Author Topic: Surgery with Levick 24th Oct. NO DRAINS USED!!  (Read 6814 times)

Offline Vesuvius

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Hey guys, had surgery with levick this morning. Two interesting points for you all - he didn't use drains and uses a different type of bandage! So, instead of drains he uses a fibrin spray inside of the gland cavity which prevents bleeding and aids clotting. He said it was the modern approach and time he used this method. So no drains for me! And I've got a different garment on, imagine a boob tube style top a girl would wear bit which fastens with velcro and is tighter and more rigid. I can take it off on Monday, shower and then use the standard Compression garment I got from Design Veronique. I am a slim guy and had puffy nipples. Dr levick got a fair amount of gland out though - about the size of a fried egg each side if you include the surrounding fat he took out.

Currently in bed with leg pumps on and on my third jug of water. Staff here are absolutely wonderful and Dr levick is brilliant - you couldn't ask for a nicer surgeon!

Offline Vesuvius

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I'm now 2 days post op as had surgery on Thursday. At home and feeling OK really. As I mentioned above, Dr Levick didn't use drains in me which was a massive relief as I was dreading the removal of them! Also, I've got a different Compression vest on - it fixes up by velcro and therefore is really easy together off when the time comes - it won't take any skin off and is reasonably comfortable! Dr Levick tightened it for me before I left the hospital and I could see my chest which looked nice and flat. He said it can come off tues and I can shower then I can either put it on again until thurs or use my other compression vest. I've got a bit of bruising and swelling where the vest does not cover but hardly anything compared to some of the pics I've seen on here before.

Offline Donut

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Liking the sound of no drains! - will you be posting before / after pics?

Hope recovery goes well - rarely seems to be any problems... Just have patience!

Offline Vesuvius

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Thanks donut - Yep I will post pics on here once the first compression vest comes off in a few days....

Offline jamie10

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sounds like you are one of the first to have this experience. Sounds much better to be honest! Though the drains and bandage experience I had wasn't terrible, but still seems like a better option you got! Hope to see some pics and your progress ; )

Offline Vesuvius

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Hi Jamie, yep Dr Levick said that I was the first to be trying the no drains approach with him and also the new bandage type. I sent him an update today and he got back to me saying all looked well. I will post pics when I swap to a standard compression vest later in the week.... Apparently the fibrin spray is mega expensive but if it prevents the use of drains then surely a good thing! Hope that your recovery is going well :)

Offline Donut

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It's great to know that even the most highly respected surgeons are always looking at ways to improve their technique still further!

Offline Vesuvius

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Yep he seems really interested to see how the new approach goes. It sounds as if the no drains and bandage wrap will be the way forward for Dr Levick if it goes well for me... I've got a bit of bruising where the wrap doesn't cover and some swelling but nothing too alarming. I've been drinking a litre of pineapple juice a day and taking 2 30c Arnica tablets every two hours. I'm also taking 2000mg of vitamin c  to keep my immune system up.

Offline Vesuvius

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Also, thought I would add that at this early stage (3 days post op) I would not hesitate for a minute in recommending Dr Levick for the correction of gyno - he seems brilliant at what he does and most understanding of what is a horrible condition for us gyno sufferers. My problem was puffy nipples which projected themselves through tshirts, jumpers, rugby tops, hoodies, everything really! I totally detested my puffy nipples and couldn't live with them any longer so the only choice was for them to go!

Offline Vesuvius

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I just posted this in Simba 's thread and so thought I would add it to mine too..... I had surgery with Levick on the 24th and almost felt more excited than nervous! Obviously there was some apprehension prior to going into surgery but the hour and a half beforehand is so busy with nurses coming in etc that you almost forget what is going to happen. On the walk down to the operating theatre you're wearing some sexy paper pants, stockings and a gown. Once in the pre theatre room Dr Levick came in to take some pics and marked me up. I then lay down on the bed and the Canula was inserted which did not hurt too much. Then the magic starts to happen  and you feel the anaesthetic rushing through your body. I remember saying will I fall asleep soon and the next thing I knew I was in the recovery room with an oxygen mask on. I felt claustrophobic with this on but they soon got it off me and wheeled me back to my room.

Offline Vesuvius

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Hey guys, binder garment just off and first proper shower since Thursday last week!

I will post before and after pics later today. Chest is a bit bruised but not too bad and seems pretty flat! I've got a bit of pain but it's definitely bearable at the moment. I think there is some swelling which I will get Dr Levick to confirm via email. It was a bizarre feeling taking the binder off and seeing my new chest - however, I had seen it before when I was discharged from hospital last week and have had the odd peek at my nipples when readjusting the binder as it tends to slip down a bit throughout the day.

I'm now wearing the standard Compression vest from Design Veronique with the clips. I'm in a medium and using it on the tightest setting. I'm actually wearing a white cotton tshirt under the vest which I got from h and m for a fiver. I bought several and will wear a new one everyday -doing this meant I only needed to buy one Compression vest. I discussed this with Dr Levick and he thought it sounded like a good idea (said he may suggest it to other patients) as having a tshirt underneath makes wearing the vest much more comfortable.

Will post more later, including pics, and any questions please feel free to ask!

Offline Vesuvius

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Offline Vesuvius

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Offline Vesuvius

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