Author Topic: Any bodybuilders here who got the surgery or are going to get it?  (Read 2065 times)

Offline rich19007

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I have been bodybuilding for quite a few years and have always been known for my physique.  I have hid my gyno very well and people who see me actually think I have big muscular pecs with a shirt on.  The problem is that when I am with a girl, on the beach, etc my shirt never comes off and people think I am a weirdo or something.  Any body builders who have the same problem and had the surgery.  On the one hand, I want to be a normal guy and take my shirt off when appropriate.  On the other hand, when I am at the gym, etc everybody thinks I am built great because they think I have these big, well developed pecs.  I have even been hit on at the gym and at work by numerous girls who think I have a perfect body.  My surgery is scheduled for next week (and, by the way I am really nervous) but I was just wondering if anybody else had this type of experience.  It will be nice to feel free and be able to take my shirt off, but I also do not want to appear flat and thin after the surgery.  Not only do I have gyno, but in the past year it started to leak, which really freaked me out.  I have to get rid of this crap and I know it, but I have all these different issues running through my head.  By the way, I did go to the endocronologist and all levels are fine, so the leaking is a mystery.  I had mamograms and ultrasounds and they did not find anything, but that is another worry.  is there a hidden tumor somewhere?  Why the hell would I be leaking?  And it looks like a brown type of fluid.  I don't know, but I feel like I am a mess...

Offline flex1appeal

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I am an ex bodybuilder who had surgery last year. Twice actually. I competed for years all the way up thru the late 90's. I still lift heavy and stay fairly lean. I had similar problems as you described. I was always known for my physique and had woman hit on me no problem. I developed Gyno about 8 years ago from steroid use. I used for 16 years on and off and did everyting right until my last cycle or 2. That's when I developed it. Anyhow, I just got rid of mine last year and I can't wait for the summer to go to the beach. I avoided the beach for so long. And people thought I was weird too for never taking my shirt off at the beach/pool/water park. They could all tell I was muscular and lean thru my shirt. But they couldn't understand it. Used lame reasons like I was allergic to the sun and burned easy. LOL. Anyhow, if you want to ask me anything feel free.

Offline rich19007

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Thanks for the feedback.  Did you have general or local anesthesia?  My doctor is using general because he says he wants this to be a pleasant experience for me and does not want me to remeber or feel anything, but I have alot of anxiety about the general.

Offline flex1appeal

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I had general and that is the only way I'd do it bro. No need to worry. It is perfectly safe. You'll be out like a light and then suddenly wake up as though you were out for a minute. Really will be 1.5 - 2hrs later. It is a cake walk bro.

Offline kennyb

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Did you have drains? 

How long after surgery until you were coherent and could drive?  I don't have anyone to pick me up, so they might get a cab to take me to a hotel.


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