and you're quite wrong hypo.
body dysmorphic disorder is simple taking a flaw.. real or not and greatly exagerating it..
having breasts and being a male again is awkward, but it is a con dition many people suffer from.
people make fun of it on tv.
i'm sure everyone has come into contact with the condition, and it is nothing big to anyone.
this person, is without a doubt suffering from bdd. HE has taking a condition.. yes gyno, and turned it into something where he feels he cannot function with.
The fact is some people with gynecomastia deal with it better than others for all sorts of reasons, sometimes this is due to the extent of the gynecomastia itself, sometimes it relates to the individuals sensitivity or bad experiences where they have been exposed to the actions of others etc.
These things need careful consideration by medical professionals and help from caring lay people.
But one thing for sure your definition of BDD is completely wrong and your view on gynecomastia is completely insensitive.
I had significant gynecomastia, it made me feel horrendous because it was impossible to conseal due to how significant it was. Now I developed most of it at 28 years old. Prior to its development I never had a problem with my body. So I cannot be said to have had BDD. When the very real problem developed it affected me very badly in a not too disimilar way to this guy. Now that the gynecomastia has been removed I no longer have any issue with myself or my body at all.
I felt terrible because a very real and significant physical issue. Now that it has gone I feel happy about myself as I did prior.
How on earth do you know if this guy has BDD as opposed to a proper case of gynecomastia and psychological trauma?
You are bandying about a diagnosis that you are not remotely qualified to offer.
This guy sounds to me as though he has trauma and has been badly affected by gynecomastia.
Now if gynecomastia is there, particularly if significant you are talking complete rubbish.
BDD definition is;
pathological preoccupation with an imagined or slight physical defect of one's body to the point of causing significant stress or behavioral impairment in several areas (as work and personal relationships)
If the gynecomastia is significant enough to be bullied over I would say that the condition is not imagined and is not slight- therefore it is not BDD.
In the AACE (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists) guidelines it states quote.
Many men have psychological problems resulting from gynecomastia. This should be taken seriously and discussed with the patient.
You are basically guilty at present of saying that anyone who suffers greatly from gynecomastia hass BDD.
You are like I say utterly wrong and very insensitive.
In fact if you maintain that position I would suggest that this really isn't the website for you.
ruined life doesn't need a plastic surgeon
he needs a psychiatric help
if he is being serious, he is 100% fucked up.
it's just breast tissue..
seriously if he didn' t have breasts i really doubt he would be a completely different person. his issues would remain with him, no doubt.
Did you listen to a word I said, or indeed a word he said
I seriously doubt it.
He was bullied remorslessly for years.
This type of thing causes psychological trauma and the gynecomastia is the physical manifestation of that trauma.
I think he needs help from a therapist to try and undo some of the things that have happened in his life and move on. At a latter sage he may choose to live with gynecomastia or have surgery to remove it.
But the choices are/will be his his not yours!!!!
This website is a support group and you are not being very supportive and once again you are still not qualified to pass judgement in the manner you have.
In terms of the way you act- Shape up up ship out pal!!
This website needs people who are thoughtful, act with consideration, do not pass judgment so easily and ultimately act in the interests of those asking for help and so far you just being a pain in the ass and not helping nobody.
Now I am not arguing with you further, you can have the last word if that is what you want, but trust me you would be better placed to think about the ramifications of your actions and ask yourself how you can help people in future- cause this sure ain't it.