoying life! I haven't had gyne surgery because I have needed a lot of other surgeries that I felt were much more important, and due to my health issues my breast have gotten very big and I would look like I was butchered after surgery!

My advice is, count your blessings, look at the good not the bad and life will begin to be much better for you!

I still do enjoy life as much as I can in the ways that I can, because that is all we have!

Good luck
Thanks for your input, 

Yeh I'm definitely a glass half empty guy. I'm really sorry to hear about all your health problems, 


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Google the country song "Lucky Man" by Montgomery Gentry and just really listen to the words, take them in and apply them to yourself! I know when I'm feeling down, I try to meditate on all the positive, and forget about the negative! It helps me, give it a try.

Offline CJC85

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So I travelled 5 hours yesterday to Birmingham for a consult with Vik Vijh and PAul levick, these guys are awesome, you have to see them yourselves to understand how professional and how comfortable they make you feel. After assessing me dr Vijh feels I have deformity albeit not major like some of the "car crashes" he has seen. My plan is too massage my chest every day for he next 7 months until May. He hopes this will free up some scar tissue so that if I still want a revision next year my chest will be in a better place and fully healed. He will also,asses my scars at that point too as they are very dark and may need attention. Overall it was definitely worth the long trip down, dr levick also offered me a lift to the train station but I'd already ordered a cab, legend! They said stay in touch and if i need them email either one of them. So I'm filled with hope for now anyway. I will update in time.

Offline CJC85

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Getting on for a year now, chest is still the same, from what I've researched I have a bursa crater deformity. No tissue directly under the nipple and it moves freely like it's not attached to my pec at all but there is obvious ring of tissue around the nipple and towards the armpit, it looks weird, I've been saving and by the end of the year will have money to try one last time, I'm not sure where to go whether to go to docter Vijh or Tavel to the USA to seek and expert at revision surgery, once I've tried once more then I'm giving up as I spend far too long looking, feeling and being down about  my chest, I feel like I'm broken

Offline sgtakira

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Keep fighting man, good luck and following this thread.

Offline CJC85

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Keep fighting man, good luck and following this thread.

Thanks mate appreciated. I def have a crater deformity directly under the nipple yet I can feel tissue around it like in a circle it's weird. I've had some email back and forth with dr lebowitz, and Dr. Silverman. I also want to speak to Dr Delgado as I'm determined to find the best surgeon who can excise the left over tissue and try and fill the crater. Whatever happens I'll get there one day! Tbh I wish is of gone to the USA for my original surgery but cant change it now

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Revisions are difficult, even under the best of circumstances.  For more information, please check out my website devoted to revision gynecomastia surgery (see below).

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs

Offline CJC85

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Had a few back and for the with Jeremy Clark who feels my chest looks good.
If anyone wants to PM I can send pics to show the crater, the excess tissue & bad scars.
I'll be starting a new thread over on the USA section when I fly over and try to get my issues inproved, 
One piece of advise, never factor cost into your decision for surgery I will be spending around 10k in total once I'm done which totally negates my original reasons for choosing Poland, cheap price!

Choose the best surgeons, take your time read hundreds of reviews as you only get one body

Good lick

Offline PuffyNipplesCrew

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Had a few back and for the with Jeremy Clark who feels my chest looks good.
If anyone wants to PM I can send pics to show the crater, the excess tissue & bad scars.
I'll be starting a new thread over on the USA section when I fly over and try to get my issues inproved,
One piece of advise, never factor cost into your decision for surgery I will be spending around 10k in total once I'm done which totally negates my original reasons for choosing Poland, cheap price!

Choose the best surgeons, take your time read hundreds of reviews as you only get one body

Good lick

Hope it gets fixed bro.
I'm sorry you're having to go through this.
I appreciate your posts on here, definitely helped me choosing a surgeon.
I'm staying away from these guys cause you are not the only one that's had issues.


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