Author Topic: Surgery Booked for 22nd October - Before Pics Included  (Read 3238 times)

Offline ashley92

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Hi everyone,

I felt obliged to put a post up as other peoples posts have help me a lot in making the decision to have the op.

Won't bore you with all the background info, I’ll just say that I', 21 and weigh around 12s5lbs, having lost over a stone and not noticed and reduction in chest size it had come to a point where I’d had enough and it feels like it's a good time to have the surgery.

Unlike the majority of guys on here i am not having surgery done by Levick or Kaladis. Instead I have chosen to go with Mr Jonathan Staiano. I am confident in my decision and trust him so hopefully I won’t live to regret choosing him.

I had a consultation with him on 1st October, was very relaxed and told me pretty much what I already knew. He showed me some of his previous work which I was impress with as there was minimal scaring. He explained that I did have a modest amount of breast tissue along with fat and that I would benefit from surgery. He also said that they were by no means the worst he had seen and asked me to think about surgery carefully and not rush into anything. This did make me question whether I was doing the right thing and so I went home and over next coupe of days had a good think. I eventually decided that surgery would be the right thing for me and so I contacted his office for possible surgery dates. He came back with two dates these being the 22nd October and 5th November. I opted for the 22nd as it was the sooner date and so I just wanted to get it over with having made the decision, also I have my university graduation in mid November so this gives me more time to recover as I will be a month post op by that time.

I have a pre admission appointment tomorrow to discuss the surgery and what to expect, also going to have blood taken and MRSA screening.

My surgery is booked for 22nd October at the BMI Priory hospital and I have to be there for 10am. As of yet I am not nervous at all however I expect this to change on the day. I was told that I might not need to stay in hospital overnight however this will depend on whether I am fit to go home the same day. I really hope I am able to go home the same day as it makes transport easier and there is nothing like home comforts.

I'll keep you updated of my progress over coming months if people seem interested and will put up pictures also.


Offline ashley92

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Here are some before pictures.

What do you think?

Offline Vesuvius

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Hey Ashley,

I've got surgery with levick on thurs the 24th of Oct! Think my op is at 10am, so second of the day. How are you feeling about it? I can't wait really - I've wanted to get rid of my puffy nipples for so long and can't believe that in a week I will be in Birmingham ready to go!

Offline ashley92

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Ye I am just looking forward to them being gone, was at the hospital today for pre admission and it was all good. It reassured me that I was doing the right thing.

Offline readytogo

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Best of luck for tomorrow Ashley. I hope all goes well.  :)

Offline ashley92

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Cheers man.
Don't quite feel real at the minute, not nervous at all.
I'm just hoping I can go home the same day.

Offline readytogo

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That's good, just relax and we will see you on the other side! All the best.  :)

Offline ashley92

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Well I'm all done...I arrived here at 10, was promptly taken to my room. Then staff were coming in and out doing all the routine stuff and I had a blood test. Then around 11.30 the anaesthetist came an introduced him self very nice man and very professional. Around 12 Mr.Staiano came in and we had a chat, he marked me up and took some photos.

Around 12.20 I was walked down the surgery and to the anaesthetists room where I was give special 'Vodka' as the doctor called it. This was a wonderful feeling just like being drunk. I went to sleep quickly with no problems.

Next thing I knew I woke around 15.30 in recovery with someone at my side, felt a bit groggy but this soon wore off and by 4 I was feeling fine.  Apparently Mr.Staiano came if while I was in recovery and talked me and I shook his hand and thanked him however I have no recollection of this lol. Anyway at around 16.20 I was taken back to my room, about half an hour later I was brought some lunch, a chicken sandwich' I quickly ate half however that was a mistake as I then felt very sick and hot. This however quickly passed and I carried on eating just a litter slower this time.

Nurse comes in every 30 mins to check blood pressure and pules and I have a machine massaging my calfs, which is very nice.

Currently sat up in bed with compression garment on, however have been told that this need to be changed to a tighter one as this one is a little slack. When i woke from recovery I did have a fair amount of pain in chest area however it was nothing major and I told the nurse who was at my side and he quickly got some morphine for me which helped. So if you have pain just tell whoever and they will give you something to help don't try and be brave/scared to ask

Best of all I should be able to go home tonight and my mom is coming to get me around 8pm, as nice as the room and everyone else is don't think I beats home comforts. Plus I have a tub a ben and jerry's at home that’s got my name on it.

That’s about it really. I would just say to anyone considering the operation think very carefully about it and if you believe it is the right thing to do and your mood are bothering you then I would go for it. Don't let the fear of the operation or stay in hospital put you off as it is no major deal and providing your confident in your decision to have it done should not be a factor in your decision.

Offline ScaredGuy

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Congrats mate, welcome to the other side. I wish my procedure had been that pleasant :P

Offline ashley92

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Sorry to hear that mate, I was quite surprised how well I felt after, I was expecting to be bed bound for few days but i've been up and about round the house.

Did a stupid thing though and left my face charger at the hospital and I cant get back there till next week so, going to have to go and get a new one, hopefully i'll be able to return it when I get my one back, can't be going without a laptop for a week or so.

I've taken some pic this morning so i'll put them up tonight hopefully.

Offline ashley92

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Here are a couple of picture that I took this afternoon.
Only 1 day post op but quite pleased with results so far.

Offline daves123

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you look awesome mate. Flat as a pancake.
I am 8 days post op so I know exactly how you are feeling. It was such a thrill to get this procedure done and I really enjoyed the whole surgery process. You probably feel the same.

Go hard out on the Ben and Jerrys mate.

Offline ashley92

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Cheers mate. I'm very pleased with the result.
How' you getting on with healing. I have got used to compressing vest although it is quite itchy at times especially over my incision area, suppose just going to have to tolerate it for next month or so.

Offline daves123

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my healing is going really well. No itchiness, just a few stings of nipple pain now and then. Nothing major.
I dont find the vest uncomfortable - actually to the contrary. The worst thing is the drainage tubes going into each side of my chest. It is very uncomfortable when sleeping. Have to stay on my back most of the night.

All the best man.


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