- 1. Gyne2
- 2. Bras
- 4. Partner Response
- 5. share your story
- 6. Is everybody happy ?
- 7. £££ for your story
- 8. XXY Men Gathering
- 9. This Folder
- 10. I love my girls !!
- 11. Re: Sex
- 12. check this place out...
- 13. MOVED: Anyone looked at it this way?
- 14. Expanding this section
- 15. Stand up, be confident
- 16. Stand Up Straight - Be Confident
- 18. Just got back from Doc...
- 19. Acceptance is Difficult
- 20. "a funny thing happened while my breasts were getting bigger..."
- 21. Didn't see this coming...but I really dig it!!!
- 22. I finally got the pics up........
- 23. Breast Growth Stories
- 24. When to tell someone . . .
- 25. Is lactation in men a myth? Has anyone ever produced milk?
- 26. Gay, overweight with gynecomastia.
- 27. My Own thoughts and Wonderings.....
- 28. Actually, I like bras
- 29. why the fuss?
- 30. cimetidine
- 31. Reality Check
- 32. Code of conduct and rules.
- 33. I accept my gyne and have come to like it
- 34. Building Confidence as a Young Person (that's Gay & in Therapy for BDD)
- 35. Don't hate yur moobs!
- 36. Gyne is the best thing that ever happend to me.
- 37. How to support breasts without bra
- 38. how to increase size of nips?
- 39. Back Ache.. >_<
- 40. My Actual Obstacle to Acceptance - and your responses...
- 41. You need a bra; parents; layering etc.
- 42. i hate when my breasts moves when i excercise
- 43. how do i make my breast bigger without pills and pumps?
- 44. Gyno-not that bad
- 45. Backache due to large breasts
- 46. Should I?
- 47. Natureday?
- 48. Need to take medication that is causing gynecomastia
- 49. I am not a Freak just because I accept Gynecomastia!!
- 50. Angelallen/Nomis50
- 51. knowing it?
- 52. I've started enlarging!
- 53. Acceptance???????
- 54. male tendencies
- 55. Life expectancy without hormone replacement?
- 56. Acceptance and being prepared
- 57. A Woman's Garment (Deuteronomy 22:5)
- 58. Breast Shape
- 59. My feelings
- 60. WTF happens to me ?
- 61. swimming?
- 62. "Men Of A Certain Age" on TNT
- 63. Dear users please make new threads
- 64. Growth spurt
- 65. Swimming
- 66. Acceptance
- 67. I have to say
- 68. Sick and tired...
- 69. A Little Bit of Humor ...
- 70. So...what do i do?
- 71. Interesting reads from wikipedia
- 72. Acceptance is worth it
- 73. SPANKY -- Am I crazy?
- 74. AM I CRAZY?
- 75. lupron induced growth
- 76. Is "Acceptance" the right word?
- 77. Similar to me
- 78. Later in life onset of gynecomastia
- 79. If you have breasts are you suppose to wear a bra?
- 80. An effective way to hide "Gyno"
- 81. Beta blockers as a cause for gyno
- 82. Molesting/violated
- 83. Gyno Trifecta
- 84. physical and psychological impacts
- 85. I enjoy my breasts - How do I get my family to accept them
- 86. thoughts on gynecomastia
- 87. hi my short intro
- 88. Using of a bra
- 89. My life experiences and process leading to acceptance of breasts, part 1
- 90. My life experiences and process leading to acceptance of breasts, part 2
- 91. Acceptance is the right word
- 92. MOVED: Best surgery procedure for this gynecomastia
- 93. I am in shock!
- 94. Suspenders? Who would have thought?
- 96. Somewhere Near Acceptance
- 97. Gynecomastia discovered on CT scan
- 98. Made the Decision
- 99. Acceptance
- 100. Cause of Breast Pain
- 101. Acceptance and Enjoyment
- 102. First mammogram
- 103. Next wave of gynecomastia in older men
- 104. Bra fitter who is willing to help advise gyne sufferers
- 105. Story of how I learned I have Gynecomasita and my eventual Acceptance
- 106. Breast MRI
- 107. What reactions have girlfriends/wifes had
- 108. More than acceptance
- 109. HELP! Surgery in South America?
- 110. Experiencing additional breast growth
- 111. My story
- 112. Accepted? Most Likely.
- 113. Just the way things are...
- 114. Maybe not having testosterone treatments is a good thing?
- 115. Diagnosed One Year Ago - A recap on what I have experienced
- 116. 90 year old man on finasteride growing breasts
- 117. Wish they would finish growing
- 118. I am bigger then I thought!
- 119. Sun tans and breasts
- 120. I refused to accept normal.
- 121. I'm moving on with my choice
- 122. Some thoughts about man boobs...
- 123. Fat deposits around the hips.
