Recovery Day 21:
3 weeks post op!
Well, as I had hoped at the 2-week mark, the bruising has all gone - there is the tiniest little hint of yellow left in the photos, but bare in mind that as before the contrast in the photos is enhanced by 100% in photoshop deliberately to highlight the bruising etc.
Seem to have got on top of the seroma under the right nipple, it hasn't filled up again, so as Mr levick said on Monday when he drained it last, whatever was leaking seems to have healed up now. You can probably see there is a bit more swelling at the top of chest/under arm on that right hand side. What looks like a "sunken" bit on the edge of the pec above the nipple will be closer to the "real profile" - it isn't that that part is sunken of course, it is that the rest is slightly swollen.
Lymph glands have gone down quite a bit - that was probably the most uncomfortable part so far - a line of glands which come up like marbles under the skin almost, in a line from armpit down the outside edge of each side of chest. I think the massage in past couple of days has helped ease them down a bit too. Apparently could take several weeks for them to go down compeltely, but I'd say right now they are only about 25% of the size they were a week ago, when they were probably at worst point.
So, keeping up now with half hour massage in morning and same (or more) at night in front of the telly - easy to pass the time that way without it becoming a chore. If it becomes normal part of routine, more likely to keep it up for a good while for optimum results, rather than forget about it after a few days like a lot of guys seem to (though that may just be beacuse they are happy with their result and don't think they need it of course!)
Keeping the compression vest on 24/7 still - well actually it is off for about an hour or so in the morning for breakfast/massage/shower, and again for an hour for massage etc. before bed - so I suppose that should say 22/7.
Hopes for the 4-week mark - that lymph glands will continue to go down, and that right-hand side of chest will start to even out and catch up with the left-hand side... that seroma put it a little bit behind I guess.