Author Topic: Newbie with good and bad experiences.  (Read 4575 times)

Offline thefreerider

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Hi all,
  Since the age of 13 I've suffered with gyne, at first I was told it was just puppy fat, then they became quite painfull. At first it didn't bother me that much as I was overweight but then I boxed for over a year in a top gym and although the rest of me was fairly rippling my chest wasnt. It never bothered me then a great deal as the rest of my body confused people into thinking I had pecs, I was only when it came time to take my top off that i was bothered.....i then had to perform a play topless which in all honesty scared the s*** out of me.

About 2 years later I was watching a documentary and discovered the I had gyne, I didnt even know what it was before this.
I went to the GP who refered me to a surgeon who then sent me a letter which I returned to the doctors only to never here anything again and I got told if I did get accepted I'd be on a three year waiting list.

By this point it was really getting me down and being as I was in a relationship this didnt help...espescially when it came to getting down and dirty and air would get trapped between my chest and my partners creating a farting noise...comical but not exactly what u want.

Anyways, I moved house to a pretty prosperous town around a year ago and joined a new surgery...I never though about asking again as the three year waiting list was ridiculous and I planned on going private when I could afford it.

This morning I went to see the GP about my broken collar bone, I also mentioned my gyne, it's amazing what living in a different area can make, in one month I'll be seeing a surgeon and my gp has said that surgery will likely be performed by september the latest.  I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders....I'll keep you updated.

Offline steve21

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Welcome to the boards.

Its good to hear that the ball is well and truly rolling. Keep us updated :)

Offline thefreerider

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Well, I'm still waiting for the letter the doc said would arrive around the one month mark....:(

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
good luck with it matey :)
some on here have had some good expieriences from the nhs :)
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity

Offline thefreerider

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Well, what a let down. I had an appointment with the surgeon, I even wasted 1 day of holiday on going to see him. He checked me out and told me 'we have three options, one is to do nothing' obviously thats not an option for me...'two is to put you on hormone treatment which probably wont work as you have a deep voice and normal facial hair as well as male features apart from your gyne'....great, whats the 3rd? 'the 3rd is for you to pay privately to get it done as we can only remove gland, you need gland removal and lipo and lipo isn't performed on the nhs'...................Now I'm more down about it than ever, sometimes I even consider attemtping the op myself but know that would be stupid....there's no way I can afford private treatment......I just dont know what to do anymore?


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Mate, welcome to NHS treatment. I was all boosted up about my GP saying it'll be sorted ASAP ... and as soon as I saw my surgeon he said the same thing that they cant fund my operation so then came the days of saving up 4k and going to Levick. Now I got my op this Friday.

Offline turningacorner

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alrite bro

I'm in the same boat, thought about doing it myself too lol, all I can say is try it.. see how far u get...

I'm gunna see Mr H Hamed at London Bridge in september, his fees r way less than Levicks.

Conz payed 2,600.

And he had to wait 1 week 1 day.

I went down the NHS road, doctor put my case in.. they rejected, so we appealed, got my BMI done which was 23, and he measured my chest.. still rejected. About 3 months on I have heard nothing so I see my GP, and he's like, ' did'nt you get the letters in the post?'

I recieved nothing, all it was was an article about celebrities like fucking simon cowell and robbie williams who payed for their surgery.

Complete pisstake, F*ck the NHS, sure they have got to use their money sparingly and for really urgent cases, but not informing people is just f*cking around with their lives.



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alrite bro

I'm in the same boat, thought about doing it myself too lol, all I can say is try it.. see how far u get...

I'm gunna see Mr H Hamed at London Bridge in september, his fees r way less than Levicks.

Conz payed 2,600.

And he had to wait 1 week 1 day.

I went down the NHS road, doctor put my case in.. they rejected, so we appealed, got my BMI done which was 23, and he measured my chest.. still rejected. About 3 months on I have heard nothing so I see my GP, and he's like, ' did'nt you get the letters in the post?'

I recieved nothing, all it was was an article about celebrities like fucking simon cowell and robbie williams who payed for their surgery.

Complete pisstake, F*ck the NHS, sure they have got to use their money sparingly and for really urgent cases, but not informing people is just f*cking around with their lives.


Exactly... They didnt inform me either until I chased up 6 months later asking why is it taking so long.

Only reason im going to Levick is because hes done sh!t loads of operations on members in this forum and the fact the guys suffered from Gyne himself.

If he does a good job then I can happily say its the best 4k ive ever spent in my life.

Offline outertrial

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Some people get lucky on the NHS, if you persevere you can probably get somewhere. In my case I thought whats the point, the moneys not worth the waiting so I paid privately and very glad I did.

Im not sure why the told you that only excision is covered, most people get told the opposite; personally i think they make it up as they go along.