- 124. My acceptance
- 125. Weight loss and estrogen?
- 126. What An eye Opener!
- 127. My New Doctor and a Mammogram
- 128. Needing Encouragement
- 129. Hot flashes, sore nipples and itching
- 130. Gynecomastia Liberation Front - helping them put the eyeballs back in
- 131. Well I went and did it - first mammogram
- 132. Some research facts which might be of help
- 133. Help
- 134. Looks like the site was hit by a Bot
- 135. What does acceptance mean to you?
- 136. An Introduction and a question
- 137. Bra Fitting - alternative
- 138. Properly Measuring Yourself
- 139. GF issues
- 140. Padded bra or not?
- 141. Mood swings
- 142. How to accept?
- 143. Breasts and hips and butt
- 144. Breast size changes and losing weight
- 145. Married. Taking a stand and wearing a bra more often
- 146. Amazing People
- 147. new member
- 148. Medical
- 149. No longer mad about Gyne
- 150. A Website of Bras for Men Only
- 151. Keeping Breasts Healthy?
- 152. Intro and a Question
- 153. Wifely Worries
- 154. learning to accept my gyno, but still want to mask/conceal it some - help?
- 155. Under breast rash
- 156. Cooper ligament?
- 157. Thank you
- 158. Do we really need to wear a bra
- 159. New here
- 160. What size did it become noticable and when did you accept it
- 161. Joining the ranks of men with breasts
- 162. Acceptance - Better Boobs Than Dead
- 163. That moment, the one where you realize......
- 164. Mammograms
- 165. I need an urgent talk
- 166. Cosmos Clinic- Double Bay
- 167. Massive breasts...lactating.. HATE them .. love them .. feeling fucked. Help.
- 168. Hey dudes
- 169. Survey on developing and living with gynecomastia
- 170. I've accepted what I am.
- 171. Where did those come from?
- 172. Effecst of testosterone replacement therapy on gynecomastia
- 173. Compression Shirts
- 174. asymmetrical breasts
- 175. Another one bites the dust... (An Introduction)
- 176. Increased Incidence?
- 177. Getting wife and family to accept
- 178. Hot weather
- 179. Coming to terms with gynecomastia
- 180. Possible answers
- 181. Experiencing additional growth
- 182. Am i the only one
- 183. Breast are only a problem if you make it a problem
- 184. Women have done all the hard work
- 185. My new book
- 186. My first bra fitting
- 187. Growing and accepting
- 188. My first bra, first pic, first post
- 189. Breast Vacation
- 190. Junior High
- 191. Chickened Out
- 192. Gynecomastia and thyroid cancer and introduction
- 193. Comments lead to acceptance
- 194. Mowing the back yard in a bra
- 195. Have we lost membership
- 196. A big thanks to...
- 197. Sun bathing
- 198. Mammogram last Friday.
- 199. Need more professional doctors
- 200. Taking acceptance to the next level
- 201. This advertisement popped up in my youtube feed today...
- 202. Starting to accept
- 203. Mammograms
- 204. New Dead Period
- 205. My Story and Photos
- 206. Gyno on Display!!
- 207. Do you ever feel "out there"?
- 208. Got noticed and I was a bad boy
- 209. Aussie Political Leader and His Chest
- 210. "Sensations of feeling"
- 211. The Board
- 212. Just a thought about the need for Gyne Solidarity
- 213. Total Acceptance
- 214. A Rant Is Coming On
- 215. To bra, or not to bra
- 216. Why not?
- 217. Introductions
- 218. Loving my new breasts
- 219. mammogram
- 220. What Does "Acceptance" Mean to You?
- 221. Larger than spouse
- 222. Gynecomastia rating/grading system
- 223. Best type or brand of bra to buy?
- 224. Life's Curves
- 225. My Story
- 226. Breast uniformity
- 227. Good Bye
- 228. Happy holiday
- 229. I guess I have come back.
- 230. First Doc Visit
- 231. Happy Holidays
- 232. Breast Growth???
- 233. Your new breast and how you dress
- 234. Mood swings regarding breasts
- 235. Chat
- 236. Hasn't anyone got anything to say?
- 237. After 1 year, finally accepting what i might have.
- 238. Hunker Down
- 239. Still wearing a bra during the Covid 19 outbreak
- 240. 15 - dealing with my breasts
- 241. Do I Need a Bra?
- 242. More than just acceptance
- 243. Farewell
- 244. At last account delete appears to work
- 245. my breast life
- 246. Accepting and discovering
- 247. Breast timing
- 248. Long time coming
- 249. Female friends
- 250. Poll: Have you ever done this?
- 251. No new breast growth
- 252. Son with Gynecomastia
- 253. A return and a Thought on Fathers' day
- 254. Time to admit it
- 255. A Wife with big, BIG Surprise!!
