- 1. Fat Flaps vs. Fat Injected for Chest Sculpture
- 2. Puffy Nipple dilema
- 3. 1 year post-op
- 4. Gyno Reoccurance
- 5. Post-Op 'Puffies'?
- 6. Follow-up surgery for puffy nipples
- 7. Dr. Bermant or surgeon question...Dent
- 8. question about drains after surgery
- 9. Getting Excision done again?
- 10. How do you know you need a revision?
- 11. Dr. Delgado VS. Dr. Bermant
- 12. Just had Lipo surgery today, second surgery
- 13. Healing slower the second time
- 14. over lipo area
- 15. 3 days revision post op pics
- 16. going for revision 4 months post-op
- 17. Only had excision done the first time
- 18. too much lipo?
- 19. revision for puffy nipple
- 20. definitely need another surgery
- 21. Post Op Scar Tissue Problem
- 22. Can scar tissue be removed in a revision surgery???
- 23. My Revision
- 25. Revision question / problem / dilemma
- 26. Revision surgery to correct indentation
- 27. Question about Purse String for Dr. B
- 29. Question for Dr. Bermant...puckering, concavity
- 30. Question regarding GLAND EXCISION - HOW MUCH TO REMOVE? Dr. B? anyone?
- 31. How much gland to remove?
- 32. Second sergury after 4 months
- 33. Revision Surgery in 2 Weeks
- 34. Revision Surgery next week. Question for Dr Bermant, or anyone
- 35. had revision surgery 2 days ago
- 36. Alloderm-fill in crater from cadaver?
- 37. massaging
- 38. Fat Transfer Procedure - has anybody had this done?
- 39. Surgeons
- 40. Revision Costs
- 41. how to avoid revision?
- 42. In office revision Anyone do local?
- 43. Surgery gone wrong -- advice please
- 44. percentage that get revision surgery
- 46. How many of you had to do it four times? Check my pics.
- 47. Bermant Revision Gynecomastia Surgery - New Resources Added
- 48. why do we have to pay for revision surgery ???
- 49. After sugery mine still looks big
- 50. Had surgery in July... not happy with the results
- 51. 4 months post op...
- 52. How to fix indentation, and question about compression vest...
- 53. Some help maybe?
- 54. Tamoxifen??
- 55. Why does surgery fail?
- 56. Concave Depression at lower end of chest.
- 57. Revision Post-Op Thoughs - Had my revision feb 13th
- 58. Remaining tissue
- 59. Well shit, I think I might need revision surgery
- 60. Had gyno surgery but no lipo...
- 61. Clarification About Puffy Nipples Post-Op!
- 62. To any Dr, or whoever about revision *Revision COMPLETED
- 63. Revision Question(s)
- 64. Had revision 2 days ago
- 65. My 4 year struggle :( Finally a revision consultation at St georges .
- 66. Pain
- 67. After Many Years and Two Operations... I Think I Have Finally Won the Battle!
- 68. Surgery 9 years ago, looking for revision
- 69. Inverted nipple correction several years after initial surgery?
- 70. 6 months 1 week post op, not happy at all please read
- 71. 2nd surgery??
- 72. Slight puffiness/loose skin after surgery (about a year later)
- 73. Surgery on Aug 18th
- 74. Anyone know about the injection?
- 75. 1 year post Liposuction, need revision for crater deformity and contouring.
- 76. A question to DR. Bermant
- 77. Need advice! Had 1 surgery didn't work. Dr. want's to do another one
- 78. I am happy with my doc
- 79. SUrgeons for revision
- 80. Stitching of the areola
- 81. Too Much Gland left
- 82. Revision under local
- 83. failed fat graft..PLEASE HELP!!!
- 84. My second surgery - please advice on what you think (right nipple-problem)
- 85. Need revision surgery 2years post op
- 86. Skin removal
- 87. Tender nipples for two years and considering second surgery.
- 88. Going back for second surgery and wanted some advice
- 89. Recurring gynecomastia - dr. Rajagopal vs Bermant vs Delgado
- 90. Post-Surgery and still puffy
- 91. medical records
- 93. Next step to normal nips
- 94. Surgery results were horrible! I'd like to get myself fixed. Doctors? Advice?
- 95. Pec Implants for Creater Deformities
- 96. Local Revision
- 97. Dr...how "easy" is areola reconstruction?
