Author Topic: Anyone know of any conditions with these symptoms?  (Read 3633 times)

Offline AbNormal

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Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone knew of any conditions which have the following symptoms:

Seemingly reduced size of the testicle on one side of the body

Increased breast tissue on the same side of the body as the side with the reduced size testicle

That's basically the extent of it.  Also perhaps a feeling of "tightness" along the "testicular cord" of the testicle which is reduced in size.

I have also experienced pain on rare occasions, but only say if I'm laying down, and I get up really suddenly after laying down for a long time, I'll get like a sharp pain on the right side of my lower abdomen/into around my hips, which seems to be along the vertical axis of my body, from around the hips up to the lower abdomen.

I will soon have health insurance so will be able to deal with this.. but does anyone have any recommendations for  the type of doc to see, etc?  I'm going to get my doc to do a full hormone analysis, but other than that I don't know how this type of thing goes.

Also, the tightness has been around for quite awhile, but the increased breast tissue on the side has been around for less time.

Any help is appreciated!

Offline AbNormal

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Anybody got any input?  I'm just wondering if there is any specific condition or conditions which these symptoms would point to?

Offline vaio

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When I heard enlarged testicle on one side, it make me think testicular caner, or torosion of the testicle. You need a doctor to look at that asap!
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Offline jc71

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not sure about the tightness and pain but having one testicle slightly larger than the other is 100% normal and nothing to be alarmed about.  might want to pay out of pocket for the dr visit to rule out s'thing that could get worse with time.

Offline AbNormal

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It's not actually enlarged on one side.. on one side it seems to be smaller.  This is the side that has the tight feeling.

The other one seems normal.

I think perhaps it's some kind of thing where the tube or whatever that supplies the teste with blood and whatnot is out of shape or something.. I don't know.

But yeah.. getting to a doc is the #1 priority.. but I'm only 1-2 weeks from getting health insurance.. and I have a feeling they'd want to run a lot of tests.

Plus the GP doc that I have now I don't like that much.. he discounts things that I complain about if I'm concerned about anything.. It doesn't seem like he's someone that I would want to stick with.  So waiting to get the insurance and from there somehow finding a good doc seems like a good way to go.

Another part of this is that my right side has always been like 2x more muscular than my left.. so the right pec could appear larger simply because of muscle mass below the fat.  I gained 40 lbs a couple years ago and have only lost probably 85% of the fat. What's left is in places that are harder to thin down.

But I do seem to be having some kind of problem with the man muscle, so going in for that is definitely a good idea.

I'm lifting weights in the meantime, focusing on everything except the right pec.  Hopefully that will help too.. it seems to have in the 1 week that I've done it, just from more blood in the muscles making them larger.

But in any case, having boob fat over your pecs and having one pec more muscular than the other makes for a rather imbalancing appearance with just a tee shirt on, which brings about the embarassment in public that we are all familiar with.

Without a  shirt, I seem to look fine to me, though I haven't had the chutzpah to ask someone, and in public I always wear a jacket or something which keeps its own form rather than fitting the form of my body.  With the warmer weather coming I'm not sure what to do.

Anyway, just letting off some steam with all of this.  Often it seems like it is justified to try to keep these problems from everyone in your life, and in some senses I guess it is.  But it's a hard row to hoe.

Anyway, if anybody has any input it would be appreciated.


Offline AbNormal

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not sure about the tightness and pain but having one testicle slightly larger than the other is 100% normal and nothing to be alarmed about.  might want to pay out of pocket for the dr visit to rule out s'thing that could get worse with time.

Thanks man that makes me feel a lot better about it.

I'm starting to think that it may just be a thing with fat left over from being 40 lbs overweight combined with having my right side more muscular than my left.. in which case lifting weights and eating right and exercising as much as possible would cure it.

And going to the doc to get hormone tests at least would bring an answer to the other question.

Plus getting a new doc will be nice.   Anybody know of a good GP doc in the Portland, Oregon area?  If so I could use one!

Thanks guys, your help is appreciated. Just getting thoughts out and getting input from other knowledgable people can really clear out some fears and doubts and whatnot.  These boards are very helpful.

Offline jc71

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my left testicle is noticeably larger than the right.  it's been like that for about 20 years and i'm fine.

Offline vaio

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« Last Edit: March 15, 2005, 04:48:01 PM by vaio »

Offline AbNormal

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Read this:

Thanks for getting that info Vaio..  I looked at the list of symptoms and I'm 100% sure that I don't have them.

The pain that I get, which is maybe once every 2 months or so, is just a sharp pain when I get up really fast from a reclined position, similar to if say a tendon was pulled or something like that.. It feels like what a rubber band would feel like if it could feel and it got stretched too much.. if you know what I mean.

But I'm 100% sure it's not testicular cancer... if I do have any kind of problem I think it may be something with the parts up in the abdomen which attach to the testicle.

I've had these symptoms for quite awhile, honestly.  I was concerned when they first came about, but 95% of the time I don't even feel the tightness, so I just kind of became un-concerned about it, or in denial or something.  At times I would get worried again, but wouldn't want to pay the cash to get it checked out.

Now I've got health insurance and just got a nice job, so I don't have the no cash thing to "keep me" from doing it anymore.  Honestly I think it was just denial.

Anyway, thanks for the link, seriously.. but I'm sure it's not testicular cancer.  That's one thing that it can't be at least.

Offline jc71

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very informative. hey abnormal, I have 5 of the 7 symptoms of testicular cancer listed in vaio's article and have had it, on and off, for two decades.  In that time, i've had my nads checked 12 times by 4 different dr.'s.  Hopefully it's nothing, but again, pay out of pocket and get checked.  If it is something serious, it's probably time sensitive and crucial it gets treated quickly. Good luck to you.  :)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2005, 04:58:17 PM by jc71 »


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