Author Topic: This is me  (Read 35403 times)

Offline WPW717

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Keep the investigation active. My trajectory was a rapid Testosterone drop beyond the norm. Aromatase during this time had its way with converting T to E and , boom, gynecomastia. E dominated for a few months then all sex hormones went so low as to become unmeasurable.
A few other waffles in the labs keyed my Endocrinologist to locate a parathyroid adenoma. The localization of that prior to surgery showed a bright spot in the cranial cavity. A year later and I now have a Prolactinoma. Breasts have remained tender throughout this time. Mammogram shows dense florrid growth. Will need to do repeated examinations from here on out. Medical community here tend to keep conditions in separate boxes and it’s a chore to get them to communicate in a timely manner. I still get those growth feelings and itching so the gynecomastia is progressing despite the serial events being handed.
Currently on Cabergoline for tumor suppression so keep your endocrinologist focused on your body as it surprises me almost daily. Might be more going on than they realize.
Regards, Bob

Offline RAPC

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Don't know how you feel about it, but for what it's worth, I would love to have a pair like that.

Offline JJ_Gyne

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Thanks, if only the rest of the population would be as receptive as the members of this forum.

Offline Johndoe1

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Thanks, if only the rest of the population would be as receptive as the members of this forum.

I am finding a thaw that was previously not there. Not a large one, but I seem to not be getting as many looks as I use to. I admit I don't know if that's because I am not getting as many or I am just not noticing anymore. I have become much more comfortable with my chest's appearance (as many of you know I am firmly in the DD/DDD range these days) and hiding my curves is pointless so I don't try. That's not to say I have thrown modesty to the wind because I have not. But I have found that there's a difference between hiding and modesty (it's a trick well endowed women use to stop unwanted attention) and maybe that's playing a role too.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Parity

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I to do believe there is a greater number of people that do understand our situation and don't give it a thought.  I feel many know they can't say anything for fear of being shamed themselves for treating others in such a negative way.  It's a slow change in society but a welcome one.  I hope the wave continues to grow.

Offline Traveler

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As I’ve gotten a little larger. I’ve noticed the quick glance down a little more often, almost always women, but no reaction other than to continue with the conversation or interaction, depending upon the situation. I, personally, ignore the glances but being definitely male, kinda wonder what they’re thinking. 🤷‍♂️

Offline JJ_Gyne

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When I go out I usually am wearing layers, and not holding myself in very normal posture.
Crossed arms slouched etc.

I find myself overly preoccupied with what others my perceive. Hate the feeling 
I tell myself I don't care. But I know I really do and live like I am being judged.

Hate that feeling .. deep mental issue I can't shake.

Offline Sophie

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Its all in a whole bunch of little tiny baby steps. Those who know you, know that you have breasts. If you're wearing a bra, the can do easy math too. Breasts + support+ comfort and shape= bra.


Offline Johndoe1

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As I’ve gotten a little larger. I’ve noticed the quick glance down a little more often, almost always women, but no reaction other than to continue with the conversation or interaction, depending upon the situation. I, personally, ignore the glances but being definitely male, kinda wonder what they’re thinking. 🤷‍♂️
I see those too and I have to admit, I find pleasure that they are getting scrutiny from a woman. I know women check each other out as common practice, checking potential competitors. It's a little special to be included in a "check out!"

Offline JJ_Gyne

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Those who know you, know that you have breasts. 
Guess I am being naive to think that they don't realize it. Or perhaps am some superior ninja that is hiding it perfectly in the shadows.

So the thought then becomes if they do know they say nothing they are just avoiding confrontation as much as I am?
I suppose it would be pretty strange for people to come up to me and say so you have breasts now, what's that like.?

Or is it the frog in boiling water scenario. ..drop em in they hop out. raise it slow they cook?
So people close may not notice as much cause they been around me ... people who don't see me or don't know me won't care because A) they really don't care or B)Don't want to engage.

Leaving C) the rare occurrence that I have yet to experience where someone calls me out cause they feel like they are police of the world as they see it.  

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I think it is possible for people in our lives to be so comfortable with who we are that they're not inclined to judge changes we may be going through.  I'm close to my former wife and over the decades we've known each other we've both gone through changes that haven't drawn focused attention.  It could be grey hair, a rounding body and even breasts growing on one's chest that don't elicit comment.  It could be wrinkles, sagging breasts, a double chin... but we're still at heart the person they know and possibly love.  We all change with time and I think most folks understand that.  There really isn't a need to comment on every change... even breasts on a man... especially when it is happening all around us.

Honestly, I believe we talk about it here because we feel a certain excitement about it.  That is probably why photos that are shared are so often viewed.  I don't think it is idle curiosity... it is something more, but I won't try to psychoanalyze this cohort.  We KNOW who we are...

Offline Johndoe1

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Those who know you, know that you have breasts.
Guess I am being naive to think that they don't realize it. Or perhaps am some superior ninja that is hiding it perfectly in the shadows.

So the thought then becomes if they do know they say nothing they are just avoiding confrontation as much as I am?

They know. When a good friend found out I was wearing a bra she said, "Finally! You look so much better supported than not. You weren't fooling anyone."

I suppose it would be pretty strange for people to come up to me and say so you have breasts now, what's that like.?

No one does that that I have seen.

Or is it the frog in boiling water scenario. ..drop em in they hop out. raise it slow they cook?
So people close may not notice as much cause they been around me ... people who don't see me or don't know me won't care because A) they really don't care or B)Don't want to engage.

Offline JJ_Gyne

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So did another spot check with endocrinology... 
Told me my hormone fluctuations won't kill me or do any permanent damage.. oh yay..

So come home and discuss how my breasts kind of my things uncomfortable for me in public and likewise for my wife.
In her own words, "It is kind of weird to have a husband whose breasts are just as big as mine".

I said "I wouldn't go that far."

"She said you wear my bras"

"Ok point taken"

So today I wore this. :-)

Offline Dudewithboobs

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thats a nice bra! looks like a great fit and from the view it looks like it may conceal well under shirts. Seen in earlier posts that was a concern of sorts. Hope everythigs going well. Glad the wife is supportive as the bra is lol

Offline Johndoe1

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JJ, very nice bra and you look well supported and contained and gives you nice cleavage. And your wife is right. Your breasts are very feminine in appearance. If you don't wear full-time, you could benefit for full-time wear. Nothing to be ashamed of there. Good on you!


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