Author Topic: Accepting and Enjoying my breasts  (Read 4835 times)

Offline pastthepointofreturn

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This is the first summer I have been really self conscious about taking my shirt off in the pool in front of friends.  Although my breasts aren't super big, they are very feminine looking and my nipples are quite noticeable and get really hard. They have changed alot over the course of a year.  I feel like everyone I know will notice my strong masculine chest has turned into breasts.  I did see a couple people take a double take.  At first I dreaded taking my shirt off.  Now, later into the summer, I have gotten to where I enjoy the opportunity to show off my breasts.  It has become almost like a fetish.  The entire time I am without a shirt I am thinking wow, everyone can see my breasts.  I get a little nervous and self conscious, but excited and enjoy it at the same time.  It is very hot here in Texas. I rarely have a shirt on at home.  Occasionally a friend will stop unannounced. My first reaction is embarrassment and start looking for a shirt. Then I stop myself and just go with it and remain topless. 

Offline taxmapper

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Enjoy them!   

Like some others, you may even want them larger in the future.   

Offline Rich meier

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This is the first summer I have been really self conscious about taking my shirt off in the pool in front of friends.  Although my breasts aren't super big, they are very feminine looking and my nipples are quite noticeable and get really hard. They have changed alot over the course of a year.  I feel like everyone I know will notice my strong masculine chest has turned into breasts.  I did see a couple people take a double take.  At first I dreaded taking my shirt off.  Now, later into the summer, I have gotten to where I enjoy the opportunity to show off my breasts.  It has become almost like a fetish.  The entire time I am without a shirt I am thinking wow, everyone can see my breasts.  I get a little nervous and self conscious, but excited and enjoy it at the same time.  It is very hot here in Texas. I rarely have a shirt on at home.  Occasionally a friend will stop unannounced. My first reaction is embarrassment and start looking for a shirt. Then I stop myself and just go with it and remain topless.
good for you I am about the same size as you maybe a little bigger. I never had a problen showing mine off and like you I have very hard promenent nipples that show even with an unlined bra. always went to the beach shirtles and never tried to hide them


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I swim in a large outdoor hot springs pool once or twice a year.  I don't wear a bra to the pool to avoid weirdness in the locker room, but I am usually not the only guy there with boobs and usually not the largest.  People don't notice as much as you think they do.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2022, 01:00:17 PM by felix »


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Up until a couple years ago. I had a couple of different ladies tankini tops that resembles a tank top. They were solid black or blue. They had built in support too. I was able to enjoy the sun and swim without being in a wet tshirt contest. 

Sophie ❤️ 

Offline blad

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I swim in a large outdoor hot springs pool once or twice a year.  I don't wear a bra to the pool, but I am usually not the only guy there with boobs and usually not the largest.  People don't notice as much as you think they do.
Do you have bra strap marks visible when you go to the pool braless? Or do you remove your bra hours before arriving at the pool?

Wearing a bra can have its complications if you are not trying to give out clues that you wear one.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Busted (and happy)

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Given that I was told at fitting that the band should do 80% of the support  and the straps were mainly there to keep the upper part of the bra tidely in place, I was told that a good rule of thumb (not infallible) was that if you have strap marks it was fair bet they were too tight. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I didn't respond to this when it first appeared in large measure because I'm not inclined to show off my breasts.  Whether one would consider that a fetish or not I can't be sure, but I know that enjoying the fact we have breasts is something quite a few of us have mentioned quietly during conversations here.  I understand that for those men who are disturbed by the appearance of breasts, such feelings seem bizarre.  It it probably the case that those men who've been dealing with diminutive breasts their whole life have a different relationship to it all... especially as those breasts get larger.

I've mentioned here before that my exploration on this topic has led me to crossdressing websites as well as to websites where men are encouraging one another to increase the size of their breasts.  They recommend herbal supplements and some men has gone so far as to remove their testicles so estrogen can have greater influence.  The procedure is call an orchiectomy.  I don't think one needs to go to such extremes, however, to simply enjoy the breasts we have.  I'm one of those men.  At the moment I'm wearing a brassiere beneath a soft cotton turtleneck that conforms beautifully to the contours of my breasts.  The brassiere does an excellent job of pulling everything together and as photos I've posted elsewhere make clear, I have very substantial breasts.  When I go out wearing a brassiere, I'll wear a shirt to cover myself, but I also have the sense OP expresses that on some level I WANT people to notice my breasts.  There is an erotic component to the whole thing that I don't deny.

So acceptance honestly can lead to enjoyment.  I even started a thread on that topic some time ago... Shame to Embarrassment to Toleration to Acceptance to Appreciation to ? which had almost 2,500 views.  This is a judgment free conversation.  We each have our own journey to follow.  Taking pleasure in having breasts is not a bad thing, even for a man not interested in transitioning.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2022, 06:47:26 PM by 42CSuprise! »

Offline blad

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I have not exposed my breasts to anyone in public since my teen years when I was forced to in gym classes. (ie skin teems and locker rooms).