- 257. Thank you for being there for us
- 258. Time to share my pics
- 259. Tips for boob pain relief?
- 260. Side boob pain
- 261. Hair
- 262. Why accept?
- 263. Hello
- 264. New Here
- 265. Size after weight gain/loss
- 266. Odd thought
- 267. Greetings to all... New here.
- 268. Acceptance via showing
- 269. Another newbie
- 270. Being positive
- 271. Nipple growth
- 272. 6 steps I recommend after acceptance
- 273. Deeper pains, growth?
- 274. Have we got a bit off track?? Do we risk alienating prospective members?
- 275. Guess what?
- 276. How old were you when you first tried wearing a bra?
- 277. Country check
- 278. Something we may not have considered
- 279. DW20 CHANGE OF id to "TWO FRIENDS"
- 280. With trepidation, I suggest it really can be simple to have accord
- 281. Why we should encourage new visitors to try a bra
- 282. I love my gynecumastia. Anyone else?
- 283. FIRST AND/OR LAST POST - up to you
- 284. Are Masculine Men in Danger of Becoming an 'Endangered Species'?
- 285. Gyno, Clothing, Masculinity and femininity.
- 286. What prompted you to try your first bra?
- 287. balanced take on same subject not wishing to be redundant here....
- 288. Taking it in great stride an humor.
- 289. Any one else concerned about the forum?
- 290. Shaving underarms
- 291. 20 year old in bra
- 292. Well presented boobs are better and more comfortable than attempts to hide
- 293. How important was discovering a bra to your acceptance
- 294. Hormone levels
- 295. Posture correction
- 296. Sister sizing
- 297. My eyes are up here
- 298. I'm growing again
- 299. Merry Christmas
- 300. Happy New Year
- 301. Day One
- 302. First day of wearing a bra to work
- 303. Decided to try a bra
- 304. Disappointing reaction from Mrs.
- 305. Family
- 306. It’s been quiet
- 307. Interesting
- 308. Who enjoys needing to wear a bra
- 309. Miss them!
- 310. Wearing a bra for now
- 311. Just had my first mammogram
- 312. Looking for advice on what to say if your support garment is noticed
- 313. Grooming A Hairy Back
- 314. What Do You Enjoy Most?
- 315. Have you noticed any other guys wearing a bra
- 316. question
- 317. A reintroduction
- 318. Gyno First advice
- 319. Came out to my wife
- 320. Reintroduction
- 321. Strange Comments
- 322. Newbies-Suggestion for getting best out from forum
- 323. cooler temps, more concealing bras
- 324. First Time Outing Wearing A Bra
- 325. Who suffers most.
- 326. Cutting edge
- 327. Bending Gender Norms, awearness
- 328. Truth is stranger than fiction...
- 330. bras
- 331. Do you feel more or less conspicuous in a bra?
- 332. Gyno's not funny but let's not lose our sense of humour
- 333. Acceptance and Enjoyment
- 334. What are you going to do with them?
- 335. Bras: Utilitarian vs Fashion
- 336. Initial feelings from trying a bra for the first time
- 337. I feel that it's time
- 338. Hypothetical! What would you do in case of breast cancer?
- 339. Acceptance, starts within.
- 340. Bralessness
- 341. Pain behind my nipples
- 342. Holiday Humor
- 343. Bigger Breasts
- 344. Vent.
- 345. The Struggle Is Real
- 346. Shame to Embarrassment to Toleration to Acceptance to Appreciation to ?
- 347. Growing again - post surgery
- 348. Great Brassiere Adventure
- 349. Uneven breasts & frustration with acceptance
- 350. From complex to acceptance
- 351. Convincing wife
- 352. The Rock - Gynecomastia
- 353. Couldn't resist returning with a bit of humour
- 354. Quote from the late actress Jill Clayburgh
- 355. Thank you for helping me to start accepting
- 356. How can schools help students with gynecomastia?
- 357. We are not victims
- 358. buying bras
- 359. Like Women
- 360. Do you like wearing a bra
- 361. Accepting and Enjoying my breasts
- 362. They've grown on me
- 363. Post removed by the user!
- 364. Just a shout out. A thank you.
- 365. Are You Surprised at the Size of Your Breasts?
- 366. The Bare Journey article
- 367. Article saying women are not the only people with breasts
- 368. acceptance vs Christianity
- 369. Klinefelter's syndrome and gynecomastia
- 370. Breasts - A documentary
- 371. Male Feminization
- 372. Humans are humans.
- 373. Uk guy - 1st time here and finally accepting…
- 374. Guess I'm a part of the club
- 375. German Railway allows gender neutral uniforms
- 376. Inner Self - Inner Feelings
- 377. "I Love my Bra!"
- 378. Could it all be down to your wife or partner?
