Author Topic: Does Your Girlfriend/Wife Like Your Gyne?  (Read 58466 times)

Offline TigerPaws

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I'm 22 and I've been with the same girl for several years but only developed gynecomastia this past year. I was extremely self conscious about it and had no idea what it even was for a while. Eventually we talked about it because we had been together long enough that the changes weren't difficult for her to notice.  It was probably the most nerve-racking conversation I've ever had because I absolutely couldn't lose this girl, especially over this. Surprisingly enough she was completely cool with it, actually even more than cool. When I felt sore she would convince me to let her give me a warm lotion message which took a while to get comfortable with as most of you understand the awkwardness of some one else touching your chest when you don't know what's going on with your own body. Eventually I got comfortable enough that she would rub on them even when they weren't sore and has since began incorporating them into our sex life which has been amazing since they are so sensitive. Even though I'm not that large yet she seems excited about the idea of me growing which has done so much for my confidence and coping, it's actually made us closer. So now I'm clawing out my brain trying to figure out how I feel about all of this, because I can love it because of the closeness it brings to our relationship, but hate it because of the social hell it surely bring about it keeps growing... and idk which direction influences me the most.  I realize that my case my not be the norm, but I pray for everyone on here (especially those w/o the means to get rid of this) that ya'll will be blessed with a girl like mine who will embrace the changes and allow you to finally feel comfortable in your own bodies again.........     
First off it sounds like you have a winner of a lady, just keep in mind that you should not worry about loosing her because believe it or not she "is" replaceable. The issue you are coming to grips with is what will "others" think and say? Why should you care, true friends will accept you as your are, blow off the others. An intelligent caring lady will accept and enjoy you for who and what you are, as you have found out. Take heart there are many more just like her.

Get your head in order about the changes happening to you and ride the roller coaster of emotions as you see and feel the changes. You can accept and come to enjoy what is going on with your body or you can fight it. But fighting will usually led you down a darker path of depression while acceptance and enjoyment can led to you enlightenment, to "other" physical and emotional possibilities.

The choice is yours.

Offline occasional fighter

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occasional fighter that is/was a very unkind thing to say. As the old saying goes "If you can not say something nice (helpful or encouraging) then you should say nothing at all".

The two ladies I am currently dating both accept and enjoy my breasts, so what is wrong with that, it is not your life, so why say things meant to degrade people who you know nothing about. Sounds very shallow and judgmental.

well, let's face the truth. everybody here is about how our dyno is ugly and embarassing and how to hide it. but then we find girls who like it (??!!?!?!) - I'd like to see those ladies of yours - I doubt I'd fancy any of them personally. Dude, I've seen girls who like or nevermind ugly moobs. those gurls are usually NOT gorgeous to say the least xD

Offline Paa_Paw

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Sorry fighter but you are wrong. I never thought I was ugly in any way and I have never slouched or stooped to hide my condition. It can be embarrassing, but only if you allow it to be so. I came to this site several years ago because I had a grandson nearing puberty and I wanted to be ready to help him through this. Turns out it passed him entirely. What I found was a common condition that was a minor embarrassment to me in the 1950's first in school then the military has become this really big deal.

I had honestly hoped that information about the common incidence of the condition would have removed any stigma. What I learned instead is that the air brushed and photoshopped images of celebrities have been accepted as the standard. Even slight or negligible Gynecomstia has become a big deal with men lining up to get surgery for a condition that is actually within the statistical norm. This is sick.

The communications age offered to provide accurate information at your fingertips in an instant and it has failed miserably. Instead, misinformation travels ever faster and the true simple facts get burried.

If we look at the number of infant boys that have gynecomastia, add in the number who have the the condition in early puberty, allow for those of us who had the condition in puberty but retained it thereafter, finally add those who developed the condition due to medications and /or aging. The men who never had any breast enlargement would actually be the minority. That, my friend, is the truth. It is statistically normal for men to have some degree of breast enlargement at some time in their life. To go through life without ever having any breast enlargement is almost abnormal.

The standards of physical excellence are the result of hormones, surgery, and photographic trickery. In short the standards are false.
Grandpa Dan

Offline occasional fighter

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Sorry fighter but you are wrong. I never thought I was ugly in any way and I have never slouched or stooped to hide my condition. It can be embarrassing, but only if you allow it to be so.

there are different ways for it to look you know that dont you? it might look natural and in that case you're lucky but it can also look anti-natural and disgusting.  I was not talking about male breast enlargement in general I'm talking about particularly disgusting cases of it.  As, I'm sure, are most of the residents of this site because when it looks OK even though it's a little enlarged then there's nothing to be embarassed about!! but people come here to talk about the cases when they have real female brests and a male thingy at the same time. Or about times when they look like freaks with pimples sticking out of their chests like there's candy guns or whatever which is also particularly nasty. Probably you have an OK case which makes you ignorant about the topic. and believe me - NO normal girl would be OK about my particular condition, just the ugly and the desperate ones - that, my friend, is a fact.


