Author Topic: Surgery Mr Levick (25/06/14) ONE YEAR UPDATE (including 'gym' pics)  (Read 33717 times)

Offline JackY16

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Yeah I'm getting used to it, it sounds like a good idea to put the binder over the vest to be fair, it's orgasmic when I take this vest off tho, I haven't been going out at all either but i wanna do exercise so bad but yeah I know I can't until 6+ weeks!

I know really, it's the best ever feeling I've been trying all the t-shirts on that I'd usually cover up in and it just brings a smile to my face. It's crazy how Gyno controls and affects you mentally.

Offline AchillesUK

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Day 10 Post-Op

Sorry, havent posted for a few days. Thanks for your PM gyne1987 (we should rename you ex-gyne1987!). I received a reply from Mr Levick within 24 of hours of emailing him my one week pictures. He said there seems to be a lot of fluid accumulated in my chest. He suggested wait a couple of days from then and if the fluid is still there to contact him and come on Tuesday when he will take the fluid out. So I waited until Friday and then confirmed I would come in next Tuesday.

Mr Levick did mention prior to the surgery that he uses a spray after taking out all the gland and fat. This spray helps the skin stick to the chest. So I hope all his fluid that has accumulated for me doesnt negate the effect of the spray or result in any loose skin.

There's also some scabbing on my left nipple, I'm assuming this is from the compression vest, and not overly worried about this.

These are some pics which I took yesterday, 10 days after surgery:





I guess one advantage of being in this situation is that I'll be able to see Mr Levick and get a general 'check up' with regards to some of the lumps and bumps and the scabbing etc. in addition to getting all the fluid drained out of course.

Offline JackY16

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Hello Achilles, let me know how today goes, maybe upload some photos when he drains the fluid and hope everything goes well.

Anyways it seems on the left side of my chest, my nipple has still got that 'mountain' shape before but on my right side it looks normal, I don't know if my areola on the left still has tissue behind it or whatever, but I went. In the shower earlier and I've started to get 'nip on' so signs of the nerves coming back. I'll wait a couple of weeks to see if I've still got that 'mountain' shape and if so I'll email dr L.

Offline JackY16

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I've tried uploading photos to this website but it won't let me when I copy the link, it says posting of links to other web sites is disabled although I've clicked hotline  to forums(1) maybe you could give me a step by step guide, thanks.

Offline gyne1987

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These latest pictures look a lot less swollen than the last set, I would like to think your fluid is dissipating, however slowly.

Anyway, do let us all know how things went today, very keen to hear.


Offline AchillesUK

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Nice of you to remember guys.

I saw Mr Levick today, had to have a considerable amount of fluid taken out. 160ml from the right side and 80ml from the left. He asked if I had been exercising to which I told him I had done no exercise whatsoever since the surgery and dont intend to until at least 6 weeks post op. He said for those who have fluid build up, unfortunately it can repeat itself so I need to keep the pressure on.

Since receiving the vest, I've only been wearing the vest but I'm going to wear the binder on top now. Seems like that was wise thinking by you guys. He felt because I have some muscle on the upper part of my chest that the vest isnt necessarily putting enough pressure on the lower part of my chest where the fluid accumulated. He even put some dressings/paddings under my vest in the area of the lower chest and said to keep that up at moment.

I've got several plasters on at the moment from the injection sites and a little sore (my sensation seems to fluctuate throughout my chest) + I dont want to take off any pressure at the moment in case of fluid build up, so I'm going to leave any new pictures for a little while.

Am so glad I went with Mr Levick, I asked him had I gone with another surgeon would they have charged for this 'complication' to which he said as far as he knows yes. I shudder to think how much a consultant would charge per hour + equipment + room charges etc.

Offline AchillesUK

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Hello Achilles, let me know how today goes, maybe upload some photos when he drains the fluid and hope everything goes well.

Anyways it seems on the left side of my chest, my nipple has still got that 'mountain' shape before but on my right side it looks normal, I don't know if my areola on the left still has tissue behind it or whatever, but I went. In the shower earlier and I've started to get 'nip on' so signs of the nerves coming back. I'll wait a couple of weeks to see if I've still got that 'mountain' shape and if so I'll email dr L.