- 98. nightmare gynecomastia surgery help please?
- 99. Gyne Chest Revision Question
- 100. surgeon didnt remove all the gland, going to have to go for a second op!
- 101. Re: Recurring gynecomastia
- 102. are touch ups always included with the intial surgery fee?
- 103. ATTN DR`s, Should i get an areolar reduction with my revision???
- 104. Sh!ttin ... Revision time :(
- 105. crater horror with nipple depression
- 106. revision pics and question
- 107. Post operation procedures available?
- 108. Touch Up Surgery
- 110. Post op questions
- 111. Dr. Question. I need revision surgery, but is it even possible?
- 112. Revision in Australia?
- 113. Would like your thoughts (Pics)
- 114. gynecomastia gone bad! please help!
- 115. Confused about consultation
- 116. not satisfied with surgery, question??
- 117. Revision Surgery
- 118. In BC
- 119. Do you think my gyne may be coming back?
- 120. Should i get free revision surgery?
- 121. Why are there 3 times as many threads and posts in "Revision Surgery"?
- 122. Advice From A Doctor
- 123. gynecmastia came back after surgey
- 124. Another Question for the Docs
- 125. 1 1/2 years post surgery.
- 126. Revision 1 st week of Novembar
- 127. Going For revision on the 29
- 128. Gland removal revision surgery under local anesthesia
- 129. Revision Needed? (4 months post op) *Pics Included*
- 130. Getting a second surgery...
- 131. My scenario.
- 132. scar, puffyness, muscle displacement after surgery <see my pics>
- 133. second surgery
- 134. Going back for seconds...
- 135. Botched/Ineffective surgery. Should I wait? Or Do it Again? PLEASE PLEASE HELP
- 136. Kenalog
- 137. 2nd revision
- 138. 40 Days after 2nd surgery
- 139. Is there help for me??
- 140. surgery complete
- 141. sur
- 142. revision surgeries and their cost....
- 143. Do YOU think I need a revision? *pics included*
- 144. Hard Decision, opinions?
- 145. hypertrophic scars and glandular tissue side of chest
- 146. Possible 3rd time with surgery.....
- 147. having surgery after 50
- 148. Unsure what to do next..
- 149. Revision question for dr. bermant or for those who have had revision with him
- 150. My Story, need input
- 151. Is a second surgery worth it?
- 152. Chest still feels wierd 3 years after surgery
- 155. i got liposuction only done on my chest. but now i want to get excision
- 156. a guess on price of just excision and local anthes.
- 157. is it okayy to have a revision surgery 5 months post operation?
- 158. Pectoral Implants to Correct Gynecomastia?
- 159. Revision surgery 4 mos. Post-Op
- 161. revision 3 months post op
- 162. anyone who has had gland return or info
- 163. Revision Surgery Questions
- 164. Do I need to have a revision done?
- 165. Surgery... AGAIN!
- 166. 6 Months Post Op - Could Revision Surgery Help? (with pics)
- 167. Do you need to pay twice??
- 168. Crater Revision With Dr. Bermant
- 169. Is there anyway to make this better? (pics) Please Help
- 170. Revision surgery costs?
- 171. kenalog Shot or Revison?? pictures included. MORE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!
- 172. Reconstructive surgery for areola?
- 173. If the results are unsatisfactory can corrective surgery be done?
- 174. 2nd surgery
- 175. Revision surgery: will excision only suffice?
- 176. Any guys here who did fat grafting/transfer to the chest?
- 177. Need advice about botched nipple
- 178. Quick Q re: puffy nip revisions after previous lipo or on slim patients?
- 179. Done surgery for the second time.. MUCH better.. But blood clots?
- 180. advice please
- 181. Someone Please Help Me!
- 182. Considering a revision
- 183. Here we go again... Revision Surgery
- 184. Correction of Gynecomastia Surgery - Indented Nipples
- 185. 6 months out. What type of revision do I need?
- 186. Considering a revision
- 187. Scar tissue and injection therapy with pics
- 188. Going back for a second round in a few weeks
- 189. Revision Injection? Anyone ever try this?
- 190. Butchered?
- 191. Revision Surgery tomorrow... PICS.... Is this Gland, Loose skin, crater ??
- 192. Did Lipo Only, Need your opinion - Pictures
- 193. Is a revision possible for my condition?
- 194. Revision Puffy Nipple Scar Tissue
- 195. Can this even be salvaged??