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Occasional  fighter you are a shallow minded! and the women that you hang around with must have the same mindset that you have. TigerPaws, Paa_Paw and myself have served our country, gone where few on this site will ever go, have loved wonderful woman that are not so shallow minded that they can look beyond bodies to see what is in the heart of the true man behind the skin that covers his body.

As a young man I had more female friends then male, I am a father of 5 grandfather of 2 and just found out number 3 is on the way! I know that Paa_Paw has me bet in those areas!

Occasion fighter it is Sad to think about how shallow you are! The worst that I have ever seen! I believe you may have won your first and only contest that you ever will win. I know that with that mind set will not win any real woman!

By the way, I have double "Ds" that don't get in the way of my relastionship with a very wonderful mother of my children!
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 06:56:15 PM by hammer »

Offline Anon E Mouse

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Paa_Paw, well said and I couldn't agree more!


Offline TigerPaws

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Occasional  fighter you are a shallow minded Low life and despicable person! and the women that you hang around with must have the same mindset that you have. TigerPaws, Paa_Paw and myself have served our country, gone where few on this site will ever go, have loved wonderful woman that are not so shallow minded that they can look beyond bodies to see what is in the heart of the true man behind the skin that covers his body.

As a young man I had more female friends then male, I am a father of 5 grandfather of 2 and just found out number 3 is on the way! I know that Paa_Paw has me bet in those areas!

Occasion fighter it is Sad to think about how shallow you are! The worst that I have ever seen! I believe you may have won your first and only contest that you ever will win. I know that with that mind set will not win any real woman!

By the way, I have double "Ds" that don't get in the way of my relastionship with a very wonderful mother of my children!
Marine or not "Semper Fidelis" hammer.

And just so the record is straight occasional fighter, one of the two ladies I am currently with was a centerfold for Playboy in 1999 and she is just as beautiful now as she was then. The other could have been a playmate but chose to go into business for herself which she is very good at working and traveling internationally.

You see I only date intelligent, respectful and beautiful ladies because I refuse to do otherwise. My standards for the company I keep is similar to what I expect of myself. I refuse to compromise because I do not have to and neither does anyone else.

My gyno is part of me (at a 38C a big part) and if someone has an issue with that then I do not need to associate with them, period end of story. Perhaps you should mature a bit and develop some compassion for others before you attempt to denigrate them.


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Semper Fidelis, back at you by friend! Without my Navy, the fine Marines would have had to stay home! Thay gave us a good reason to test our ships! LOL

Offline occasional fighter

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Occasional  fighter you are a shallow minded Low life and despicable person! and the women that you hang around with must have the same mindset that you have.

you don't know me that's first. so darn you for saying those things about me! I was NOT talking only about women I hang aroud with I was talking about every woman I had ever encountered in my life even for a few seconds. You're trying to say my whole country is full of such women???
I might have been projecting but the thing with me is that I have an outstandingly handsome interesting face and EVERY SINGLE GIRL/WOMAN that has ever seen me alive (except for a few ugly/desperate ones) has displayed the same ass reaction towards me always!!! It's great interest on the first few seconds, she likes me, she's often hot for me even (just for my face); then she lowers her eyes a little to check me out further and the MOMENT she notices my pimples she gets all embarassed and loses interest in me as a person instantly. she gets angry at herself for ever taking so much interest in me in the first place and who's to blame? the guy with ugly titties. so EF HIM right? that's how shallow ALL the women are. I'm not remotely shallow you prejudiced idiot. I've learned that fact about girls a long time ago and I would be HAPPY to disprove it!! but when a girl takes great interest in a guy during the first few seconds of an encounter for his greatly handsome interesting face and THEN she discovers his titties - sorry to disappoint you my friend - every girl in the world is shallow enough to start hating on the guy that very moment!!  YOU'RE probably lucky to have been born with an average looking face and not having to experience that thing. so EF YOU

same goes to you tiger paws. I might be wrong about your wife but I'm not wrong about my situation. My case makes every girl unveil her true shalowness.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 06:15:57 AM by occasional fighter »

Offline TigerPaws

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Occasional  fighter you are a shallow minded Low life and despicable person! and the women that you hang around with must have the same mindset that you have.