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Agreed 42c, as a guy with zero interest in any level or fashion of transitioning, i have found my breasts to be a bit of a go to for enjoyment. Not even sexually 9/10 of the time, just simply feeling them and enjoying how they feel. I'm honestly surprised I haven't been caught yet by my wife or someone at work walking around the cubicle noticing me squeezing them a bit or poking them and just having subtle fun in their presence. I think once accepting them and realizing they aren't really that bad to have at all and if they are noticeable or not, they can just be innocent fun and honest enjoyment to have. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Sideset started a thread about being his own girl friend which made me smile.  None of the women I was sexual with had breasts as large as the ones now filling the brassiere I'm wearing at the moment.  On one of the websites I visited I exchanged comments with a fellow who was considering transitioning.  He used the term autogynephilia to describe his experience.  That is defined as follows:

The term autogynephilia (auto for self, gyne for female, philia for desire, often shortened AGP) refers to a psychological condition in which a man (usually heterosexual) derives sexual or even "romantic" pleasure from the fantasy of being female. The term was coined by psychologist Ray Blanchard after working with and studying many transsexual patients.

I'm rather mesmerized by my breasts despite disinterest in transitioning to becoming a woman.  Buying brassieres and appreciating what they do to my breasts seems to be part of the picture.  I guess it would be possible that I'd do the same thing while using some type of breast form, but I doubt it.  This feels like a direct result of the hormone stew coursing through my body that has given me these breasts.  And I too like to touch them... since I live alone there really isn't anyone to be offended or to object.  I don't know whether that could be interpreted as evidence of autogynephilia, but frankly, I don't care.  THIS is what acceptance looks like for me.  I know we each have our own unique way to finding acceptance.  That works for me.


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I'm not sure I'll ever be as comfortable as y'all about showing my chest bare. I wish society would lose their hangups so I could lose mine :-)

Offline Rich meier

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as I have said it has never bothered me and dont care If you go to the beach you see men with alot bigger. some overe weight but still pretty much the same thing


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I think alot of our hangups and insecurities come from the idea that nothing really changes and that our body's don't fit in to the norm so if people saw what we see they will be a bit taken back or judging. And i just don't think that's the case anymore now days. I think a lot of people got too much of their own s--- to worry about to care, and if they do care, thanks to social media the average attn span doesn't exist long enough to keep in mind once they pass you by. 

I think also many men who develop breasts whether they are noticeable or not, become self conscious especially if they reach a point where a bra isn't just something of an option but more of demand and necessity for comfort, that what will people think. And to me, I just learned to quit caring myself because for myself, I just had a reality check of realizing I'm just a regular guy...who has perhaps an irregular chest...and that's alright. When I am in the gym I see muscles and 4 day old beard and when I talk, act, behave, etc etc..I hear, see and do guy things. I'm not trying to be something I'm not. I think just rolling with the flow also helps. If someone ever asked me about my chest or bra lines, I'd tell them without showing shame...if someone joked, i'd laugh with them.

I think lastly that this forum has served a tremendous purpose for me and others alike. I know for me at least, if my breasts grow any more I am going to be a confirmed c cup. I already teeter on the fence of b and c depending on the bra, and while I workout a lot and have lost about 15lbs since summer, my chest hasn't really done anything. When I was barely an A cup i was shopping around for surgeons...found this forum and it gave me peace to talk to guys like they grew in to a b cup i was so paranoid worried and freaked out about what my wife, friends, family, society would think....and this forum helped me get over that. I know without a doubt if I became somehow busty as some others here who are dealing with D cups DD and such that I would have a hell of a time dealing with as at that point theres no hiding what is going on, it's going to be seen by any and everyone and if they haven't seen you in some time they obviously are going to be like wtf. But i know this forum is here to help me get through it and get the confidence in how to act and deal with that stuff if i ever had to. 

Don't let the hang ups, hang up on your ability to be happy. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Well said Dude...

I revisited a website I hadn't been to for a couple of years, devoted to men TRYING to grow their breasts... most by using herbs and supplements.  I thought about the conversations here in contrast to what these men are talking about.  I have no judgment about it, but it does demonstrate that our relationships with our bodies falls on a spectrum, as does our gender.  We talk about our unique hormone stew.  Yes, there is no doubt those of us with larger breasts are contending with elevated estrogen and depressed testosterone.  Our attention to breasts and brassieres is grounded in completely different circumstances than men, who for whatever reason WANT large breasts.  They have multiple forums on that website and while some are looking forward to transitioning, many are content being males... they just want breasts.  I know for many of us, acceptance has morphed into appreciation, but it was the need to recognize what was actually happening to our bodies that brought us here, not some fixation on WANTING breasts.

Yes, I can enjoy having breasts but I don't want that to be the central fixation of my life.  I've mentioned the fellow who lives a couple of blocks from me.  He is tall and slender... yet he wears a brassiere and what could best be called a VERY miniskirt as he rides around town on his bicycle.  I wonder what his life is like?  I live in a rather progressive community and I expect most folks look at him and wonder what is up, but gender fluidity is more acceptable here than in many parts of the country.  I've occasionally been wearing a brassiere when encountering him, but I've yet to strike up a conversation.  I could tell him about my breasts and my brassiere choice and he could fill me in about his crossdressing.  We live in a wild world.  Most often we assume those around us are just like us... but in reality, that is never the truth.  We each march to our own drummer and even the most vanilla looking person could be a strange dude.  He might even be wearing panties and brassiere beneath his drab wear.  I mentioned the ten police officers who admitted to wearing panties to work who responded to a question on a crossdressing website.  Welcome to our wild and crazy world!  


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