Ever heard the term "Nothing is perfect?" Apply it to this case please because you look fine. That isn't 80% that has to be at the least 95%
Noone will tell you have moobs, noone, I guarentee this. In all honesty puffy nipples for me don't really count as gyne, so you can see your nips through your shirt? So what? You have pecs there too, What are they gonna notice first?
You look absolutely fine, you look like you're in great shape, and I PROMISE you, if you were at the beach, and I have never seen you before in my life, and you took your shirt off, I would throw a kitten into moving traffic for your chest.
Just remember something crucial.
When you where a snug t-shirt (Body t-shirt) It is normally tight around the chest area of the t-shirt, because your pecs would provide extra "volume" in the chest area. thus, the shirt would tighten around the body and make your nipples be a little bit more compressed. With your shirt off, you have pecs, not man boobs, not puffy nipples, pecs.
Your chest, to me, looks perfectly fine, if that is the end result I wouldn't be pissed off one bit.
Please aim for realistic results here, perfection can not always be achieved =]