Author Topic: 1 YEAR Post-Surgery by Mr Levick on 16-01-2014 : (98 photos)  (Read 39919 times)

Offline Donut

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I don't want to be counting chickens as I've had a long run of bad luck the past few years and don't want to tempt fate too much! ... but ... a few things are starting to fall into place work-wise, and *if* things work out ok then I'm hoping the next 6 months will see all the funds raised if im really frugal with everything else, which could mean getting the chop in the new year, well on way to recovery by next summer!  ;D

We shall see though!

*fingers crossed*

Offline jamie10

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Good luck! I am opting for BMI insurance. I'm guessing you would not be interested in that...

Offline Donut

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Unfortunately it's a case of 'cant get' rather than 'not interested' in BMI.

Wouldn't it be great if the NHS stopped wasting money on people's self-inflicted ailments and treated us poor sods who have this totally debilitating condition through no fault of our own? ... In fact many reports seem to be pointing to the vast amounts of dodgy hormones in our drinking water and meat supplies as being the cause of gyne cases rocketing in past decade or two.

Fact is if you're a heavy drinker / smoker, the NHS will gladly spend tens of thousands of pounds cutting your chest open to try and improve / extend your life... But a tea-total non-smoker with gyne? NOT INTERESTED. Why? - well, tea-total non-smokers aren't good business for the customs and excise are they? - gotta keep all those smokers and drinkers just well enough to keep on puffin' and swillin' though!


Think about it...

Offline jamie10

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Really? You tried applying, or are you not eligible? I would have thought most people would get accepted...

Offline Donut

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Not eligible...

But will be all the more satisfying when I finally get there, knowing it is 100% already paid for!

Offline jamie10

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Well my BMI application got rejected which sucks! I guess I will have to start saving but this means no surgery which I had booked for next week :( I might be saving for a while. Absolutely devastated by this...

Offline Donut

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Hey Jamie, sorry to hear about that... Must be gutted after psyching yourself up for surgery... But don't give up! - get saving, do a few bootsales, put some stuff you don't need or want on eBay, and it soon starts to add up  :)

Offline Donut

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Just managed to stuff another £100 in the piggy bank  :)

Kinda officially 1/3rd the way there then?

Offline Myers

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Great stuff Donut, you'll soon be there!

Offline Donut

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Things not gone too well past few weeks, problems with car etc. meant no saving and *almost* being forced to dip into 'the fund' - but managed to stick to my vow of not taking money back out the pot once its gone in, no matter what!
Just stuck another £20 in, first for a while, so hopefully be able to put more in soon.
Diet gone well though, back to 30/32 waist clothes and around 16-17% body fat and held at that for a good few weeks without too much trouble. Would like to reduce fat by a few more points, but not get too much thinner as don't want to be skinny... Think that means some proper training and stuff, which is alien to me!

Offline Myers

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Good work with the diet Donut, do you do any weight training at all?

Offline Donut

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Good work with the diet Donut, do you do any weight training at all?

In a word: No.

Tried to get into it a couple of times in the past, but after no visible results in a month, always given up. This has just been at home tho, not proper instructed training, so that's not helped of course. Would never set foot in a gym due to gyne, so nothing positive likely to happen until had op.

Offline Donut

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Another £75 in the piggy bank  ;D  still a long way to go tho...

... But keeping inspired by everyone's great stories and results!

Offline Donut

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Done a fair bit of extra work lately, also had a fair few extra bills like car tax and insurance  >:( but hoping to add a few hundred to the fund by end of this month... then of course Christmas will be looming, more expense!

Keeping inspired by everyone's progress and frustrated that its not my turn yet!! - though am liking the sound of Levick's new technique.

Offline Donut

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Added a nice chunk of money to the piggy bank today and another big chunk due next week that will break the £2k barrier! - so feeling quite optimistic at moment, though fund raising might grind to a halt again!


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