Author Topic: My post op pics  (Read 13225 times)

Offline nipplevision

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Offline nipplevision

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Is this Post-OP?  How long Post-OP?


almost 3 weeks post op

Offline nipplevision

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I'm really getting paranoid about this...

Why do you ask "is this post op"? Is it because you don't see a gyno-free chest?  :-\
I know 3 weeks after surgery is too soon to judge, but I'm so afraid that my nipples will just look like before the op. Note that I got gland taken out on both sides + also lipo. I'm sure it looks better than before the op (let's say 80% better). But what I wanted was flat nipples all the time! Is this swelling? They are starting to look exactly as before the op, but not as extremely puffy. Just somewhat puffy.

First 2 weeks they looked great but now (since the bandages came off) they are puffing a bit. I'm wearing the compression vest 24/7. Actually it's a tanktop I got from the internet (created especially for gyno sufferers).

Someone please advise.

Offline user87

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you look good. I think you have a nice chest contour. remember that you have well developed pecs.
it's normal that your nipples get a bit puffy again. that's swelling etc.
but i have to tell you that i looked flat right after surgery, too. but then 2-3 weeks later my nipples got a bit puffier again and, sad but true, never came back to how they looked like right after surgery (i am 10 months post-op). i don't understand it, but some guys don't get the nipples they had right after surgery ever again.

you have to wait at least until the 4 months mark. waaaay too early to judge the result.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2009, 03:03:58 PM by user87 »

Offline nipplevision

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you look good. I think you have a nice chest contour. remember that you have well developed pecs.
it's normal that your nipples get a bit puffy again. that's swelling etc.
but i have to tell you that i looked flat right after surgery, too. but then 2-3 weeks later my nipples got a bit puffier again and, sad but true, never came back to how they looked like right after surgery (i am 10 months post-op). i don't understand it, but some guys don't get the nipples they had right after surgery ever again.

you have to wait at least until the 4 months mark. waaaay too early to judge the result.

Thanks for answering.
Today I'm getting really pissed about this condition. Why are there f*ckers becoming puffy again? I went through so much pain for this?
I just can't imagine that my nipples will be flat in 4 or 6 or 50 months time. I don't know how but somehow, they look to me like they are going to stay puffy. It's the exact same puffyness as before the op. Does swelling look the same as that?
Only thing I can do is wait until I'm 6 weeks post op. Then I'll have a talk with the surgeon. Of course he'll tell me to be patient and he won't tell me that he f*cked up. I'm so pissed off right now.

Guess I'll wait and eventually accept that things didn't go as I had in mind. No way I'm going back for a revision. This has been an emotional rollercoaster for me. The first 2 weeks after the op I was so happy. My girlfriend even noticed that I'd become a happier person who doesn't get angry that much. But at this moment I feel the complete opposite.
After 6 weeks I'll hit the weights again and start doing cardio. Maybe that'll change the look of my chest some more even...

Feel free to comment.


Offline nipplevision

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New pics taken today.
Notice the nipples have become puffy again.
Post op swelling or something else?

Offline user87

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yeah that's frustrating. i bet you can see your nips when you wear a shirt. that's not what you wanted. only thing you can do is waiting and hoping.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2009, 06:29:29 PM by user87 »

Offline Curiousone89

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Ever heard the term "Nothing is perfect?" Apply it to this case please because you look fine. That isn't 80% that has to be at the least 95%

Noone will tell you have moobs, noone, I guarentee this. In all honesty puffy nipples for me don't really count as gyne, so you can see your nips through your shirt? So what? You have pecs there too, What are they gonna notice first?

You look absolutely fine, you look like you're in great shape, and I PROMISE you, if you were at the beach, and I have never seen you before in my life, and you took your shirt off, I would throw a kitten into moving traffic for your chest.

Just remember something crucial.

When you where a snug t-shirt (Body t-shirt) It is normally tight around the chest area of the t-shirt, because your pecs would provide extra "volume" in the chest area. thus, the shirt would tighten around the body and make your nipples be a little bit more compressed. With your shirt off, you have pecs, not man boobs, not puffy nipples, pecs.

Your chest, to me, looks perfectly fine, if that is the end result I wouldn't be pissed off one bit.

Please aim for realistic results here, perfection can not always be achieved =]

Offline Rav86

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Yeah, I think you look great as well. You're obviously a big guy, and for someone your size, you look like you're in perfectly healthy shape. The swelling is hardly noticeable to someone who isn't looking for it. I find things like that much more noticeable to me because I'm aware of it 24/7, but to others it just doesn't even occur to them that it might be a problem.
You look great man, really.

Offline nipplevision

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yeah that's frustrating. i bet you can see your nips when you wear a shirt. that's not what you wanted. only thing you can do is waiting and hoping.

thanks for the reply.
will try to be patient!
In 2 weeks I'm hitting the gym again. Can't wait to train my chest again

Offline nipplevision

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Ever heard the term "Nothing is perfect?" Apply it to this case please because you look fine. That isn't 80% that has to be at the least 95%

Noone will tell you have moobs, noone, I guarentee this. In all honesty puffy nipples for me don't really count as gyne, so you can see your nips through your shirt? So what? You have pecs there too, What are they gonna notice first?

You look absolutely fine, you look like you're in great shape, and I PROMISE you, if you were at the beach, and I have never seen you before in my life, and you took your shirt off, I would throw a kitten into moving traffic for your chest.

Just remember something crucial.

When you where a snug t-shirt (Body t-shirt) It is normally tight around the chest area of the t-shirt, because your pecs would provide extra "volume" in the chest area. thus, the shirt would tighten around the body and make your nipples be a little bit more compressed. With your shirt off, you have pecs, not man boobs, not puffy nipples, pecs.

Your chest, to me, looks perfectly fine, if that is the end result I wouldn't be pissed off one bit.

Please aim for realistic results here, perfection can not always be achieved =]

Your post makes me feel better actually.
Sometimes reading on this forum makes me paranoid so I guess I shouldn't worry too much.
I've got several months of recovery ahead of me so I'll give it some more time.

Offline nipplevision

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Yeah, I think you look great as well. You're obviously a big guy, and for someone your size, you look like you're in perfectly healthy shape. The swelling is hardly noticeable to someone who isn't looking for it. I find things like that much more noticeable to me because I'm aware of it 24/7, but to others it just doesn't even occur to them that it might be a problem.
You look great man, really.

I'm 6'00ft and currently 227 pounds. I already lost 7.5 pounds after the surgery.
As I said in the previous reply, I'll try to be more patient and freak out less. After all, I'm only 4 weeks post op
Thank you for the reply


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I agree dude. You look great!

Offline nipplevision

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I agree dude. You look great!

Thanks a lot. I think I've come to realise that I need to be patient and be less frustrated since the op was only 4 weeks ago...

I got 2 new compression vests (shirts actually). They are tighter than the compression tank tops I had earlier. The tight ones I wear during the night and the other when I go to work etc... The last days have been really hot here so I don't want to be wearing 2 t-shirts. I thus prefer a tank top with a shirt on top.
I have a consultation with my PS on August 28th (I'll then be 7 weeks post op).
I'm really eager to start working out again but of course I'll need to wait until after the consultation!
I wonder what the PS will say about the puffy nipples. Reading other topics has taught me that it'll probably be swelling and/or scar tissue and that it will go away eventually. Let's hope so, otherwise all this has been in vain!


Offline user87

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anything changing?


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