Hi Jack,

Thanks for your message.

Sorry to hear about the 'mountain'. Does this feel like solid or fluid? If its fluid I would contact Mr Levick with pictures and also mention that it feels like fluid. More than likely he will offer to drain it out for you. If it is solid I wouldnt worry too much. I've got quite a few lumpy, bumpy bits which Mr Levick had a checked today, he said just give it time and it will all even out.

I doubt there is any tissue (i.e. fat/gland) behind your left areola, as Mr Levick's procedure removes everything. But again if it feels like fluid your best bet would be to contact Mr Levick. I think from Donut's thread he had a bit of fluid build up and Mr Levick asked him to come in, as it is better to nip it in the bud.

Offline AchillesUK

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These latest pictures look a lot less swollen than the last set, I would like to think your fluid is dissipating, however slowly.

Anyway, do let us all know how things went today, very keen to hear.


Thanks man. Yes it did go down a bit between the two sets of pictures, but I'm glad I went in, there was a lot to drain out. How are you getting along?

Offline AchillesUK

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I've tried uploading photos to this website but it won't let me when I copy the link, it says posting of links to other web sites is disabled although I've clicked hotline  to forums(1) maybe you could give me a step by step guide, thanks.

I've made a little schematic for you, hopefully this'll help. If not, let me know which part you are getting stuck on:


Offline AchillesUK

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2 weeks(ish) Post Op + one day after having fluid drained by Mr Levick.

(Pictures in this post are 13 days post op)

So I had 160ml drained from my right chest yesterday, and 80ml from the left. He said we really need to keep the pressure on.

This is my current wrapping ‘status’, 3 layers, after having been drained:

That’s pads of dressings, then the vest, then the binder. Despite this I can still feel some fluid accumulating in the chest area already and the left nipple feels/looks 'puffy'. I have a feeling my recovery is going to be somewhat lengthier than others and I may need to go back another couple of times to get rid of the excess fluid. I’ve also had some odd pains, sharp stabbing pains in the chest area. I did feel these at the consultation yesterday when Mr Levick was using the needle to drain the fluid, I hope there hasn’t been any inadvertent damage done. I did mention some sort of mild pain in an email to Mr Levick a week ago and he said it’s almost definitely just the sensation returning.

Mobility – still at around 90%. Some general stiffness. When I put my hands at the top (like a star jump), there is some stiffness/mild soreness around the deltopectoral joint.

Anyway here are some pictures from 13 days post op after drainage:





After coming across some of my old compression vests whilst doing the laundry today, I thought hey why not see what I look like with a t-shirt:



It’s a million times better than pre-surgery, although there is some puffiness as you can see, especially around the left nipple, maybe the fluid accumulating again, maybe just some bruising as part of the healing process.
Anyway, as mentioned I’m really still not too fussed, for two main reasons:

1.   I know I’m in good care with Mr Levick. I feel he genuinely cares about me (and all his other patients) and all the after care is free with him. I’m also personally quite lucky to live only a short drive away from his clinic.

2.   I really don’t expect to see any ‘real’ results until about the two month mark (end of August). I’m looking forward to hitting the gym again in about 4 weeks (haven’t been for 6 odd months for various reasons including this surgery), so I’m hoping I’ll look decent after a month’s training, around the September mark. If anyone is reading this thread in the future and I'm no longer posting, feel free to hit 'reply' or PM and I'll post some updated pictures if you like!

Offline JackY16

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Thanks dude! When I get access to my computer I'll get some photos up!

Yeah I emailed him, but I didn't tell him that my left nipple has fluid behind it as for my right one, but I emailed him back yesterday so just waiting on a reply, but you've got the same problem as me, my right nipple is exactly how I want it to look.., flat. As for my left I've built up fluid behind it when I tap my nipple is gives this wave look like it's jelly, but I reckon I'm gonna have to go back to get it out, unless somehow it manages to drain its self out which is unlikely im guessing!

