Author Topic: What I'm Wearing Today  (Read 67652 times)

Offline Evolver

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Technically it's the ratio of estrogen to testosterone. Everyone has estrogen and testosterone, men andwomen. It's the ratio that determines what happens. Normal male level of estrogen and depleted testosterone will cause gynecomastia just as fast as elevated estrogen and normal testosterone. That's why you see older men show signs. Dropping testosterone levels.

It's all about ratio.
True! There are other factors to consider though.

I've done so much research into hormone therapies for medical reasons over the past couple of years it's not funny.

Castration will rid the male body of over 95% of its testosterone production, but the chance of gynecomastia from surgical castration is less than 30% and from medical castration (LHRH agonists, like Lupron or Zoladex) is actually less than 20%. Only about a quarter of estrogen in men is sourced from synthesization in the testes, but in all cases of castration, the overall T/E ratio is still significantly changed...despite a lesser fall in E compared to T...yet only a minority actually grow breasts. So, simply getting rid of most of your testosterone won't necessarily result in gyne.

The rate of gynecomastia for those on anti-androgens (t-blockers like Casodex or Spironolactone, which allow testosterone to still be produced but not latch to its receptors) is over 80% because the original amount of E is still synthesized 'down there.' The ratio is changed to a greater extent.

Taking Estradiol as a supplement while maintaining testosterone production will obviously change the ratio too, but even so, the chance of gynecomastia is only around 65% if the dose is high enough.

For those who undergo hormone therapy as part of their transition journeys, it is always a combination of either castration or anti-androgen, PLUS estrogen. Despite this, there would probably be millions of disappointed trans women around the world who hardly increased a cup size.

Sorry y'all for hijacking the thread! It's a fascinating subject.

Offline Justagirl💃

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Spironolactone was added to my medications several years ago to treat edema. I stayed on it for about 3 years until my physicians changed. 
The new physician took one close look at me and stopped the medication immediately. I think he assumed my breasts tissue growth was a result of it, but my breasts have been there since puberty. 
Perhaps additional growth, I don't know?
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline 42CSurprise!

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So I guess the fact we've developed breasts is a miracle... a gift from Mother Nature.  How we respond is completely up to us.  I've still no doubt that the estrogen highway is real and the hormone stew that is uniquely our own warrants our attention and care.  How we express who we are is a measure of our self-acceptance.  And yes, it will be different for each of us.  All good.


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Very definitely a gift and a very special one at that.
Breasts are best friends and not enemies  as far as I'm  concerned,  a blessing to be enjoy and rejoice over.
Wouldn't want to be without.

Offline Justagirl💃

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Very definitely a gift and a very special one at that.
Breasts are best friends and not enemies  as far as I'm  concerned,  a blessing to be enjoy and rejoice over.
Wouldn't want to be without.
Absolutely, I love my breasts 💞

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I have a full length mirror in my bathroom, so when I step out of the shower I see my entire body reflected in the mirror.  I certainly don't see a sexy young woman standing there.  I also don't see fully formed breasts... but I do see breasts I know will respond when I put on a brassiere... which I did this morning after drying myself.  In a brassiere my breasts are quite beautiful.  The band around my chest holds things in place and the silky soft cups are designed to pull all the flesh together in the most delicious way.  The photo above shows my breasts but that particular brassiere definitely constrains them... making them smaller.  At the moment I'm wearing a brassiere that I've worn many times and these cups shape but don't do much in the way of minimizing my breasts.  They are much more than a handful... I know because I keep touching them.  So yes, I love my breasts and have no hesitation saying that to others riding on the estrogen highway.  I'm stacked.  8)

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Very definitely a gift and a very special one at that.
Breasts are best friends and not enemies  as far as I'm  concerned,  a blessing to be enjoy and rejoice over.
Wouldn't want to be without.
Absolutely, I love my breasts 💞
On the crossdressing website I read a thread today about a man who was making a decision whether to do breast augmentation surgery.  Many of the men suggested it would make more sense to purchase a breast plate so it could be taken off when the person wasn't intent on "dressing."  I mention it because one of the men spoke about his own breasts, that he has gynecomastia which started in adolescence.  He has wonderful breasts that he very much enjoys.  It was heartening to find someone like us who is part of that scene.  How we come to the choices we make in life is seldom simple... as your situation demonstrates.  For me it was trauma that led me to crossdressing that contributes to my delight in shopping for and wearing brassieres... but it is the reality of breast growth that ties it all together in some strange way.  I'm transgendered but not transitioning...  We each have our own journey and loving our breasts seems to be an important part of it all...


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In many ways I find it quite sad that some men are so desperate to have breasts  that there is this need within them for expensive prosthetics  or major surgery.
I  also find it  sad for those  who are so desperate  to get rid that they resort to quire traumatic surgery and scarring of themselves.  Sometimes quite horrifically.

I do not understand......simply because I  am not them.

However I  do get the strength of feelings to a degree as I  glance down between  "my boys" (physiologically they are male) and feel the pride of knowing they are mine, that I grew them and that in all senses of the word, I  am "attached" to them. Physically, mentally  and yes, spiritually .

Offline Sophie

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So I guess the fact we've developed breasts is a miracle... a gift from Mother Nature.  How we respond is completely up to us.  I've still no doubt that the estrogen highway is real and the hormone stew that is uniquely our own warrants our attention and care.  How we express who we are is a measure of our self-acceptance.  And yes, it will be different for each of us.  All good.
Something that is yet to be understood in regards to the hormonal mix is how estrogen and progesterone effect our brains. This is why I believe that while it grows our girls as well as our hips and bottoms just as it does for most women, I believe that it also has certain receptors in the brain that causes us to accept our curves and lady lumps. If you look at the figures of most women and some men, you will also notice that these secondary feminine sexual characteristics are to prepare the body for bearing children. There are a few here that Ive spoken with privately and agree that there is also something in the back of their mind that wishes that they were able to bear children. I know that I am one as well. I think that on the most elementary level, estrogen and progesterone does so much more than just grow our breasts. 


Offline Justagirl💃

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Been in the back of my mind all my life 😉


Offline JoniDee

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So I guess the fact we've developed breasts is a miracle... a gift from Mother Nature.  How we respond is completely up to us.  I've still no doubt that the estrogen highway is real and the hormone stew that is uniquely our own warrants our attention and care.  How we express who we are is a measure of our self-acceptance.  And yes, it will be different for each of us.  All good.There are a few here that Ive spoken with privately and agree that there is also something in the back of their mind that wishes that they were able to bear children. I know that I am one as well. I think that on the most elementary level, estrogen and progesterone does so much more than just grow our breasts.

There are times that I get the urge to nurse an infant at my breast.


Offline 42CSurprise!

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Look where this conversation has gone...  Yes, living with the hormone stew that produces breasts and bodies that do better in clothing designed for a feminine body changes our outlook on life in many ways.  i know that as I've explored the relationship between trauma and my behaviors around lingerie I found myself collecting photos of young boys nursing at their mother's breast.  I'm aware of how oral this whole journey is and though I think about myself nursing at a voluptuous breast I can also imagine lips at my breasts.  It is at once erotic and deeply soothing.  What a journey this is...

Offline Justagirl💃

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There are times that I get the urge to nurse an infant at my breast.

Yes, quite frequently. 🤔

Offline Evolver

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@Sophie, @Birdie, @Joni...

I don't know how 'real' this image is or what the patterns on it actually depict, but there must be some basis to it. It explains a lot. May be very well due to hormone mix.

blob (600×419) (

Offline Justagirl💃

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