- 379. Anyone else?
- 380. Happy Thanksgiving
- 381. A different perspective
- 382. I suppose.......
- 383. Androgyny
- 384. It is official, I’m just fat
- 385. Setback
- 386. Holiday season
- 387. Body image
- 388. My breasts have turned into a kink
- 389. Thread shift
- 390. Gynecomastia and cartoons
- 391. Wife Acceptance of My Shape
- 392. A return - and reflection
- 393. Itching Associated With Wearing a Brassiere
- 394. Wearing a bra does not define us
- 395. I am pleased, but..... / Any thoughts?
- 396. springtime, warmer days thinner shirts
- 397. What is your dream?
- 398. Do you see people staring at your chest?
- 399. Bra size calculator doesn't work for me
- 400. What's your story?
- 401. Estrogen effects much more than just your bust.
- 402. How do you keep them concealed?
- 403. Have you found your zone? Completely accepted things?
- 404. Changing my attitude
- 405. PS. Last rites
- 406. Improvements
- 407. What are your measurements?
- 408. I love my boobs 😍
- 409. What ChatGP AI Has to Say About Accepting Gynecomastia
- 410. It's a bit ironic
- 411. The estrogen path
- 412. Just a simple thanks
- 413. Lateral direction 🤔
- 414. A slightly different shopping experience
- 415. Divine sense of humour
- 416. Reading older posts.
- 417. The so called "hostile takeover"
- 418. Heartless bullying needs to stop!
- 419. Transgender But Not Transitioning
- 420. What does acceptance means to you?
- 421. Be careful….
- 422. Are There Voyeurs Among Us?
- 423. What Is It About Wearing A Brassiere That You Like?
- 424. Accepting myself
- 425. Hello all!
- 426. This morning at the supermarket
- 427. Problems with safety belt
- 428. Summer at Dresden (Germany)
- 429. Different levels of comfort
- 430. Glad to be back and wondering
- 431. An apology 😒
- 432. Maybe time to get fitted
- 433. Beyond......Has the time come?
- 434. The saddest quote I have ever seen and a plea
- 435. Crossdressing?
- 436. Stretch Marks
- 437. Mail order company with bras for men
- 438. The Difference between Wikipedia in English and German on Gynecomastia and Bras
- 439. I'm full of self acceptance, but...
- 440. Men and Breasts
- 441. Introduction
- 442. Hello
- 443. Surprised Acceptance
- 444. Sigmund Freud: "Anatomy is Destiny" (1924)
- 445. The Cogiati Test
- 446. Estrogen tears
- 447. Getting past your teen years, how have we managed?
- 448. Other cases of gynecomastia in the family or among relatives?
- 449. Males Staying Males
- 450. Importance of This Website
- 451. New Study of Male Feminity Addresses Gynecomastia
- 452. Bra style changes in taste?
- 453. Mammograms
- 454. This is me
- 455. Introducing myself
- 456. New Risk FActor
- 457. Other stuff, maybe due to estrogen, that we haven't discussed yet.
- 458. Ramble about my inner glow.
- 459. Accepting parents
- 460. Nice to be back
- 461. Crossdressers Excited by Their Gynecomastia
- 462. Enlargement
- 463. How things have progressed
- 464. Illusions?
- 465. Why We Remain Estrogen Dominant
- 466. Our Brother? Our sister? One of Us...
- 467. Who knew?
- 468. Wearing a bra or not - A personal choice
- 469. Enjoy Most When Braless
- 470. Others embarrassed when you are not
- 471. Female neighbor gently commented...
- 472. Why not shave?
- 473. Wide hips? Wiggle in the walk?
- 474. Acceptance by your spouse
- 475. Gynecomastia?
- 476. Language on Forum Sections
- 477. 1st time posting
- 478. Thank You
- 479. Never discussed my breasts
- 480. Sensitivity
- 481. Still here
- 482. Night Support, posture corrector
- 483. Aerolas growing?
- 484. A Bit Nervous
- 485. PM's ?
- 486. Length of growth and pain
- 487. Hi friends
- 488. Breast Cancer Awareness Month 🎀
- 489. German Docu "Befreite Brüste" (liberated breasts) (English subtitles possible)
- 490. Hate/Love. Love
- 491. Cleavage
- 492. Stages
- 493. Feeling shame and embarrassment
- 494. Pheromones and body odor
- 495. Happy Thanksgiving 2024!
- 496. Middle-aged man in bra department
- 497. Creaking underwires anyone?
- 498. Kindred Spirits
- 499. Year End Review
- 500. I love having boobs!
- 501. First Post, and thanks for the advice everyone
- 502. Intersex
- 503. Hiding becomes more difficult
- 504. First Post
Pages: [1]
This is a place for the men that have come to accept or even celebrate their breasts to exchange information and support.
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