Author Topic: Hi friends  (Read 12929 times)

Offline WPW717

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Gangplank is down…
Welcome aboard the voyage 
Regards, Bob

Offline Jadzia

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Glad to be onboard

Offline Busty

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Welcome, Jadzia

Offline oldguy

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I am 64 years old and have developed a hormonal imbalance like many of you.
Yes i have physical mental issues from this (not a bad thing).
i enjoy reading all the info and i am an occasional bra wearer too
Welcome Jadzia,

I began developing breasts shortly after I retired at 61.  By 64, I was referred to a breast Doctor who said at my age it was best to just deal with it.  His PA suggested that I begin wearing support as they bounced around whenever it jogged or even going down stairs.  We have 27 stairs over 5 levels in our house.  She wrote a note to my wife and I have been wearing support ever since.  

Today, I accompany my wife to a salon where she has her hair done.  While the coloring sets, I get my hair cut.  Normally the hairdresser pulls back my collar to wrap a tissue around my neck.   This was the first time I wore a bra to the appointment.  No problem.  Another bridge crossed.

Offline Johndoe1

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Today, I accompany my wife to a salon where she has her hair done.  While the coloring sets, I get my hair cut.  Normally the hairdresser pulls back my collar to wrap a tissue around my neck.  This was the first time I wore a bra to the appointment.  No problem.  Another bridge crossed.
I get my hair cut at a franchise called Sports Clips. It's a sports themed men's hair styling establishment. Lots of free flowing testosterone there. I wound up there after the lady who had been cutting my hair moved away and I needed a cut. All the stylists are women there. Yeah  it's a fairly sexist place but the ladies are really good at their jobs and friendly. There's two who if they see me come in, they will take me. I think one has figured out I wear bras. I usually get what is called a MVP which is a cut, wash and shoulder massage. Reclined in the wash chair, she has had to have noticed the outline of my supported breasts under my top as the draped towel lies over my chest. Add that when she uses the messager, she can feel the straps and hardware as the machine runs over them. She's never said anything but I suspect she knows. First time I went wearing a bra was nerve wracking but now I don't even think about it. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline AlfaQ

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That's my experience too. People tend to see only what they are expecting to see and often their minds are miles away.  I have had my bra straps exposed by a sleeve less T shirt and not a second glance.  After a certain age we tend to become invisible anyway. 

Offline taxmapper

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As I pointed out before.  Like the Daytime running light thing. 

When it first started, they stood out like a sore thumb. 

But after a while our brains no longer connect.   The "bumps' become normative. In fact NOT wearing a bra draws the ire and attention. Seeing round bulbs on the chest (chesticles) the brain stops because of the fluid round shape and basically ignores it. 

Offline Johndoe1

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But after a while our brains no longer connect.  The "bumps' become normative. In fact NOT wearing a bra draws the ire and attention. Seeing round bulbs on the chest (chesticles) the brain stops because of the fluid round shape and basically ignores it.
It's true about being braless. It is annoying to me to not be supported. I feel every step in my bosom as they bounce and sway as I walk. And to not feel the firm exoskeleton of the bra around my torso screws with my mind. It's such a relief to be secured in my bra. 

Offline blad

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It's such a relief to be secured in my bra.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Parity

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I feel it take a bit for our brains to wrap around the fact that we wear bras.  It did for me.  I'm in the camp with Johndoe1, wearing brings comfort and a sense of rightness with me.  No unwanted  movement or embarrassment there either.  


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