- 196. Would a revision surgery be worthwhile? Surgeons opinion sought... (pics inside)
- 197. 11 weeks post op... Considering revision
- 198. revision needed after poland op & botox shots
- 199. Crater revision covered by OHIP
- 200. Revision Surgery -- Need Input
- 201. Has anyone had revision surgery/procedures they're happy with?
- 202. Revision surgery -- for the second time.
- 203. post op result scare
- 204. The strange case of the incurable Gynecomatia?
- 205. Ugh...I need to go back again?!?
- 206. Fat replacement for craters via fat injections, grafts or flaps? Please help Drs
- 207. Not happy with results
- 208. dr. eric batchelor out of pleasenton.. excellent work, highly reccomend.
- 209. A very tricky case ?
- 210. undermining of the surrounding tissues to allow the areola to settle down
- 211. first excision, then for revision only lipo
- 212. Only excision no lipo..now need revision >:(
- 213. Fingers crossed. But as always, there's paranoia involved.
- 214. so i got the dreaded keloid (i think could be hypo) AND a crater formation..
- 215. question about fat grafting (can any doctor help)
- 216. Back to Square one -6.5 months after second surgery
- 217. revision excision under local anesthesia anyone?
- 218. reoccurence help???
- 219. Scar Tissue
- 220. anyone have revision lipo only after first time was excision only? results
- 221. 3 years on
- 222. Crater Deformity - Surgery Done from India needs Rivsion - Pls Suggest.
- 223. Getting Revision Done Right
- 224. Physical reasons for doing surgery
- 225. revision questions
- 226. Seriously considering revision after ten years...
- 227. Time between revisions - is there a rule?
- 228. REVISION SURGERY IN NYC: my story...
- 229. Do I require revision?
- 230. Considering revision (before and after initial surgery pics)
- 231. So desperate for a revision
- 232. New revision gynecomastia surgery website
- 233. Been a while - going in for a revision
- 234. poor results after surgery
- 235. Left side unbalanced
- 237. Has anyone undergone revision for CRATER deformity ?
- 238. Compression after revision surgery?
- 239. planning on going for revision
- 240. Revision + some questions! Please help
- 241. 3 days after revision
- 242. revision with dr lista-?charge
- 243. 2nd Puffy Nipples Surgery With More Experienced Surgeon
- 244. Not satisfied - What to do? (pics)
- 245. Revision Surgery in NYC
- 246. Is crater with gland possible?
- 247. Question regarding revision
- 248. going for revision surgery in vancouver
- 249. Please recommend a physician for revision with skin excision.
- 250. Post Op - Result...!!!
- 251. unilateral revision
- 252. Do I need a second surgery?
- 253. Nipple lift. Advise needed. Pics included
- 254. Really unhappy today advice needed ...What would you do?
- 255. Dr. Fielding Revision Surgery Question
- 256. Second revision/ third surgery questions....
- 257. when is too late for cortisone injections?
- 258. Crater revision! Help (pics)
- 259. Gyno returning
- 260. Displeased with results
- 261. *Is the Result Acceptable?*
- 262. do i need to let surgeon know i have had 2 gyno operations previoysly
- 263. Revision Question
- 264. Scar tissue blob behind nipple. (~1 yr post revision surgery w. Dr Lista)
- 265. Any photos of revision with fat transfer/fat grafting?
- 266. Bursa Crater Deformity - looking for UK fat FLAP surgeons?
- 267. What strength/mL of Kenalog is recommended?
- 268. How to avoid crater
- 269. What do I do here? Revision in the Orlando area?
- 270. How Common Are Revisions?
- 271. Do I need another revision? (before and after pics)
- 272. Had surgery 12 years ago
- 273. Worth getting surgery while still obese
- 274. 4
- 275. Crater deformities after surgery (pics)
- 276. Subcutaneous Mastectomy?
- 277. Crater deformity, what can I expect
- 278. Gyno returned again, this time 1 month post op - advice/guidance needed
- 279. Renuva injections for crater deformity
- 280. 1.5 years post op - potential revision?
- 281. Novel approach to over-corrected gynecomastia
- 282. Scar Revision (skin only, not internal) - anyone had experience with this?
- 283. Thinking about doing a second surgery
- 284. Dr. Lebowitz- curiosity
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Discussion for men going back for seconds or thirds to get it right
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