Author Topic: my day, april 7th (now with pre op and post op pics)  (Read 8066 times)

Offline gottadog

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i will go under the knife on tueday the seven. my surgeon is dr. suess. funny i know. it was to me when i saw his name. but its pronounce sus.

i'm 27, 5' 9''. 180 lbs. got some more to loose,   but over a year ago to now i've lost about 35lbs. i'm terribly excited and nervous.

i found myself fortunate to have recieved the money, unfortunately it was from a workcomp injury that has left my left ankle permanently messed up. it hurts all the time, but hey, it works.

i cant wait to post new pics following surgery. the mental part of this condition i think is worse then the physical part. it was terrifiing when i told my girl friend. although i can tell she knew, she is unbelievably supportive and i cant ask for a better or more beautiful person.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 05:24:48 PM by gottadog »

Offline wolfman

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good luck and dont forgett to tell us how the surgery went

Bye Wolfman
i finally feel like im a man

Offline gottadog

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i finally figured out how to use photobucket and post pics. not too bad. thought it was harder. anyway i'm ecstatic for my surgery

Offline **Gynefor**

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surgery in less then 24hrs. i woke up today very nervous. i cant wait to get this over with.

Offline Hope

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Good luck with your surgery and I hope everything goes well.

I understand your nervousness as I am feeling the same too with my surgery in a couple of days time.

*Gyne free thanks to Mr Levick on  April 9th 2009*

Offline gottadog

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thanks. i know i'll be fine. i'm glad i'm only being sedated. no general. i hope it isnt as bad as general when i wake up. last few surgeries i wasnt doing so good. pretty nauseous

Offline gottadog

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i'm finally awake. i was so groggy during surgery. i woke up and vaguely remember talking to the doctor. i could feel the tugging in my chest. pain less and then i remember going out again, then awake again. they said i'm the fastest person to ever get up and recover enough to leave.

anyway i've taken a little peek and i'm quit satisfied. i can feel the swelling coming in. i'm very sore. but he gave me darvocet, i'm allergic to codeine and vicodine. i'm all woozy today.

the soreness isnt bad as i'd assumed it could have been. i can move my arms with out pain. not that i'm lifting anhthing or work.

thank you dr. suess thus far i'm very happy to see my recovery as i heal in the next few weeks and months.

thanks for al your support fellas. im finally on the other side!!!!

Offline gottadog

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i woke up today in aLOT of pain!!! yesterday i was moving around, wasnt feeling much pain other then the soreness, i was still sedated slightly. today 100% different. pain is intense but nothing unmanageable. i just took 2 darvocet pills. hopping they'll kick in soon enough.

i do remember dr suess showing me the jar of fat he lipoed and the tissue from each chest. friday i go to visit him. i hope to find out how much he removed.

and also get some post op pics to share as well.

good luck fellas


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Congrats on the surgery, I can't wait to have mine

Offline gottadog

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thanks anonymous.

so i called my ps yesterday. talked to one of his receptionists. i'm itching INCREDIBLY.
dr suess used a drain that is in my areola. it looks like a small straw that is bent at the exit and cut in half. it is in alot of gauze. when i adjusted my vest i could tell i pulled alittle on the drain. it hurt like a MOTHER F%%KER. my left side is much more tender and sore then my right.

so she ended up calling me back because she phoned the dr. they changed my follow up day to today instead of friday. said itching is normal. i'm finally gonna see some results. i understand that i'm a bit swollen and getting more swollen. i've read all of the stories and on other websites. (this one is the best). i had asked how much was removed from me. she said the doc told her 250cc's of fat was lipo'd. and 1 1/2 to 2 oz's of tissue and fat was removed from each breast.

during surgery i remember waking up. i was heavily sedated. i thought it was a dream, but they told me i indeed did wake up. i could feel slight tugging and zero pain on my right side. i remember him saying he was halfway done, then i passed out again. i woke up after surgery as they were moving me to the post op bed, i vaguely remember them showing me the jar or vile i'm not sure what it was of my fat from lipo. and a metal tray with 2 different sized amounts of tissue. 

