Author Topic: puffy nipples + gyne...  (Read 4556 times)

Offline huhu

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Hi guys
I think I have puffy nipples and gyne but I'm not expert
I am 23 and have been exactly as this for several years, so it's not something temporary
I have been exercising in the past but recently thought that pushups might make it look worst
in the first picture you see my chest when they look standard, and I would be fine if I could get my nipples/areolas always that way
in the second and third pic I tried to shot them when their skin gets flat and they get bigger
I think I have gyne and would like to hear from you guys what you think about it, and if there's a way (other than surgery that I'm not considering at the moment) to have my nipples "not relaxed" (I don't know how to define them when they enlarge)
might this be hormonal? I never talked about this stuff with my doctor
If it could help I might try to enlarge the upper part of my pectorals with some exercise (if it can be done) but this regards the overall shape and not their being puffy...
might this stuff be cured with herbs, vitamins, or other medicines? sorry if these are idiot questions but I'm not into medical stuff at all
thanks for any reply :)

Offline Diesel

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Well the first step with any case should be to discuss it with your doctor. It might be hormonal, meaning you can be prescribed an anti-eastrogen to reduce the puffy look.

To be honest Huhu, it doesnt look that bad at all, I'd be surprised if anyone noticed at all unless you pointed it out to them, but if you want it totally gone then look into surgery, again discuss that with your doctor.

Like I said, I've seen far more severe cases. If I saw you on a beach I'd be staring at that forest on your chest before I stared at your puffy nips  ;D

Offline huhu

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thanks for the answer
well I tried to shot it when it looks bad but it's kind of cold today here at mine so they tend to get better, I grant you it looks bad when they are puffy, these photos don't show it well
as far as it regards the forest...I'll get toying with a grass hog on my chest :D
anyway in the 3rd photo it's more or less what I mean with "looks bad", sometimes they are also more pronounced
I hope it is something hormonal, as I said surgery isn't an option at the moment

Offline huhu

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so you say it could be hormonal even if it has been this way for years?
I don't like seeing doctors so I don't take exams often (aka never) and yes, I know this is not a good habit

Offline Diesel

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Probably not if its been like that for a long time. Hormone causes are usually quite sudden, as theres a sudden change in your life (whatever that may be). I'm not the greatest expert on hormones, as I've never needed to look into it.

You may not like going to the doctor, but if you want to do anything practical about it then your gonna need to I'm afraid. On internet sites like this,  unfortunately we can only really bounce ideas of one another. Go see your doc.

Offline huhu

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You may not like going to the doctor, but if you want to do anything practical about it then your gonna need to I'm afraid. On internet sites like this,  unfortunately we can only really bounce ideas of one another. Go see your doc.
yeah, my sentence didn't mean I won't go, I was just mentioning one of my habits
in case it isn't hormonal, are there other ways to get it fixed? (herdbs, medicines...) or surgery is the only one?

thanks ;)

Offline huhu

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I'm trying to lose some weight also, (current body fat 11.8 but I'm not sure how reliable the test can be)
could it make it worse? I have been lifting weights in the past, there's actually some real muscle under my gyne/areolas

Offline huhu

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LOL on the losing weight concept that everyone seems to think is the cure-all to ur gyne condition. It's not, take it from someone who has had a similar condition to yours for as long as I can remember. I'm 6-0 170 and have weighed the same since I was 18 yrs. old. Do I sound fat? I don't think so! From the looks of ur pics ur very fit. SURGERY is ur only choice.
I grant you I have some fat in excess on my whole body so loosing some weight or building up some muscles won't be bad in my opinion
I think that puffy and outside-pushing nipples would look better on a wide chest and between 2 big and well shaped arms then on the average joe's body
I'm sure you're right that surgery would be my only real final solution, but since I'm not going the surgery way I think something can be done to make it look better

Offline outertrial

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Losing weight and working out to look better is an excellent idea. Losing weight and working out to improve your gyne isnt.

Why? Well lots of people have tried it. You put all this effort in dieting and pumping iron to try and sort out these two little bits of your body that just dont respond like you want them to. People get fixated on it, then demoralised, give up and you end up worse than before.

Lose weight by all means but keep it in perspective and be realistic about the results you can expect.


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