Glad you got everything drained, if anything it just plays on your mind! It's a good job he does aftercare for free really, I know he'll get back to me, have you stopped taking your arnica yet?

Offline AchillesUK

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Thanks dude! When I get access to my computer I'll get some photos up!

Yeah I emailed him, but I didn't tell him that my left nipple has fluid behind it as for my right one, but I emailed him back yesterday so just waiting on a reply, but you've got the same problem as me, my right nipple is exactly how I want it to look.., flat. As for my left I've built up fluid behind it when I tap my nipple is gives this wave look like it's jelly, but I reckon I'm gonna have to go back to get it out, unless somehow it manages to drain its self out which is unlikely im guessing!

Glad you got everything drained, if anything it just plays on your mind! It's a good job he does aftercare for free really, I know he'll get back to me, have you stopped taking your arnica yet?

Yeah I had the 'ripple' effect before drainage so you might need to go in and see him. Do you live far from the Midlands?

I'm still taking the Arnica tbh. I know its been two weeks but I guess it's herbal can only help, plus after being drained yesterday there might be some more bruising so will help reduce that.

Offline JackY16

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Yeah I emailed him about it, I know I'll have to go get it drained to be fair which is a pain and  I live in the East Midlands so yeah it's about an hour or so from Birmingham, just didn't think fluid really builds up after the op cause I've not exercised or anything like that but yeah, I'll see what he says, he hasn't got back to me but I emailed him yesterday.

Yeah I think I'm gonna finish mine today to be honest, cause my bruising has pretty much gone but just the swelling on the upper chest, and what does he do to drain the fluid out? Does he just get a needle and poke it through and get it out?

Offline AchillesUK

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Yeah I emailed him about it, I know I'll have to go get it drained to be fair which is a pain and  I live in the East Midlands so yeah it's about an hour or so from Birmingham, just didn't think fluid really builds up after the op cause I've not exercised or anything like that but yeah, I'll see what he says, he hasn't got back to me but I emailed him yesterday.

Yeah I think I'm gonna finish mine today to be honest, cause my bruising has pretty much gone but just the swelling on the upper chest, and what does he do to drain the fluid out? Does he just get a needle and poke it through and get it out?

I was surprised with the fluid build up too, as I've been diligent with the binder/vest and no exercise or exerting myself. Mr Levick did say that fluid build up is uncommon and so I guess we might just be the unlucky ones. Unfortunately he also did say that if you get fluid build up once, then its likely you will get it again. I wish I had asked him at the time how long this can go on for e.g. whether two months down the line there could still be fluid build up.

Getting the fluid out - pretty much how you described it. When he emailed me to come in, he said it would be painless, and for the most part it was, but I did experience some strange sensations in the right chest, difficult to describe. I've been experiencing some on-off mild 'stabbing' sensations in my chest anyway, probably the sensation returning.

Anyway, you basically go to his consultation room, lie back on the bed and he uses a needle and syringe to drain the fluid out from several different angles. I didnt actually look at the needle, in case it was massive, thought it might freak me out. He'll probably ask you to put your vest on afterwards and to see how it fits. With me he put extra dressings at the lower part of my chest under the vest as he felt my vest, together with my chest shape, meant it wasnt applying enough pressure.

Offline AchillesUK

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Day 15 Post-Op

So it seems Mr Levick's prediction was right - the fluid seems to be returning. He did mention those who have fluid accumulation, it does tend to return with them even after drainage. Since being drained three days ago (8/7/14) I've been extremely diligent with my compression, wearing almost 3 layers under my clothes (it doesnt look pretty when I go out with all this stuff under my t-shirt so I try and wear the loosest t-shirt possible). Also I've been conscious on not trying to over exert myself, even though I wasnt before anyway.

The fluid build up isnt anywhere as bad as before. However, it is definitely fluid as it ripples when I touch it, particularly on the right hand side. It doesnt look pretty when I just wear a t-shirt either, still look 'perky'.

I've emailed Mr Levick tonight, will see what he says. I'm more than happy to go in again to get drained if that he will suggest.






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