i immidiatly started to cry, and i mean ball. i was so happy, something i've never felt before. just typing all of this is making me tear up so much. i am incredible emotional about this condition. all the mental shit we go through was finally gone. there has never been a time in my life that i've ever experienced this amount of great happiness. i was completely overwhelmed. i dont remember how i left the office but was told i was in a wheel chair, my mother told me i was balling the whole way to the car and partially on the ride home. i vaguely rememeber talking to her.

the funny part. (well to me). my mom told me that i openly talked about how i had tried cocaine and ecstasy in my past. she said she was shocked how open and honest i was. she said i was delusional and the only way i could stay seated was because the door held me up as i leaned against it. i have zero memory of how i got in the house to lay down.

i love my mother and i'm happy she was by my side. she is an RN. i had talked to dr delagato and asked if she could be present during surgery. he said no. i found dr suess and while i was talking to them directly before surgery he said if i had asked she could have been there with no problem.

i wanted that because when i first talked to my mother about this condition, she thought it was because i had been heavy as a kid. shes a person that cuts you off to assume what you would say. hard to keep her listening. but i showed her this website and she as since given me the support i needed, after all i did speak to her first about my problem.

all in all. i'm happy to recover, i look forward to each day following today. i did pull back my bandage enough to look and i look like a normal beautiful male chest. i'm proud, i'm grateful, and i support anyone that is considering the surgery, i will gladly talk to anyone by message, im, here, or a phone call. i want anyone here to do what is needed to compete yourself. i have.

this is a very emotional post for me. i hope and respect that each of you that reads this, if you still need/want surgery to save up for it, get it done, and feel the tremendous weight lifted that i feel now.

this is such a wonderful website.

i hope to have the doc's assistant take some pics with my camera to share with all of you, and keep for myself.

i was so scared to talk bout this condition. now i am open and just begining to speak on my myspace and facebook. i dont want to hide it any longer
« Last Edit: April 09, 2009, 11:09:48 AM by gottadog »

Offline as400

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"during surgery i remember waking up"  :o :o :o

Holy Cow, that's not ideal.

"my mom told me that i openly talked about how i had tried cocaine and ecstasy in my past. she said she was shocked how open and honest i was"

Eeeeks! maybe the anesthetic has a sodium pentothal type effect, I have too many secrets to keep!...damn I hope I don't start blubbing them all to everyone, I'm going to duct tape my mouth prior to my op.


But having read your story it all seems to have gone well for you and I hope your happy with the results once you get a chance to view them!

Tha hard/worst part is over for you now I think, so its just a matter of recovering, allowing things to take their time, and enjoying the results!  ;D

Before you criticise a man walk a mile in his shoes, after that who cares? your a mile away and have his shoes.

Offline gottadog

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thanks. i appreciate the comment!!! 

yeah i remembered everything like a dream. only to talk about it and find out it wasnt.  so i laugh it up.

i had my drains removed yesterday. i have a picture my mom took of me sitting in the chair right before they were removed. my chest is swelling slowly. but i saw it yesterday and i couldnt help but cry from utter happiness. there is nothing in my life that has made me as pleased as this decision.

go for it. use some good quality duct tape!!! haha.

i havent posted the pic because it shows me. but now that i think of it i dont care. i have completely come out and started talking about my condition and contrary to what i thought people would take it the consensus is GOOD. great and better then i could have ever imagined. i'm soooo supportive and supported. and i think progress of any kind is positive no matter what.

i dont like the pic but it will give everyone a better view of before and after. tuesday i go to get my stitches removed. i'll have more pics from that day side view included.

i want anyone questioning surgery to view this an help them. i'm all for it and i care about all of you with this condition. crossing this bridge is the biggest and best thing i've ever done for myself.

Offline gottadog

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not the best post op pics but i'd love to read anyone's opinion.

Offline rdy4chng

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I think it's going to look really good, it already looks good but will get even better once the swelling goes down.  I had mine 4 wks ago and i still have some swelling in some spots but for the most part it looks very good.  Don't freak out if it starts to look bad, it will for a bit then it will start to heal. 


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