Author Topic: Why not shave?  (Read 6389 times)

Offline Gino

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A while back I looked in the mirror and had to chuckle, I was wearing a Skims brand sheer mesh unlined bra and my boobs looked like something that a sideshow "bearded lady" might have... comical, at least to me.

Right then and there I decided to shave my chest and armpits and it worked OK for a while but the stubble was weird feeling. I tried Nair for men but wound up shaving anyway afterward defeating the purpose of Nair. I did however like the look of hairless boobs very much AND my pits took to the deodorant really well and my pit odor is much MUCH better towards the end on the day :-) 

Anyway, after a while I got an IPL which long term works pretty good and what hair is left is less affected by the effects of IPL it does get finer. Not bad but not as smooth as I'd like so last week I ordered a NoNo. 

Has anyone here struggled with their hair removal journey other than expensive and embarrassing laser treatments? 

PS, for some unknown reason whatever hormone balance issues I have my leg hair has all bit disappeared of its own volition. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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A while back I looked in the mirror and had to chuckle, I was wearing a Skims brand sheer mesh unlined bra and my boobs looked like something that a sideshow "bearded lady" might have... comical, at least to me.

Right then and there I decided to shave my chest and armpits and it worked OK for a while but the stubble was weird feeling. I tried Nair for men but wound up shaving anyway afterward defeating the purpose of Nair. I did however like the look of hairless boobs very much AND my pits took to the deodorant really well and my pit odor is much MUCH better towards the end on the day :-)

Anyway, after a while I got an IPL which long term works pretty good and what hair is left is less affected by the effects of IPL it does get finer. Not bad but not as smooth as I'd like so last week I ordered a NoNo.

Has anyone here struggled with their hair removal journey other than expensive and embarrassing laser treatments?

PS, for some unknown reason whatever hormone balance issues I have my leg hair has all bit disappeared of its own volition.
I only have a small tuff of hair in the cleavage, no armpit hair, a few stray hairs on my stomach, and about a total of 10 hairs on my legs. All of which I shave off about twice a month. I used Nair only if I'm going somewhere special. 
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I have very light colored soft hair that develops on my chest.  It really isn't noticeable when wearing a brassiere.  Shaving doesn't work because I have very sensitive skin, so I occasionally trim the hair with a scissors or beard trimmer.  I have NO hair on my legs and arms.  I have some hair in my armpits but not much.  Fortunately, I don't have much body odor.  I haven't used a deodorant in fifty years.  I'm grateful that I don't have heavy hair on my chest.  Hope you find a solution that works for you.

Offline taxmapper

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Having gone through this before, if I could swim n a pool of Nair I would. 

Offline Jack A

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I have minimal hair on my breasts, but what hair I have i do shave. I have breasts like a woman; they’re feminine. I look and feel best when presenting them as such. 

Offline WPW717

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 O need
Lost 99% of my hair in last 2 years 
I like it. Bonus is that my skin has become erotic and sensitive since then too
Regards, Bob

Offline Johndoe1

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Just about all my body hair has gone.  My legs are as smooth as any women's freshly shaved legs. I still have some peach fuzz on the arms that remain but the dark forest of hair on my arms are long gone. My back is now hairless and only a couple of fine patches on my chest and those are disappearing as well. There's no hair on my breasts anymore and haven't been for years. Silky smooth. I suspect within a few years I will be as smooth skinned as any girl.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Gino

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Well, my NoNo arrived the day after my initial posting and here are my usability observations:

The booklet makes no mention of the optimum hair length prior to using for best results, probably because they don't want to get pinned down into saying something that isn't 100% supportable. That said I found that it will ideally remove short hair a bit over 1/16" (1.5 to 2mm) while short "stubble" or long hair I found that it's totally ineffective on.

On  the "ideal" hair length even with multiple passes some hairs will not be lifted enough by the little fence thingy to have the wire cut it necessitating shaving, Nair or later on IPL. Add to that, since hair doesn't all grow in the  same direction everywhere multiple passes in different directions is necessary.

By virtue of it being cordless and portable it IS rather more convenient than IPL which must be plugged in to work while the NoNo can be used during times when you can do nothing else like using the rest room.

So far I cannot comment on NoNo long term effectiveness as yet, but since IPL (or age) seems to have frightened :-) some of my hair white, IPL is known to NOT work very well on lightly pigmented hairs so I'm hopeful that claims of the NoNo working on these lighter hairs are factual. If they are, I'll be happy.

For anyone considering a NoNo I think that IF it's as effective at long term reduction (30%-60%) as some claim I'll take the lower 30% number because this in addition to my real world experience with IPL should get me reasonably close to where I want my hair removal journey to be. Sure I'd like 100% but to get close to that I'd have to go through expensive, time consuming and embarrassing professional laser hair removal and that's not going to be an option for me. 

Offline WPW717

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Dye the light hair dark then hit it with the IPL?
Works in laser weeding of  reflective silver.

Offline Gino

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Bob, I thought of dying the hair but I looked for info and found this from the NIH:

Snippet of the results below but I'm not sure I want to go that far, maybe at some point but not now :-)

Methods: We conducted a randomized clinical trial of hirsute patients with excessive white hair on the chin and cheeks. In addition to IPL, the patients were randomly assigned to have their white hair colored with either black eyeliner or black hair dye as an adjunct to IPL aided for of six sessions (with a 4-week interval between sessions). The primary efficacy outcome, which was defined as the outcome after six sessions of therapy, was scored as poor (<30%), fair (30?60%) or good (>60%) response to white hair removal in predefined areas. The secondary outcome was recurrence 6 months after the final therapy session.

Results: In the eyeliner group (n=31), 15 (48.4%) individuals showed a fair response, and 16 (51.6%) individuals showed a good response. In the color-dye group (n=31), 1 (3.2%), 17 (54.8%) and 13 (41.9%) participants scored poor, fair, and good, respectively. There were no differences in clinician judgment of the treatment success between the eyeliner and color-dye groups after the six therapy sessions (p=0.895). Thirty-one patients had 6 months of visits (11 in the hair dye and 20 in the eyeliner group). Three participants in the color-dye group and five participants in the eyeliner group failed to show improvement 6 months after the laser surgery. There was no distinguishable pattern of failure between the two study groups (p=1).
Conclusion: This study supports that hair coloring is an efficient and feasible technique that can be combined with IPL to eliminate white facial hair.

Offline WPW717

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Nice to know 
My wife is a goldsmith and jeweler and is a master at laser welding. The darkening of silver works well but it is time consuming vs other metals.
As an aside the estrogen replacement therapy being used on me has countered the prolactin effect of thinning and whitening of my body hair that’s left after the loss of all sex hormones. The lower arm hair is lengthening and turning dark. Just interesting to note.


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