Author Topic: Consultation with Dr Levick the day after my 22nd Birthday  (Read 2364 times)

Offline 30psi

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Hi guys, first off I'd like to thank anyone on here who's shared their experiences and knowledge about the horribly destructive mess that is gynecomastia (I think anyway). This is my first serious post as I'm looking to change things for myself after years of thinking about it.

A bit about myself (skip this if you like!): Like a lot of guys on here I first noticed my chest was extra 'flabby' around about year 6 in primary school (age ~12). Throughout secondary school I was overweight but fairly active, playing rugby and going to the gym. I've always been fairly shy and introverted, and having gynecomastia meant low self-esteem throughout school unfortunately; instead of developing strong character and confidence I became somewhat of a 'people pleaser', I think subconsciously limited by how I felt my chest looked, and how negatively I perceived myself.
School came and went, luckily I kept hold of some good friends, and I went to uni. Uni was an experience (really awesome things happened, it wasn't all bad!) and it was here that gyno started to become a bigger issue for me. You can't cry over spilt milk, but across the 3 years my chest caused me more misery than I care to admit; I think I let myself get obsessed about it, but it felt hard not to sometimes when it seems like you're trapped in a body with a chest that should belong to a young girl.

I'm 22 a week today and if I'm honest, I just want to get rid of this condition and the associated mental baggage forever. Has anyone thinking about getting surgery had conflicted thoughts about it? I know deep down I hate the way my chest looks, and it has and will continue to dissolve my experience of life  (I've read of other people getting it done in their thirties and wishing they'd had surgery earlier). My conscience tells me to accept who I am, and that millions of people suffer to a far greater degree than me with this 'cosmetic' problem; but I can't help feeling I'd regret it if I didn't at least try to get it sorted.
Dr Levick is retiring this year and I've booked a consultation the day after my birthday, I've got mixed feelings about it as in some ways it feels like a desperate last resort, it's as if I can't quite believe I could have a normal-looking body, like it would be too good to be true. At the same time I can't help feeling guilty and shameful about it, my parents aren't supportive and I'm apprehensive about telling my friends how I feel.

If anyone has felt down or depressed about having gynecomastia, or hesitant about surgery, or just thought f##k it enough is enough (how I feel), I'd be really happy to hear from you. I have a horrible feeling that I could be blaming serious issues in my life (I haven't had a girlfriend yet, at 22) on this condition alone. I'm aware this isn't a miracle cure and that complications can happen with surgery, but is/was anyone here in a similar position?

Thanks a lot if anyone's read this far!

Offline Charlie33

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Hi mate, good to read through your post :)  Although I'm quite a bit older than you (36) I can relate to a lot of things you said. I started noticing mine in my early 20's, it gradually got worse the older I got. I'm  tall and relatively slim and have relied on Spanx vests for years now to get through the day!
I'd had several visits to my local hospital, each time it took me months to build up to going and the embarrassment of sitting in an all female breast clinic. Each time they would say the same,I'd be told I could loose a nipple and that it's a complicated procedure. I just got the impression they were trying to put me off.

Fast track to this year I dropped back onto this forum and read a thread about Dr Levicks retirement.
I spoke to my Mrs and said I'd finally had enough and want to get it sorted. She didn't know it was such a problem, you become very good at hiding it!

I didn't think twice, I emailed and booked a consultation and booked the surgery the same day. I'm currently 10 days post op and recovering slowly. I wish I'd of heard of Dr Levick years ago!
I hope I may of been of some help to you, don't hesitate and get it sorted mate. Your young enough to heal well and you have years ahead of you! :)

Offline 30psi

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Hi thanks for replying! I've been reading through all the posts of recent ops, pretty exciting stuff! I know what you mean about getting good at hiding it, parents are fairly surprised when mentioning it for the first time in about 4 years! 

One concern is that following surgery, how will any corrective (touch wood it's not needed!!!) or follow-up procedures be carried out if Dr Levick is retiring? Did he mention this to you? 

Thanks again, Fred.

Offline Charlie33

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Yes, he has a replacement lined up. He will be taking over in October I believe :) He said he will still be sitting in on meetings etc 

Offline Stan19

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Like charlie said Go for it while your still young. Ive been hiding mine for 30yrs. I didn't even know it could be corrected until i found out last year. At 43 year old now, i dont know if ive left it too late to get a decent result. 

Offline ggnail

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Mate, my advice just go for it. You're young and you'll forever be grateful you took the plunge. I'm 34 now, been suffering for past 22 years when I first noticed a change in my chest at 12yo. I'm 4 days post op and i can comfortably say I wish I had done it years ago. I spoke to my dad today and told him I had gone through the procedure. He also has it (he's 70now) and obviously too late to correct his. However for the few minutes we chatted I felt so sorry for him realising for the first time that he was struggling too. He was so happy for me and told me he wished he could turn back time. I wanted to hug him there and then. So mate, the morale of the story is just go for it. It's never too early but can be too late!

Offline xoxoxoxo

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Do it bro! I finally did it man. Im 25 now, family doesnt wanna support me when i told me so i just made an excuse and got it done. Stayed in a hotel for 5 days to rest. 

Offline 30psi

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Thanks for all the support guys, a bit above and beyond what I'd expected! Here are some photos of what I look like, obviously there are far more serious cases than mine. 

Don't really care much about my birthday in comparison to seeing Dr Levick now! 

Offline 30psi

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Sorry I don't have a photobucket account!

Offline sometimesuk

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If you can afford it, get it done.
Not only are you young, but your obviously slim to get the best results from surgery. Your body and I'm sure self confidence will be imporved no end.
There are a few posts with blokes with a similar condition and build to you, so be worth checking out their posts.
As long as you know, that it will take you time to recover from surgery, you'll be fine.

Offline 30psi

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Thanks sometimesuk, I'm almost certain it'll improve my life an incredible amount, but it almost seems too good to be true so I'm a bit wary. Hopefully I'll make a clear decision at the consultation. Cheers, Fred.

Offline 8008LESS

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I think you will be very happy with the result . Your nipples will be the biggest difference. 
At 22 you definitely get your monies worth over your life.

Mate if I could relive my 20's with a flat chest! 
No sitting at the side of the pool in at shirt coming up with excuses why I don't want to swim whilst on holidays 
No awkward comments / banter from mates. Although I'm thick skinned and find a lot of it funny 
Topless sex! One of the biggest draw back when been on the pull is having the nagging thought that she's gonna want To get your shirt off. 
Clothes fitting better. 
Basically my family thought I had body dysmorphia and that the problem was in my head. 
Basically they only saw my chest when I allowed it. When I was cold or nipples tweeked. 
In a nut shell I don't regret it. Only that I didn't do it earlier in life. Grab it with both hands. Levick is the man. 


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