Author Topic: Recovery time?  (Read 4399 times)

Offline alexgon

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Hello everyone, this is my first post here and am just looking for a little help.
im planing on having the surgery done by Dr.Fielding in the near future and would like to know what you guys think is reasonable time for recovery?

I do Muay Thai (Thai Kickboxing) and am worried about time lost due to recovery.

Basicly, how long befor I could start training again? Not so much sparring but doing bag work, push ups, sit ups and running?
Again, I wouldnt be getting kicking or punched in the chest at all...i would be punching and kicking a heavy bag ect.

Hope i can get some replies :D  Thanks!

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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It all depends on how much work Dr. Fielding has to do to you. The more the chest flesh is disturbed, the more healing you have to do. Personally tho, I would say give it at least two weeks before getting back into Muay Thai. Start out slow and then just listen to your body. If you experience any pain in the chest area, stop and give it another week.

Your body will 'tell you' when it's ready...

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline brebguy

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hey there...i'll be 2 week post op tomorrow and i think my healing is doing great... Fielding told me to wait about 3 weeks before going back to weight training.

you'll see how you feel and although i never had pain after surgery, i know i'm not completely healed as of today and would be pretty scared to be hit on the chest.
i've seen thai kickboxing in Thailand and surely i would be scared to kickbox soon after surgery (hell i would be scared of thai kickboxing anyways  :P)

but all jokes aside, give it a bit of time for the chest to really heal. Bambu my mentor says 2 weeks, but i would say at least 3.... (Luv u John  ;))
take care dude
« Last Edit: August 22, 2006, 12:06:27 PM by brebguy »
surgery did not work...:-(
Dr. Fielding (TO - Ontario : 416.766.8890) on august 9th, 2006 and revision on september 21st, 2007

Offline alexgon

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2-3 weeks sound very reasonable!  I was afraid I would be sitting out for months  :'(
My case isnt too bad i dont think, compared to some of the pics ive seen on the net and on here anyways.It does cause me to be overly self conscience about taking my shirt off though, even in front of my family, nevermind at the gym :(   22 years now...think its about time eh?
so hopefuly 2-3 weeks is all i will be out for, I can live with that.

Thanks for the advice guys, and bambu you are a real class act dude.Ive been reading these boards for a few weeks now and its incredible how much support,advice and experience you share with total strangers like myself.Cheers to you sir and anyone eles who sticks around to help  8)

Offline alexgon

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OK, so I made the call today and am set to see the good doctor in Nov. Kinda far off but it feels good to get the ball moving...cant help but think of all the stupid crap ive spent money on that could have otherwise gone to this long ago  :-[

Havnt told anyone about this yet...should be fun talking to my dad about my moobs  :o
« Last Edit: August 23, 2006, 11:42:19 AM by alexgon »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Thanks for the advice guys, and bambu you are a real class act dude.Ive been reading these boards for a few weeks now and its incredible how much support,advice and experience you share with total strangers like myself.Cheers to you sir and anyone eles who sticks around to help  8)

Thanks for the kind words dude!  :)

« Last Edit: August 24, 2006, 01:11:31 AM by Bambu »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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OK, so I made the call today and am set to see the good doctor in Nov.


Making 'The Call' is the biggest step....  ;)


Offline alexgon

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OK, so I had my consultation today with Dr Fielding.It went well and im feeling releif already.
Im having the surgery on the 13th of Dec. wich is really a pleasent surprise as its only a month to wait.I was expecting to wait at least 3 months as I was told that the winter season is his busy time.So it works out perfectly for me...I can have it done and have till march to hide under sweaters while I heal in time for summer :D

He was very nice and easy to talk to.He didnt make it out to be a big deal at all and asured me that whatever I was hiding underneath my hoodie, hes seen worse :P

If your waiting to see him, dont sweat it.It was really nothing and really quick.

So its Dec 13th at $1590

Good luck

Offline happyclam

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Hey alexgon, I'm in my fouth week post surgery and I feel pretty good. The results are amazing. I wish it were summer!! I went back to the gym a couple of weeks after the procedure - did some mild cardio (brisk walking on treadmill). I'm back at it today, doing some 40 minutes of hard cardio a day. Other than some squats and lunges, I haven't started on free weights yet, although I plan to start that any day now - cardio is getting boring. I've never done kickboxing, so I'm not too sure how much effort it demands, altough I suspect quite a bit. So you may want to go easy and not do anything too streneous in the first three weeks or so after the procedure. I've been wearing compression Ts under my gym tshirt at the gym and that seems to help. I still have swelling and I feel a bit of discomfort from time to time, but I have no problem stretching my arms above my head anymore. That was weird at first - it felt like my entire chest was being torn apart. I quickly learned to keep my arms down!! Try to get as much exercise as possible before D. 13. I stopped all supplements three weeks prior to the operation (like CLA, Vit. E, etc) and just started up again. You don't want to injest blood thinning stuff before the operation. I'm drinking lots of blueberry juice and other antioxidents like green tea - that seems to help my recovery. Good luck!

Offline alexgon

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Guys, i had to push my surgery back from dec 13 to this wed ( jan 31) because christmas and all.
So i have two more days to enjoy life with my boobs  ::) I wont be able to post pre-op pics, but ill do my best to get some post pics up.I dont have much though, its mostly the puffy nips deal.

Im getting a little worried.I guess thats normal.I just really hope all goes well, and i recover quickish so i can get back to the gym.cant wait till im finaly able to go shirtless in the ring at the gym  ;D please god...

A few questions...will i be able to take the vest off to peak the day i get home? How shitty does it feel having that thing on, and will i stink? will i be able to make it to my friends bday party on the following saturday without looking like im in pain or stink or having bloody blobs coming through my shirt  :o

ill update ASAP post-op.


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