Author Topic: Operation with Mr Vijh on the 18/06/2018  (Read 15700 times)

Offline pIxulz

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Also if you have someone at home to help for the first couple of days that will help. I needed it getting the binder on tight enough as it fit quite awkwardly on me and for getting food etc that was a bit out of reach. 

Just remember to take it easy and listen to your body, if something is hurting or overly uncomfortable don't push it and take it easy for a while. 

Offline Hondacr84

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Finally forced myself to pee. Not the easiest thing to do. The service is really quick and the staff are nice. Must of seen about 10 persons today.

Id love to get this blood vest strap off. Not sure if its hurting the wounds or their just hurting. Not taken anymore drugs and didnt see Mr Vijh unless I was asleep...

No stomach pain as of yet. Still not seen chest. Not looking forward to tonight, uncomfy.

Offline ShadeThrow

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I cant seem to empty my bladder. Its a pathetic attempt at peeing each time with no strong flow. Not sure i can sleep till I do. When did you take your first set of painkillers? Took about an hour before they took full effect for me. Just had my 2nd set and also an antibiotic.
Did you sleep while in your room? He may have come to see you while you were sleeping. All he did for me was open it up to take a look and also put it back on a bit looser as they had done it too tight. You can probably ask them to loosen it if you need to as the bit of paper from him does say to keep it loose. So far im quite relaxed with my biggest worry being my phone battery dying!
I am not sure i will sleep at all tonight.

Offline Hondacr84

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Only just had my first batch of tablets, gone to get antiobotics.

Think I've been dozzing on and off due to the drugs. Wide awake now, throat is sore.

It seems to be loose so he may of visited when I was still knocked out. Don't see any paper, what does it say?

I have a battery pack on my bed, may last me until tomorrow if no videos etc.

Strange to think we are opposite each other, messaging and have never met :-).

Is Mr Vijh due in tomorrow morning. My father is coming for around 11am. I guess I'll see my chest tomorrow morning now, scary

Offline ShadeThrow

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Sounds like the general anasthetic had quite the effect on you then. Ive beeen wide awake since the recovery room. The codeine you've just taken might make you tired again. I think my throat isn't sore as im an ex smoker and apparently that makes the breathing tube hurt less due to all the damage ive probably already done to my airways!

The paper just says no alcohol no sex for 2 weeks etc but mentions at the top the loose hilotherm or whatever its called.

Yep in a room beside each other and gone through a huge life moment together via this forum. Made me feel better knowing someone else is going through it to be honest.

Mr Vijh said he expected to come take a look at 7.30 am tomorrow so expect he will see you shortly before or after.

Offline Hondacr84

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Yeah, think it's knocked me around abit. My throat is really sore/dry from it/the OP. Ive never smoked so maybe there's one benefit of smoking :-).

Thats early. Guess he's a busy man. He's always been really nice to talk to and enjoy's his job. I know he has a nice collecion of cars, good on him.

Its crazy to think we've shared the same experience via a website. The website helped me make the choice to go ahead. I don't like sharing photos but it helped me decide to proceed so if it helps just 1 person thats good enough for me. 

He's not been back with the antibiotics. He did mention that they've run out and needs to go somewhere for more...

Offline ShadeThrow

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I think what I like about Mr Vijh is he just radiates confidence. The surgery seems like a walk in the park to him. He has had his own TV show in the UK I think and is one of the top NHS consultants as well. Not only that but one of the very few who do the levick technique. Very happy to not have scars around the nipples. Armpit scars will be tiny too.

Ill be uploading my before and after pics when i can but will do in a different thread to not hijack this one. I agree, going through before and after pics really helped me through this and threads like these helped me settle on Vijh as well.

Offline Hondacr84

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I agree. I nearly went for the nipple OP many years ago but backed out.

Good idea. My thread was meant to be a day by day progress update, o well :-).

It seems my antibiotics are on their way but still no site on them. Not sure how important they are...

It would be nice not to have so many blood pressure checks but I guess its better to be safer than sorry.

It seems my tablets have not kicked in yet. I do now remember waking up in the recovery room and being wheeled out. I don't remember the whole journey or getting back to my room. Not sure how long I was out for...


Offline ShadeThrow

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antibiotics are only to prevent infection. Wouldn't worry too much as having them in morning won't matter too much. 
hourly blood pressure it seems. A bit annoying but at least quick. 
Surprised your codeine hasn't kicked in. That should numb any pain. 
Ive been trying to empty my bladder prior to sleeping but seems impossible so might just not sleep!

Offline Hondacr84

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It would seem antibiotics in the morning as they've run out. My pain seems to be ok, just the armpit area which seems to feel slightly odd. I wonder how we'll feel once the pads are removed and we go home. My throat is really dry and water seems to make no difference. Ive actually lost my voice now so I would recommend to others to bring throat soothers. How you doing?

Offline ShadeThrow

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Doing well except for the bladder constantly feeling full. Ive also lost most of my voice and sound raspy too and have horrific drymouth.
The incisions are the most painful area i would say too but i do also get some dull pain on the pecs.
Its going to be weird not having these cold pads on and just the vest extremely tight. Im definitely going to ask for painkillers in the morning. 

Offline Hondacr84

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Not just me then. I find its just my armpit area. My chest is totally numb and has no feeling. I have a feeling once the pads are removed this will change. I can see why people hate the band as it going to rub the incisions...

I would recommend snacks to new patients. I had a sandwich for dinner and also a protein bar which I supplied. Just had another protein bar around 2am so that should last me till b/fst. I also have a power pack attached to my iphone. The wifi is horrednous so Ive created a hotspot on my phone for mu ipad. I have a Netflix account which is also handy as tv is rubbish and I've been mainly awake since 9pm.

Ive filled one tube and I'm saving the 2nd for when my bladder is totally full. I forgot to mention that I requested two at the start which seems to be a good idea. They are large but you can only fill half way due to the design.

Hope this thread is useful to people and its not just me coming across chatting crap :-)....   

Offline Hondacr84

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First night at the hospital and didnt sleep at all in the night. I probably slept on and off for an hour or so between 6pm and 11pm but thats it. Fingers crossed the pain isnt too bad today once the pads have been removed and I can grab an hour or two of sleep at home.

Called the nurse around 6am for another bottle so was given more tablets. Still not had antibiotics.

Mr Vijh visited around 07:30am. He's happy with the OP. Around 71 grams was removed from the left and 46 grams from the right. Feel very dizzy and sick since getting out of bed.

Picture attached. Lots of bruising. Nipples are different shapes and also large wrinkle underneath left nipple... (My left side was worse)
« Last Edit: June 19, 2018, 02:54:46 AM by Hondacr84 »

Offline ShadeThrow

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Nice job on getting the pic. Its looking very good! Mine has quite a bit of bruising on both sides. Not sure he told me how much was removed but once you see my before and after pic youll be shocked. 

He didnt have any concerns though and now off the cold compress and wearing the vest semi tight. Movement ability is a lot more restricted than I expected. Being able to use the actual toilet is best part of the day though!

Did they say when youll get discharged? I just got told a couple hours. Hoping for 11. 

Offline Hondacr84

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The nurse put the vest on and it was so tight I removed it when she left. Took a quick photo and then put it back on. Issue now is that its not very tight so it keeps moving... My compression top from ES is much better but Mr Vijh said no.

Nurse has gone to get me 4 different tablets to take phone. I can see myself drugged up in bed all week. I need to come back in a week for a check up.

She said I can go now once I have the tablets. I'm waiting for a lift that wont arrive until 10:30...

Did you manage to look at yourself?


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