Author Topic: Hello old friends (and newbies)  (Read 3698 times)

Offline glinja

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  • bi lateral aggressive lipo done on NHS 16/06/04
Its been a while and i was bored at work, on the net, and remebered about this site!!.
Its amazing how the gyne goes out of your mind post op!!.
Well its been nearly 12 months since my op in Nuneaton (17th June 2004 a date i will always remember!!).
Am I happy?, well its had its ups and downs, and my chest is NOT perfect, but compared to how it was, well im happy with that.
I can go swimming, and wear any shirts and tee shirts i like, with out a muscle vest under it now, and even wear work shirts in the hot days, without being concious of everyone "looking" at me.
It was still the best decision i have ever made.
Ive still got like a small roll of fat under each armpit, and the left nipple looks slightly wonky, but these are very small details, only i seem to be aware of!.
Its amazing when you go swimming, just how many people have this affliction, and how it doesnt seem to bother them at all, although you see some people trying to cover it just like me (i think there is a secret unspoken clan of us out there).
Anyways, hope you are all doing well, and anyone thinking about the NHS way, it worked for me!!.
Glinja  ;)

Offline Pferdestärken

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  • Fixed 03/06/05 by the incredible Mr Paul Levick!
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You're not far from me - I'm in Rugby. Used to live in Nuneaton actually, Horsham Grange. Maybe pretty soon we'll bump into each other at the pool!
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick

Offline glinja

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Hey Pferdestärken,
Im not in nuneaton, just had the op there, i live in Leamington, so no not far away at all!!.
Hope its all going well, and you are as happy as me!!

Offline uk2000

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hey glinja, long time how u doing.  good to see yr getting on with it.
i  had second surgery a little while back, cos i had a similar thing as u, like rolls of fat in various places.  i just had lipo the 2nd time round,  but it looks like im gna need further gland removal as well to get the results i want,  so i see a 3rd surgery coming up soon.
July 04 - Gland removal + liposuction- Adriaan Grobbelaar. Results: Terrible
Feb 05 - Lipo Revision- Alex Karidis.
Nov 05 - Gland + Lipo- Alex Karidis.
Jun 06 - LHS gland + Lipo - Alex Karidis.

Offline glinja

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  • bi lateral aggressive lipo done on NHS 16/06/04
hey Uk2000, how ya doing, nice to still see some old faces floating around on here (has HHH got his 1,000,000th post yet?) :o
Sorry to here about your results mate, and the second corrective op, but heres hoping you get the results you want in the future!.
Did you have to pay for the second surgery, or was it done with the original surgeon, and if you paid, did it cost a lot, if you dont mind me asking?.
Anyways, hope it all goes well, and best of luck for the future!

Offline uk2000

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the 2nd surgery was lipo only with a diff surgeon karidis.  but it didnt really solve th eproblem to much.  as i need further gland removed,  which will be done in my next op.
2nd op lipo only cost £2900.  its really put me out of pocket.

Offline Yorkshireman

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UK2000...I admire you for going through a 3rd op!...I dont think I could do it again, both in terms of expense, and in anticipation/disappointment.

May you be 3rd time lucky!

Offline serg

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uk2000, who are you having the third op with?

Offline uk2000

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well it probably be with karidis, as i cant afford to pay another surgeon for surgery again.

karidis did say he will do it again, but im thinking he may charge me a little extra as im gna make him take out some gland.  though im gonna try and get him to do it for free, as he advised me that i needed lipo only to solve the problem, and it didnt solve it.     so if he tries to charge me extra for having the gland removed this time round, i will bring up that point, as he shud have suggested it in the first place.

let this be a note for first time patients on how important it is to choose yr surgeon carefully.  if i had done that i wudnt be in this mess.
i went to grobellar first time round, as he was recommended on this board.   even at my consultation he brushed me of and i didnt feel he was right, but i thought cos he was mentioned on these boards by a few people he be good so i proceded.

i was at first gna go wit either stanek / karidis.  i didnt go with stanek cos i dint knw wot he was like wit gyne ops.


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