Author Topic: YES - All done at last, Alex Karidis  (Read 10772 times)

Offline Alexfocus

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Hi All,

I had my surgery today with Alex Karidis please read below for my story -

Just to refresh you I have had a little gene and puffy nipples since the age of 13. I am now 24 and it has never gone away, until today, I am 11 stone, 5.9feet and I go to the gym 3 times a week.

I got to the hospital this morning for about 8:15, I needed to be there for 9am. I booked my self in and a nice young lady (fit) who took me to my own room where I had a TV, bathroom, bed and phone, it was a lot better than I thought it would be. I had to go through a few questions and forms that did not take long with her then a male nurse came in to take my blood pressure and gave me a dressing gown and some paper pants to change in to! I did this then about an hour later I had another lady (again fit) come to see me to see if I had any questions and a few more forms. I just checked for the final time they were going to take the gland out as well as do lipo and she confirmed they would.

About 11:30 am I was walked to another room where I met Alex Karidis, he was very cool and calm and told me he was going to get me flat. He took some photos and then drew out what he was going to do. Again I ask him to make sure he was going to take out the gland and he said yes. Questions were done then I lay back down on the bed and a man put the needle into my hand, this did not hurt. He then put in the anaesthetic I did not even get much chance to count, people were talking, they said I may feel a little light headed, I said I did and then I was a sleep................

I woke up in a quite room next to another guy with a few nurses around to say hi and take my blood pressure, I was chatting complete rubbish to them! I was then wheeled on the bed back to my room where I fell back to sleep again. I woke up around 2pm ish I think, the operation only took around 40mins. This is where I got the first look at my new chest, I must say I am very happy but I have not seen all of it. It is very very flat but I have yet to see my nipples as they have a plaster over them.

The first thing I did notice when I came round was I was very thirsty, I proceeded to drink 4 cups of tea and 3 jugs of water. I also have a problem going for a leak, I keep stopping and starting but this is from the Anaesthetic I was told. So hoping it will be ok by tomorrow.

I have no pain at all now, and only had a slight sting and numbness before. To be fair a paper cut hurts more! I will let you know if this changes by tomorrow.

I got on the train and when back home with my mum and dad around 5:30pm today. Since I have got in I have changed over my compression vest and had a better look. I am quite bruised and where the plasters are there in some concaving, this has not bothered me really at the moment as I think it is all swelling and because of this site I am not even going to worry for at least a month as I know the score and how much stuff can change.

Any way will put some pics up soon and this brings me to now, any questions please feel free to ask, I don’t have any good before pics but will post up the after shots from now on, shame really.  But you will be able to see, I will find a pic that is similar to me and post that.

I would like to say that all the staff that work for Alex Karidis are excellent and a big thank you to them, not to mention the man him self, so a very big thank you to him. I ma glad I went with him. I have to make another appointment to see him in 6 weeks time.

And finally a massive thank you to everyone on this site for all the advice help and support you have given me that has help me find Alex Karidis and have this problem fixed

« Last Edit: August 03, 2007, 05:42:29 AM by Alexfocus »

Offline Alexfocus

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Offline Alexfocus

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Loving it mate, youve reached the other side of the tunnel now. Good luck on the recovery and take it easy ... ill be joining you lot in 2 weeks when Levick sorts me out. :D

Offline TommyA

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Thanks for posting, looks really great results looks completely flat and natural, bruising does not look horrendous like some photos I have seen, does not look concave to me at all.  When I met him and he said it takes about 45 mintues to do both sides I was suprised, he really must be pretty good to work so fast a competently, like hairdressers that really know their stuff they can go so quick.

Do you know if they do the Lipo first and then go in to take out the gland or the other way round? 

Did you feel OK going home on the train after?  I will be going home on my own too and they said dont do that etc etc but I will have to.

How long did you get to spend talking with Dr. Karidis before the op to just go through exactly how you want it to look? Guess you do as you checked a few times to make sure they were gonna take out tha gland

Thanks again for posting

Offline Alexfocus

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Thanks all. I am really pleased.

I think but did not ask this, he takes out the gland first and then uses lipo to taper the edges in or blend it in so you get a nice natural look. When he drew on me this is what he said he was going to do. I felt fine going home on the train afterwards, about 5 hours after the opp but did have my mum and dad with me. The only problem I had is when the drugs wore off I felt like I was going to wet my self and the train was so packed with people even sitting on the floor I had to grin and bare it until we got to the station!!

I spent about 5 minutes talking to him one on one, I had know more questions and felt happy so we moved on but I think I could of talked to him for a lot longer if I wanted to and had more to say. Before the opp I only wanted my nipples flat I did not really think to much pass that but the week leading up to the opp I was then wondering about my under arms and sides so I ask him what he was going to do there, he said take it out and blend it all in so I was happy with that.

This morning it feels a little tender but I have taken no pain relife and to be fair again it is nothing you would not be able to deal with. Later today will be the first time I get to take all the plasters off and have a shower so I will see it in full............

Offline Ross_Mk2

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If i could get anything like that i would be well happy!

I am going to convince the surgeon just before i go under the knife that he has to take out the gland, if not all hell is going to break loose......... i'll probably wake up with a bit of rhinoplasaty (sp?) hehe

Offline Alexfocus

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Yes I did bring it up every chance I got until I was happy that it would be done. I have read on here that this is one of the most important parts and it seems to me that if you do not have the gland out the chance of susses may be very low. Anyway he has taken out the gland I am not sure if he has taken all of it out but I can’t feel at the moment as it will be too soon and I don't want and infection. Any way if he has not I will leave this up to his professional judgement.

Offline Alexfocus

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Just a quick up date, there is no pain at all and I have had a shower at last. i am off all painkillers. I have looked at my nipples for the second time and they look better than the first time nice and flat, they do have a few folds in, I hope this flatterns out but time will tell I guess, if anyone can shed any light on this that would be brill.

Any way will put new picks up on Thursday 1 week after so you can see.

Still very happy


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