you don't know me that's first. so darn you for saying those things about me! I was NOT talking only about women I hang aroud with I was talking about every woman I had ever encountered in my life even for a few seconds. You're trying to say my whole country is full of such women???
I might have been projecting but the thing with me is that I have an outstandingly handsome interesting face and EVERY SINGLE GIRL/WOMAN that has ever seen me alive (except for a few ugly/desperate ones) has displayed the same ass reaction towards me always!!! It's great interest on the first few seconds, she likes me, she's often hot for me even (just for my face); then she lowers her eyes a little to check me out further and the MOMENT she notices my pimples she gets all embarassed and loses interest in me as a person instantly. she gets angry at herself for ever taking so much interest in me in the first place and who's to blame? the guy with ugly titties. so EF HIM right? that's how shallow ALL the women are. I'm not remotely shallow you prejudiced idiot. I've learned that fact about girls a long time ago and I would be HAPPY to disprove it!! but when a girl takes great interest in a guy during the first few seconds of an encounter for his greatly handsome interesting face and THEN she discovers his titties - sorry to disappoint you my friend - every girl in the world is shallow enough to start hating on the guy that very moment!!  YOU'RE probably lucky to have been born with an average looking face and not having to experience that thing. so EF YOU

same goes to you tiger paws. I might be wrong about your wife but I'm not wrong about my situation. My case makes every girl unveil her true shallowness.
occasional fighter first off I have been single for 22 years as my son’s mother was killed by a drunk driver when he was 4 years old, I see no reason to marry again as I no longer have any want, need or desire to father any more children. As for the quality of girls you have met, it sounds like you need to broaden your horizons and that you should consider raising the bar on the women you meet. As I write this I am watching an extremely beautiful 36 year old woman from Krasnoyarsk Russia make me a cup of coffee while we watch the sunrise here in Antigua where I maintain a home overlooking the ocean.

I have met the kind of women you wrote about, they are usually shallow, of poor upbringing, poorly educated and self centered. If they are attractive these type of women are usually looking for a sugar daddy to improve their stature in life, then they take their “mark” for everything they can get at the first available opportunity. These type of women are hardly what one would call a “Lady” and I have no desire to be associated with this kind of person.

Speaking for myself my breasts have never been an impediment to succeeding in life, be that in business or pleasure.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 09:06:53 AM by TigerPaws »


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I have to agree with TigerPaws!

Occasional fighter, I still have a few ladders from my construction company, maybe you would like to use one to climb to a higher class of lady! I have 5 foot to 32, how high would you care to go?

By the way, I removed Low life and Despicable! I felt that was too harsh.

Offline bluemrgreen

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i have moderate to severe gyno and living in miami its horrible. i am saving money so dr elliot jacobs could correct this.  i actually have a real hot girlfriend that I've been with for 4 months and even though she doesn't care about the gyno for some odd klusterfuck reason it drives me crazy because she always wants to go to the  beach and I'm starting to realize how negatively gyno has affected my life. i love u guys because i don't feel alone and together i know all of us that want to get the surgery will!  :)

Offline TigerPaws

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i have moderate to severe gyno and living in miami its horrible. i am saving money so dr elliot jacobs could correct this.  i actually have a real hot girlfriend that I've been with for 4 months and even though she doesn't care about the gyno for some odd klusterfuck reason it drives me crazy because she always wants to go to the  beach and I'm starting to realize how negatively gyno has affected my life. i love u guys because i don't feel alone and together i know all of us that want to get the surgery will!  :)
bluemrgreen gyno will only effect your life as much as you allow others to govern how you feel about yourself. No one can embarrass you if you do not allow them to. No once can make you feel bad about yourself unless you allow them to. Mild or sever gyno is nothing compared to having half of your face blown off by an enemy mortar.

With all due respect you can adapt and overcome all you need to do is to decide to do so.

Offline occasional fighter

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climb to a higher class of lady!

my standards are high man. even too high maybe cause I only fancy pretty girls, or at least the smart-looking (but smart in both cases). and I have a good radar for stupid and shallow ones trust me, so I can tell you based on experience that smart non-shallow girls, in fact ALL girls (mentally and emotionally capable at least) react the exact same way to me, and that's fucked up. tha shallow ones are just more loud, obvious and..well..shallow
so just get off of my case, you don't know me


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A parable for pondering.

If there are three carpenters working on a house, putting the new plywood sheets on the roof and they are all using the same nails from the same box of nails. The first two carpenters are pounding all the nails in straight, but the third carpenter is bending all the nails. The question is, do you think that the problem is the nails are bad, or is it the carpenters problem?
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 08:23:15 PM by hammer »


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