Author Topic: NHS?? Dont make me laugh!  (Read 18374 times)

Offline Hustler

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Seems that so many people have had a good response from the NHS!... well, i first went to my 2 years ago and he simply played it down. When i moved house last year i also changed GP so i tried again.... he seemed to understand and so referred me to NHS treatment. 6 months later i at last got a response...... they were not gonna do it, not even a consultation!!! i expressed my dissatisfaction and was told they could apply for funding... well, i just got that letter too.... not even a consultation!!!!!

So, as for the NHS..... 2 years wasted trying to copy with this and now i have finally booked my private consultation in london for 26th april.

ffs... i have this condition quite bad, i have been with my current girlfriend for over 3 years and she STILL hasnt seen me with my shirt off!!!! i havent been swimming in 10 years!!! how bad does it need to get before our we start getting a return on our taxes????????

As you can tell i am so very bitter and feel totally let down.

Sorry for the rant, but i cant talk to anyone about it, so needed to get it off my chest (excuse the pun)!

Offline steve21

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Welcome to the boards hustler. Sorry to hear the NHS route isnt working for you (your not alone in recieveing dodgy treatment unfortunately). Get a few consultations and before you know where you are, it'll be sorted and you can move on with your life.

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Hi Hustler,

I think the vast majority of us hare have had poor treatment at the hands of the NHS.  Although I have been heartened to read recently of a few who seem to be having a little success with them.  But it’s often the case that you have to fight tooth and nail for any treatment and unfortunately the NHS are renowned for backing out at the last minute because of costs etc.

Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline Hustler

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Well thanks for the support, guys. I am really looking forward to my consultation, seems like i am at last on the road to do something about this. Not sure what im gonna say to my girlfriend yet when i tell her i am going under the knife.... guess i will think of something! lol

Offline outertrial

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Every health care professional I saw agreed that I needed the surgery and I still couldnt get anywhere in 18 months. You see someone, wait months for an appointment to see someone else, wait weeks for them to write a letter to another person, wait another few months for an appointment to see that person to find out what they thought of the letter and then find out that in the meantime some legislation has changed and your back to the beginning. I gave up and had it done in Spain by a surgeon who routinely does  gynecomasty surgery for Spanish people funded by the Spanish NHS

So much for living in the country with the highest GDP per head in the EU.

I would say that Im very grateful to my GP for being understanding and that really got me on the road to treatment but aside from the endo the rest of it was a total waste of time that actual cost me a fair amount in lost wages for the days I had to spend going back and forth for pointless visits to see plastic surgeons to give me consultations for operations they had no power to authorise.

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
i managed a fast appointment and then sent for a mamogram, and then told to wear a bra  :o

i quickly fcuked the nhs off and went to Poland and its the best thing i could have done :)
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity

Offline orion5

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I'm being offered surgery on the NHS 1 and a half years after notifiyng my GP. I've found the only way to get what you want is just not take no for an answer and make sure they know how much of an effect this is having on your mental state.

Offline stevo

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I went to see the doc last week (ist time I've ever been to the doctors in my adult life) I told him I was concerned about the breast tissue around my nipples.  The doc asked to have a look, so I lfted my shirt and showed him. Having inspected them for 30 seconds or so, the conversation went like this;

Doc: (In a foreign accent) 'You play sports...or....use the gym?'

Me: (Thinking he may be inplying that I need to work off the fat) 'Yeah I play football and use the gym reguarly'

Doc: 'You take steroids?'

Me: (I'm thinking he's taking the piss, I've got some muscle but blatently not the scale of a bodybuilder) 'No'

Doc: 'You sure?'

Me: 'Er....YES!'

Doc: 'You smoke hashish?'

Me: 'No'

Doc:(looks at me as if I'm lying to him)

Me: 'I get regular drug tests due to my job'

Doc:(Pauses for 10 seconds or so) 'They're quite normal, the  excess breast tissue quite often goes away eventually'

Me: 'This is not normal, I'm embaressed to wear tee shirts in the summer, I feel very self concious when playing football, and I get the mick taken out of me in the locker rooms at work..... I think its gyneocomastia'

Doc: (looks at me as if to say 'what the f*ck is gyneocomastia?!) 'Are you feeling depressed at the moment?'

I just about gave up at this point! I may try and get an appointment with another doc next week.  I'm thinking about trying to save for a private op, I've heard someone say that its best to get some tests done before hand to see if the problem is linked to your hormones...Does anyone know about this? if so what test should I be asking to have?

Best NHS in the world!? I dont think so, I can quite understand your rant Hustler!

Offline outertrial

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I've found the only way to get what you want is just not take no for an answer and make sure they know how much of an effect this is having on your mental state.

Not taking no for an answer and making sure they knew what effect it was having on my mental state practically sent me mental  :P

If you see another GP Steveo then they should give you blood tests to determine you dont have an abnormal hormone balance. They should also squeeze the sausage and beans  for testicular cancer (actually just the beans) . I was referred to an endocrinologist for the blood tests who told me that there was no chance that my hormones would be off and to come back in two months for the test results to be told same. Which I did and was.

Offline Hustler

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Well, i have finally had my consultation. i went to the london independant hosptial, saw Mr Moir.

Well, he said it is not gynecomastia! although i could be wearing a bra, and i am only a small guy, not fat. He said i just needed liposuction. He also said that gyncomastia does NOT have anything to do with glands. What the hell do i believe then? so many people on here have had dfferent stories!

Secondly, he said that as it was a much lesser procedure, it would be cheaper...... i got the price through today.... £100 cheaper!!!  i think i am getting ripped off here! £3500 for a small amount of lipo!!!! should i get a second opinion on what needs doing?

I am at my wits end

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
tell him to get lost as he doesnt know what he's talking about  :o
look for a reputable surgeon.

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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tell him to get lost as he doesnt know what he's talking about  :o
look for a reputable surgeon.

I heartily agree with the above.  I wouldn’t let that surgeon anywhere near me as he doesn’t appear to have even a rudimentary knowledge of gynecomastia.

A plastic surgeon who does gynecomastia reduction surgery regularly will know there are 2 types of gyne.

1.   Pseudo gyne, where the breast is made up primarily of fat deposits and the patient is usually significantly overweight.
2.   Glandular gyne, where the small amount of gland all males start out with has grown as a result of a hormonal imbalance.

For the price you were quoted (£3500) you could see experienced surgeons used by patients on this forum in Poland and Spain.  For a little extra (circa £4000) you could see Paul Levick in Birmingham who is probably the most experienced surgeon carrying out this procedure in the UK.

In your shoes, I would show the surgeon you spoke to, a clean pair of heels.   :)

Offline Hustler

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Well thanks guys, i appreciate your advice. I will be booking another appointment later today

Offline Hustler

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Well. after the advice given earlier, i have boked a consultation with Paul Levick at the priory for 15th may


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