Author Topic: Had surgery wednesday morning  (Read 1474 times)

Offline furiousgeorge

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Hi all!

So i finally had my surgery wednesday morning with Dr. Fielding (had to wake up at 5 in the morning  :-\ ). I was pretty calm for the whole thing, only really got a bit nervous after walking into the operating room but the nurses were nice, and Dr. Fielding was his usual charming self. So he draws some circles on me, and I lay down. IV gets put in and I feel a bit tingly, and as soon as the nurse gave me oxygen I took a deep breath, nothing. Second deep breath, nothing. Third deep breath, boom im out  :) .

What seemed like a minute later I feel incredibly groggy and see people walking back and forth and a dim chatter; it was suprising how similar it is to in the movies when they show the person waking up and you see it from their point of view. Im not in much pain, but i feel the compression vest around me and man is it tight. The nurse come checks on me and gave me some water which i had to struggle not to chug down because of the nausea, which isnt too bad but i know if i drank too much id throw it up. At this point the worst feeling is the dryness in my mouth, its like my saliva glands havent been working for the past few hours. After about an hour I get the ok from the nurse and my dad helps me get dressed, and I get discharged. One uncomfortable taxi ride later, and im home.

The pain still isnt bad but the feeling of nausea is pretty bad, if im sitting or standing i feel like puking so I just lay down and slept for a few hours. I wake up and manage to eat half a bowl of soup, and keep it down alright. I had a terrible time sleeping though, my neck and shoulders were hurting incredibly (MUCH worse than my chest) and im used to sleeping on my stomach so I got no relief; maybe slept 5 hours that night. The next day the feeling of nausea is completely gone and im able to sit and play on the computer a bit, and eat normally as well (which is great because im starving at this point). The chest pain isnt that bad, just occasional tingling but the vest is constricting my belly! It needs to be free! Managed to sleep pretty well.

Friday I wake up and the pain is now pretty local, around the area where my nipples are. The meds help, but arent really needed. Trying to take a dump though is a challenge, as the meds make you constipated and it takes quite a while but i manage to do it. Still a bit hard to walk with some pain getting up and lying down or sitting, but nothing i cant manage.

Today the pain on my right chest area is pretty much none when im not moving (theres still pain but ony when i move my right arm a certain way), however the pain in the left side is pretty sharp and is sort of pangy at times; i expected this because dr fielding said that my left side was worse than my right, and at the hospital it was "oozing" quite a bit more than the right. Still a bit constipated though  :-\

I will post pictures on tuesday or wednesday when i get back to school with my computer and the dressings come off, but one thing id like to mention is even with this compression vest and the pads over my chest (quite big and thick), my profile is MUCH better than before. Unlike alot of guys i see on here who have puffy nipples or actual breasts that sag, mine were incredibly perky and conical as well as puffy, which was a terrible combination; plain t-shirts were out of the question even with a wifebeater. So to see some degree of flatness is awsome, and this is just a few days after surgery.

Im not stressing at all over the pain because I just remember this; the pain im experiencing right now is NOWHERE near the pain of having to have dealt with boobs for a good 9-10 years of my life (im 20 so thats half of my life). Just think of that when deciding whether or not to get this operation. A day of nausea and pain followed by a few days of localized pain vs having to deal with it every waking minute of every day; wondering if people can see them, if wearing this shirt or that sweater will adequately cover them up, hoping the wind doesnt blow towards you, etc. My family has been supportive of it (my older sister even asked if she could have my breast tissue to put in hers, shes a joker :D ) and my best friend even had the same operation (which i didnt know about till I told him I was considering it).

Offline oldspice

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congrats man, im looking to get it done by fielding this yr, before the spring. sounds similar to mine, conical with some volume, as well as puffy nips. how much did he charge u? oh, and after the operation, are u completely nude? during and after. thanks :)

Offline furiousgeorge

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He charged me 1600 (came to 1680 with GST which i think is a great price); I think he was being nice because im a full time engineering student living on campus and money is a worry. You arent nude at any time, you get to keep your boxers(or nuthuggers/briefs, whatever you like although id advise boxers for comfort) and socks on so dont worry  ;) . Im not sure if i mentioned this but he removed 1L of fat from my chest which shocked me (and suprised him), because it didnt seem like it was that much to me, and there was alot of gland. Right now the most annoying part is the foam pads which are sortof stuck to my chest, they itch real bad but other than that the chest pain is pretty minimal; just cant sleep on my stomach which i really miss.


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