Author Topic: Effect of exercise (especially running, swimming) on gynecomastia  (Read 11527 times)

Offline amethyst tint

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I know that exercise generally doesn't make gynecomastia go away, but are there any risks that running, swimming, or other forms of exercise can make it worse? I like to run a few times a week, but I find that my chest can be a bit sore afterwards. Not a big deal - more of a mild ache than anything. But I'm worried that all the up and down motion might be aggravating the condition.

Offline Chicago

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Working out is good for your entire body. Being leaner might make the gyne more noticeable, but it doesnt "make it worse".

It sounds like you may be having a support problem (the reason women wear a sports bra/sports top). You might want to take a look into trying one, if its currently bothering you. There are plenty of options that are not super noticeable, especially under another shirt.

The benefits of being more fit definitely outweigh any self-consciousness of wearing something..

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Chicago could not have said it better.  Absolutely nothing wrong with exercise -- it will not make your gyne worse and may improve it slightly (if it is accompanied by weight loss).

Perhaps you might consider one of the firm athletic-type shirts that provide not only support but a better shape as well.  It might help with the up and down motion that you described.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
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Offline amethyst tint

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Thanks for your suggestions. Can you recommend a good brand name or two when it comes to supporting undershirts (for exercise and/or wear with other clothes)?

Offline Chicago

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Thanks for your suggestions. Can you recommend a good brand name or two when it comes to supporting undershirts (for exercise and/or wear with other clothes)?

If you look in the acceptance garments section, there is a lot of discussion and recommendations for undershirts. Both things like underarmour and then things made specifically for this issue.


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I know that exercise generally doesn't make gynecomastia go away, but are there any risks that running, swimming, or other forms of exercise can make it worse? I like to run a few times a week, but I find that my chest can be a bit sore afterwards. Not a big deal - more of a mild ache than anything. But I'm worried that all the up and down motion might be aggravating the condition.

Working out is good for your entire body. Being leaner might make the gyne more noticeable, but it doesnt "make it worse".

It sounds like you may be having a support problem (the reason women wear a sports bra/sports top). You might want to take a look into trying one, if its currently bothering you. There are plenty of options that are not super noticeable, especially under another shirt.

The benefits of being more fit definitely outweigh any self-consciousness of wearing something..

I work with many Athletes and Bodybuilders with Gynecomastia. Toning the body is great for shaping the muscles. However, many complain that as they build their muscles, what sits on top gets pushed out further. This is not gland growth, just making it more noticeable as the muscle gets bigger and the surrounding fat lessens making gland stand out more.

While tenderness and discomfort are Symptoms of Gynecomastia, they can also be the result of topical trauma. This has been another factor I have seen in many athletes. One of the consequences of the contour of gynecomastia is that the protrusion can be a source of irritation from fabrics. I have seen marathon runners with bloody shirts from the wounds that the friction caused:

I have seen other forms of trauma such as my weight lifter patients who were traumatizing their gynecomastia when resting the bar on their chest. There are many such examples I have seen over the years. Sore muscles after exercise are not the same issue and are an expected result of pushing muscles to build them.

When such tenderness is due to mechanical trauma, it is not the same as a red flag for hormonal forms of tenderness. Many of my patients have then tried Body Shaping Garments that eliminated the mechanical trauma issue by stabilizing the tissue.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline lezgetitdone

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I know people say how when they lost weight the gyne became more apparent,
but when I lost 50lbs I looked 10x better than at the previous weight.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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There you go -- proof positive that everyone loses weight differently and some men's gyne looks far better than others with the same amount of weight loss.  Welcome to the doctor's world!

On the other hand, there will always be some amount of residual breast tissue on the chest that doesn't respond to weight loss -- that is what will require surgery.

Dr Jacobs


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I know people say how when they lost weight the gyne became more apparent,
but when I lost 50lbs I looked 10x better than at the previous weight.

That is just how my patients tell me they feel after I advise them to lose weight first. This is particularly effective for global fat issue contours such as this patient Weight Loss Before Gynecomastia Surgery. Patients complaining that the gland showed worse as the fat went down tend to be those with very little body fat to begin with such as this Competition Bodybuilder with Gynecomastia.  Yet a third variation is the individual who loses a major amount of weight with gynecomastia. These patients tell me that they feel and look so much better, but a loose skin component and remaining gland are still factors bothering them.  What they all have in common is that they tell me they felt much better having lost the weight.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Thanks for your suggestions. Can you recommend a good brand name or two when it comes to supporting undershirts (for exercise and/or wear with other clothes)?

Dude... check out your local sports supply store (National Sports/Sport Mart etc...). They'll have a good selection of athletic compression shirts available... UnderArmour is a well known brand...

Good Luck!

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Offline Dr. Cruise

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There are several good compressive support wear for men with gynecomastia. Spanx is a good example.
Dr. Cruise
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Newport Beach, CA 92660
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I lost a ton of weight at one point, and I can say that it helped a lot.  It didn't go away entirely, but it was hardly noticeable most of the time.


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