Author Topic: Hi all... new here... Just finished sugery with Dr. J C. Fielding!  (Read 2948 times)

Offline Baldurin

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Well, I've been lurking the boards for years, quietly on the fence and mulling the decision re: what to do about my gyne.

It started when I was 13. I noticed, one day while in a T-shirt while out with friends, that my nipples were quite puffy and clearly visible through my t-shirt. Well, you've all been there, so I won't go into the rest. Suffice it to say that I lived with extreme insecurity for another 13 years, until today.

I just came out of my surgery with Dr. Fielding.

Firstly, I have to profoundly thank everyone who ever posted anything about JCF. Quite frankly, I would not have been able to afford getting the operation done without him. I'm a single father raising a little boy on my own, and putting that much money out was simply not an option. However, the 1375.00 after tax that I paid for both Lipo and Excision was something I could justify.

I don't have pics yet, but I will be posting pre and post op shots after I take off the vest (in 6 days).

Thus far,  5 hours out, I have only minor pain. Like a lactic acid soreness from a hard work out.

I'm hoping that nothing horrible like a hematoma happens (I can't help but fear the worst, as I've struggled a lot up until the operation with whether or not I was letting my insecurity get to me) but thus far it seems OK.

It feels incredible to know that they are gone. I looked at the glands afterwards, and they were approximately the size of golf balls. I had the surgery performed under local anesthetic. Let me tell you... weirdest experience of my life. I had no idea how vigorously liposuction was performed. Nonetheless, it was interesting to have a conversation as the centerpoint of half a life-time's worth of insecurity was removed from my chest - all visible to me, on the odd occasion that i looked down.

Anyways, I just needed to share - and I though, where better to do so. Fielding was fantastic, and I hope that - for anyone else on the fence - this helps you make a clearer decision, one way or another.

Pics to come soon!

Offline lamp

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Congrats Baldurin! Yes I can't agree more on the lipo part done under local anesthesia lol! Do you mind sharing the background of your health and fitness? It does play a role in the procedure Fielding accounts for which also affects the price clients will pay. I paid a total of 1,130$ CAD out of pocket for bilateral excision for my puffy nipples which naturally grew around my younger years. Give it about 2 months and you'll feel even better, start stacking up those white t-shirts!

Offline Fatboyslim

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    • Running For My Existence was interesting to have a conversation as the centerpoint of half a life-time's worth of insecurity was removed from my chest - all visible to me, on the odd occasion that i looked down...
Seriously, you got to watch? ??? I couldn't even watch as they put the little iv needle in me, so watching them put that huge needle in and out of my chest several hundred times, regardless if I was in pain or not, would have forced me to get off the table and just go home! I was VERY happy I was out like a light on the way to the operating room.  ;D

Offline Baldurin

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Haha - yeah, I got to watch. Don't get me wrong - I didn't stay tuned for long. It was intense, and in fact, the mere thought of what it looked like continues to be far worse than the actual post op pain (which is nonexistant at this point, and was barely anything by 16 hours post op).

As for my physical condition: I work out regularly. At the time of operation, I am: 5'11'', 155lbs (I have a very slight bone frame).

I would say that my body fat percentage is around the 10-12mark. I've been working towards bulking up a bit (was a shocking 126 3 months ago... underweight definitely, but I've always been afraid to bulk up for fear of gaining more fat in the chest region).

I was quite fearful the first night, as I had some bleeding (have 2 spots about the size of my hand on each side of my compression vest). I was fearful that I may have been having a hematoma, and due to a particularly sharp pain, was considering going to the ER to make sure. However, after waiting a few more hours, the pain faded and now it's nothing but itchy. I can't wait to get this vest off. Every back muscle kills in the mornings from keeping myself stiff during the day, trying not to aggravate the knitting tissue.

The worst feeling? When misjudging a movement or something, and feeling the peck muscle twitch - its like feeling all that fresh tissue on the brink. Nasty ;)

Anyways, will keep yall posted as it progresses. Picks will be up by thursday/friday. Work tomorrow should be fun ;)


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