Offline thefreerider

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Well, in the meantime I think diet and gym will be my priority....I'll try and save bit by bit and I'm sure eventually I'll raise enough.....the thing that pisses me of the most is all I want to do is take my 2 kids swimming, something I loved doing as a kid......but i cant face it.....and they'll never get the chance till theyre way older point the surgeon did make when I met him was that 4k is ridiculous for the op, lipo takes 15 mins on the chest and excisions not much the surgeon is probably making 3.8k every 45 mins.......thats ridiculous.

Offline outertrial

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Thats actually not the case. GP's, mine included seem to believe that gynecomasty is a very simple procedure that takes a few minutes, should be cheaper to have done than lovehandles, and that anyone with a cannula and a copy of Greys Anatomy can perform. If your surgeon thinks that too then youre definitely better off having nothing to do with him.

Firstly its not a production line with patients being wheeled in every 3 quarters of an hour and half an hour off for lunch. A good surgeon will offer great support (customer service) at the point of enquiry, up to the consultation, up to and during the op, then give you all the advice and follow ups you need post op AND do a revision without arguing if needed.

Secondly its actually very difficult surgery to get right as a lot of they guys posting about revisions on this site testify to regularly. Even the best surgeons dont get it bang on every time. A bit too much taken out of the wrong places and youre deformed. Not enough and you have to go back and put yourself through it all again, or just live with it.

I agree that private surgery in the UK is too expensive, which is why I went abroad. But there are plenty of private clinics charging much more than 4000GBP for this surgery, and the surgeons theyre offering are not in any way gyne specialists, or even very nice sometimes.

An operation of this type is one case where it is well worth paying a bit more for the right surgeon, and/or being prepared to travel. This is one reason Im not a great fan of the NHS, as it is quite hit and miss and for many people not at all easy to judge on the way up. You can have great consultations with a fab surgeon and then someone totally different walks in 2 minutes before they sedate you.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2007, 06:02:04 PM by outertrial »

Offline Johnny Wishbone

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I've been fairly lucky with my job and I don't have a family to support but it is possible to have the gland excision and lipo done in Poland door to door for around £1200 - I did.  Sounds like you've been suffering for a while, but at least you know your options now and have people here who are prepared to help you.  I would never bother with NHS, not because I don't believe they can help, but because I know there would be more heartache than I was prepared to accept.

For the record if I was to do the op again I would go to Dr Benito (Outertrial was the guinnea pig) in Spain but with a UK consultancy, I believe he charges around £2,600.

If funds are tight now wouldn't a loan be a possibility? Borrowing £1500-£2500 over 3 years would come in at £50-80 over month, over 5 years £30-50 per month.  How badly do you want it sorted?

Offline inorbit

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I'm not having any luck on the NHS either... had the pinful discs behind nipples early teens - 20s.  I'm 27 now, and while i was seeing a doc at bupa for another reason i asked his opinion as i have the cone/puffy nipple that everyone hates.  I know i have a mildish case thesedays but it looks like there is some glad there still and he agreed but said i should initially get a hormonal test through my GP with being 27.  So i went and asked and i felt so small and that i was wasting his time, he just said NO!  Not worth it.... *sigh*  I know they wouldn't possibly do surgery on mild cases but i did think i'd get a blood test!

I'm in good shape, thin as i like to go out running (which makes it look worse i think), and i've never taken my top off on holiday and it has knocked my confidence completely ever since i was teased about it...  Seems kinda unfair to stay in decent shape and not be able to swim with confidence when people who aint in great shape can as they look 'normal'

Not entirely sure what to do either.  I'm just going to pay for the blood test, just incase, but it'll probably come  back ok, and i'll have to consider whether it's worth paying the ££ to get it done private or just to live with it.... It's a very hard choice!

Hope you guys have some luck!!


Offline outertrial

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Not entirely sure what to do either.  I'm just going to pay for the blood test, just incase, but it'll probably come  back ok, and i'll have to consider whether it's worth paying the ££ to get it done private or just to live with it.... It's a very hard choice!

Not for me it wasnt.

Offline Bigdom

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I agree with Outertrial, it wasn't a hard choice for me either, i've been waiting for reliable results, as techniques have improved. 

I used to have bodyfat in single digits, though one of my mates (he is a bald C*nt though) did think it was funny laughing at my 'droppy saggy breasts'.  To compound this, i used to suffer from Hyperhydrosis as well, although i had this taken care of my last companies Bupa scheme.   Over the years, i've put on a few pounds to try and balance my chest out with my belly (curries & beer)....didn't really work, but makes it easier. 

After looking at this board for a while, and with getting married next April the last thing i was going to do was to walk around on my honeymoon with a top on again.  The wedding and HM are costing a fortune, i see this as a good investment in 'myself' and one that will make me a lot happier on a daily basis.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 07:21:54 PM by Bigdom »


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